Strong scattering of light in silicon nanowires formed by metal-assisted chemical etching A. Efimova Moscow State M.V. Lomonosov University, Physics Department.

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1 Strong scattering of light in silicon nanowires formed by metal-assisted chemical etching A. Efimova Moscow State M.V. Lomonosov University, Physics Department Nanomeeting2005, Minsk, 26—29 May, 2015 A. Tkachev A. Eliseev D. Presnov V. Timoshenko T. Nychyporuk Yu. Ryabchikov

2 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Why MACE silicon nanowires?  Why MACE silicon nanowires? What for?  APPLICATION What’s different? What’s new? What’s novel? What’s peculiar? PROPERTIES LINEAR OPTICS EXTREMELY LOW or EXTREMELY LOW or HIGH REFLECTION  How comes?

3 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Just a simple, reliable and cheap procedure 1. Ag nanoparticles deposition onto Si substrate in the aqueous solution of AgNO 3 2. Ag nanoparticles-assisted chemical etching of Si substrates in the aqueous HF and H 2 O 2 solution 3. Ag nanoparticles removal by rinsing in concentrated HNO 3 Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) First formed in the middle-1960s by vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) technique Metal-assisted chemical etching - MACE

4 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 V. Sivakov, F. Voigt, B. Hoffmann, et al. Wet - Chemically Etched Silicon Nanowire Architectures: Formation and Properties // Nanowires - Fundamental Research – 2011, p. 45-80. V. Sivakov, S. Christiansen. Novel discovery of silicon // J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 2012. V.7. N6. P. 583-590. К.В. Буньков, Л.А. Головань, К.А. Гончар и др.. Зависимость эффективности комбинационного рассеяния света в ансамблях кремниевых нанонитей от длины волны возбуждения // Физика и техника полупроводников – 2013. Т.47. В.3, С. 329-333. Columnar Prismatic Bunched Pyramidal Tilted Zigzag Cotton-like Flaky Structure: Si(100) and Si(111) What are MACE SiNWs?

5 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015... What’s peculiar? - Variety of individual SiNW shapes - Variety of SiNW lateral dimensions BUT - Dense arrays of SiNWs with comparable lateral dimension and interwire space - Free of catalyst contamination

6 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Low reflection at normal incidence  Black silicon Pyramidal shape, thin layers PROPERTIES: Low reflection at normal incidence  Black silicon STRUCTURE: Pyramidal shape, thin layers, p.A286-A292 J.-Y. Jung, Zh. Guo, S.-W. Jee, et al. A strong antireflective solar cell prepared by tapering silicon nanowires // Optics Express – 2010. V.18. N103, p.A286-A292 Bunched Tapered c-Si Black silicon

7 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 High reflection Columnar shape, thick layers PROPERTIES: High reflection in Near-Infrared STRUCTURE: Columnar shape, thick layers A=1–T–R 15-20% increase in R Entirely diffuse c-Si substrate

8 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 STRUCTURE: What’s peculiar? Lateral dimensions Columnar wires 1 m1 m SEM Interwire space 1 m1 m SEM Inner channels 100 nm TEM, SEM Surface nanostructures 5–10 nm TEM 8 1 m1 m1 m1 m 1 m1 m1 m1 m What are SiNWs under study?

9 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Radiative transport equation&Diffusion approximation: Applicability - a media  - Radiative transport ls generated a media  - Light diffusion is generated before absorption  - Light diffusion is generated in a restricted layer  - Scatterers are pointwise and independent  How comes? PROPERTIES: How comes?

10 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Diffusion approximation: Diffuse reflectance. Statics Types of variables 1) Table:  substrate 2) Directly measured: L, R d 3) Obtained from the interference fringers n eff in the effective medium spectral range: n eff 4) Calculated: z 1,2 ( n eff,  substrate ), 5) a 5) Estimated or got from photoacoustics:  a Infinite media (solid line) and a layer of the thickness L in the air (dash line), L = 5l tr O. L. Muskens, J.G. Rivas, R.E. Algra, et al. Design of Light Scattering in Nanowire Materials for Photovoltaic Applications // Nano Letters – 2008, V.8, N.9, p. 2638-2642. How comes? PROPERTIES: How comes? Transport mean free path to be extracted

11 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Transport mean free path of light. Static results Transport mean free path value meets the demands of diffusion approximation  0,  m 1.250 0.800 1000 cm 12  m L,  m 8 24 8 l tr  m

12 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Diffusion approximation: Time-resolved reflection. Dynamics Cross-correlation function Cr 4+ :forsterit laser ultrashort pulses (60 fs), repetition rate 80MHz At long times

13 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Transport mean free path of light: Static and dynamic results L = 24  m,  = 1,250  m Statics Dynamics

14 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Conclusion Conclusion The reflection of thick silicon nanowire layers in the near-infrared range below and above the band gap is well understood by assuming the diffusion-like radiative transport in silicon nanowire array.

15 Minsk, 26-29 May, 2015 Stone Forest of Shilin Thank you for your attention

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