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Distributed e-Learning Environments 1 st Learning Grid SIG Workshop March 14 2005 Vico Equense (NA) Pierluigi Ritrovato

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1 Distributed e-Learning Environments 1 st Learning Grid SIG Workshop March 14 2005 Vico Equense (NA) Pierluigi Ritrovato

2 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org2 Structure of the Talk  The Kaleidoscope project  Aim  Activities  SIG Facts  The Vision  The Research Programme  The Expected Outcomes  The Participants  SIG Performed Activities  Performed Activities Summary  Released Deliverables  Focus on…  Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning  The Observatory on Learning GRID  The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments  The SIG Web Site  Plans for 2005

3 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org3 ò Kaleidoscope “Concepts and methods for the future of TEL”  Bridges between educational, social and cognitive sciences and technologies have a pragmatic existence (they work “together”) but a weak foundation what results in:  fragility of interdisciplinary research on TEL  difficulty to learn from the projects  lack of clear grounds for the evaluation of TEL  contingent transfer to R&D  “Learning”, “Knowledge, “Teaching” have different meaning across the different TEL culture and different national organization  Need for a shared understanding of the differences and commonalities at a conceptual and methodological level, across disciplines, across cultures and research practices

4 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org4 Key challenges for the development of an European Research Area on TEL  To establish processes which enable academic research to share a common reference  To understand, formulate and address the intrinsic complexity of research on TEL at both a computational and an epistemological level  To build with producers, providers and users a vision of the research needed ten years ahead To ensure the best understanding of basic research on TEL for a more efficient transfer to industry and a better users appropriation  To strengthen the image of what research in TEL is in the academic world at large and for decision making bodies at a political level

5 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org5 Integration SIG : Special Interest Groups ERT : European Research Teams Backbone VDS : Virtual Doctoral School SVL : Shared Virtual Lab ATA : Advanced Training Activity JEIRP : Jointly Executed Integrating Research Projects Academy-industry digital alliance Users’ Group  Enhanced Learning… o CSCL / Inquiry learning / Learning at work/ …  Advanced technologies o learning Grid / Semantic web / Mobile support / …  Participatory design  Assessment and evaluation  Epistemology of TEL Kaleidoscope Activities to leverage research integration

6 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org6 Structure of the Talk  The Kaleidoscope project  Aim  activities  SIG Facts  The Vision  The Research Programme  The Expected Outcomes  The Participants  SIG Performed Activities  Performed Activities Summary  Released Deliverables  Focus on…  Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning  The Observatory on Learning GRID  The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments  The SIG Web Site  Plans for 2005

7 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org7 The Vision  Contribute to the achievement of a breakthrough in European (e-)learning practices …  … with the creation of open, distributed and pervasive environment for effective human learning …  … where learning is a social activity consumed in dynamic Virtual Communities based on communications and collaborations …  … and learners, through direct experiences, create and share their knowledge in a contextualized and personalized way

8 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org8 The Research Programme  Definition of challenging scenarios for distributed service-oriented e-learning  Analysis of technologies and definition of an approach for creating distributed, service-oriented e-Learning environments  Analysis of learning paradigms able to exploit distributed, service-oriented e-learning environments  Definition of an evaluation methodology to assess the efficacy and the effectiveness of distributed, service oriented e-learning models and environments 2004 2005 2006 2007

9 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org9 The Expected Outcomes (4 years)  The GRID technologies for TEL handbook including:  distributed service-oriented e-learning scenarios  an evaluation of different technologies and the definition of a methodology for creating distributed service-oriented e- learning scenarios  Analysis of the learning paradigms able to exploit distributed, service-oriented e-learning environments  An evaluation methodology able to assess the efficacy and the effectiveness of distributed, service-oriented e-learning models and environments  Establishment of an observatory on GRID technologies for learning  Dissemination Activities (workshops, round tables, seminars/tutorials)

