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Presentation on theme: "Homeostasis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeostasis

2 Objectives Discuss the importance of homeostasis
Explore how negative feedback systems work Work through specific feedback systems used to maintain blood glucose and body temperature

3 It Is All About Balance…
All living things must react to their environment to survive Homeostasis regulated stable state; constantly adjusting Unicellular direct contact with world Multicellular ??? Most internal cells do not have direct contact ECF (extracellular fluid) Plasma Tissue fluid

4 Types of Adjustment What are the two ways an organism can change?
Regulators adjust to resist environment and maintain a stable state Warm-blooded animals (thermo regulators) Conformers adjust to match environment to maintain their stable state Cold-blooded animals (thermo conformers) Either method, what things must be regulated in all living things? Concentration of nutrients, O2, CO2, waste, water, NaCl, pH, and plasma Temperature

5 Types of Homeostasis Complex organisms require multiple levels of homeostasis to stay alive Cells maintain this own homeostasis but must work together in a complex organism Local homeostatic controls organs/tissue adjusting to demands Stomach maintains pH low enough to work but not low enough to hurt stomach Systemic homeostatic controls organs regulate other organs Hypothalamus (part of brain)

6 Feedback Systems: Key to Homeostasis
Negative feedback keep homeostasis regulated most of the time Stimulus environmental change Receptor senses stimulus (input) Integrator compares information from sensor to set point (normal level) Effector response from integrator (output) Example: It is cold in this room Stimulus cold Receptor temp. sensor in heater (18oC) Integrator computer compares temp. sensor to set point temp. (25oC) Effector heater turn on until room is 25oC

7 Homeostasis In Living Things
We are not perfect machines; homeostasis always fluctuates around a set point What is the average pulse rate of the human heart? 60 Beats/min 60 beats is our set point; but you rarely get 60 beats/min Fluctuate above and below 60; average out to set point

8 Feedback Loops: Blood Glucose
Glucose is major source of energy (respiration) Regulated by two hormones and negative feedback inhibition Glucagon promotes breakdown of glycogen to release glucose; happens when hungry or during exercise Insulin lowers glucose levels in blood after eating by Diabetes cannot regulate glucose because defective or missing insulin

9 Regulating Blood Glucose
You study all morning; running low on energy Blood glucose is too low!! Hypothalamus tells pancreas to release glucagon; glycogen glucose Blood glucose back to normal LUNCH TIME!! You eat and digestion breaks starch into glucose Blood glucose too high!! Hypothalamus tells pancreas to release insulin; liver, muscles, fat tissue absorb glucose Repeat all day!

10 Layers of the Skin What is the job of the skin? Hair/Fur:
Protect the body Stop pathogens from entering Prevent water loss Detect changes in temp. and pressure Detect pain Regulate heat loss Hair/Fur: Cold weather hair stand up to help trap air around skin Hot weather hair lays flat to limit air around ski Fat layer insulates body against cold

11 Feedback Loop: Body Temp
What is the homeostatic point for body temp? 37oC In hot weather: Skin sends info to hypothalamus Vasodilation arteries expand to release heat by radiation Sweat glands salty sweat evaporates from skin which cools you down

12 Feedback Loop: Body Temp (part 2)
In cold weather: Skin sends info to hypythalamus Vasoconstriction arterioles shrink to keep Sweat glands stop producing sweat Shivering muscle contractions burn ATP to generate more heat

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