10 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org10 The Participants  SIG Leader  Pierluigi Ritrovato Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Italy  Steering Group Members  Giovannina Albano DIIMA, University of Salerno, Italy  Nicola Capuano Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Italy  Atanasi Daradoumis Open University of Catalunia, Spain  Agathe Merceron Engineering School Leonard de Vinci, France  Lydia Montandon ATOS Origin, Spain  Fionn Murtagh Queen's University of Belfast, UK  Alexandra Poulovassilis London Knowledge Lab, UK  68 Participants: see listsee list

11 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org11 Structure of the Talk  SIG Facts  The Vision  The Research Programme  The Expected Outcomes  The Participants  SIG Performed Activities  Performed Activities Summary  Released Deliverables  Focus on…  Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning  The Observatory on Learning GRID  The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments  The SIG Web Site  Plans for 2005

12 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org12 Performed Activities Summary  Research  Definition of a Shared Research Programme  Definition of Scenarios for Distributed Service-Oriented e- Learning  Establishment of an observatory on GRID technologies  Dissemination  Establishment of the Learning GRID SIG Web Site  Publication of a quarterly newsletter  Organization of the 1st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments  Meetings  Kick-Off Meeting 11 March 2004  1st Learning GRID SIG Annual Meeting 14 March 2005

13 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org13 Released Deliverables  Year 2004  D12.1.1 : Learning GRID SIG shared research programme  D12.1.2 : JEIRT 1 definition and proposal  D12.2.1 : Detailed Workplan (V1)  D12.2.2 : Web site and information sharing instruments  D12.2.3 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.1  D12.2.4 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.2  Year 2005  D12.2.5 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.3

14 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org14 Structure of the Talk  SIG Facts  The Vision  The Research Programme  The Expected Outcomes  The Participants  SIG Performed Activities  Performed Activities Summary  Released Deliverables  Focus on…  Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning  The Observatory on Learning GRID  The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments  The SIG Web Site  Plans for 2005

15 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org15 Defined Scenarios  Open University of Catalonia:  Using GRID computing for processing and analyzing information from on-line collaborative learning teams  School of Computer Science Queen’s University Belfast  Parallel Computing Cooperative Learning  A Collaborative Research Environment  Ecole supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci Département de génie Informatique  Collaborative lab  A distance programming course based on practice

16 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org16 Observatory on Learning GRID 1/2  The main dissemination mean is a quarterly newsletter  Three numbers of the SIG Newsletter released till now  Four Featured Articles  GRID for Dummies by Giuseppe Laria  A Vision about the Learning GRID by Damian Mc Randal and Theo Dimitrakos  Virtual Learning Communities by Nadia Romano  Pedagogical Models for VLC by Giovannina Albano

17 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org17 Observatory on Learning GRID 2/2  Four Surveyed Research Projects  ELeGI, Diogene, GRASP, Akogrimo  Seven Surveyed Enabling Technologies  OGSA, Web Services, IMS Simple Sequencing, IMS Learning Design, Web Service Resource Framework, OWL, OWL-S  Several News and Events reported  Past issues can be found on the Kaleidoscope Web site and on the SIG web site  Next issue: April 2005

18 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org18 The SIG Web Site 

19 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org19 Structure of the Talk  SIG Facts  The Vision  The Research Programme  The Expected Outcomes  The Participants  SIG Performed Activities  Performed Activities Summary  Released Deliverables  Focus on…  Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning  The Observatory on Learning GRID  The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments  The SIG Web Site  Plans for 2005

20 www.noe-kaleidoscope.org20 Next Deliverables  Year 2005  D12.1.4 : Learning GRID SIG Shared Research Programme (V2)  D12.1.5 : Proceedings of the 1st Learning Grid SIG Workshop  D12.1.6 : Survey on Service Oriented Frameworks for e-Learning  D12.2.6 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.4  D12.2.7 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.5  D12.2.8 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.6  JEIRT proposal "Requirements for e-learning Knowledge and Semantic Grid"  Year 2006  D12.1.7 : Learning GRID SIG Shared Research Programme (V3)  D12.1.8 : Proceedings of the 2nd Learning Grid SIG Workshop  D12.1.9 : Course Material on Distributed Architectures for e-Learning  D12.2.9 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.7  D12.2.10 : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.8

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