Steve Callahan Survived 76 Days in a Life Raft. Life Before the Shipwreck  Born in 1952 (that makes him 63)  In high school, he taught himself to navigate.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Callahan Survived 76 Days in a Life Raft. Life Before the Shipwreck  Born in 1952 (that makes him 63)  In high school, he taught himself to navigate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Callahan Survived 76 Days in a Life Raft

2 Life Before the Shipwreck  Born in 1952 (that makes him 63)  In high school, he taught himself to navigate from the stars and began sailing and helping to build boats.  After college, he did repair work on boats and began designing and building them.  Taught yacht design.  Always loved to sail and even built his own boat.

3 Shipwrecked - 1983  Steve set sail on the Atlantic ocean in his own boat, the Napoleon Solo. He had been out for many weeks and was headed home.  One night during a storm, his boat was hit by a whale and sank. Before he got into the life raft, he was able to get a few supplies, such as water, spear gun, sleeping bag, and some food.

4 76 Days Adrift - 1983  He was always thirsty because his solar stills only produced 20 ounces of water per day.  On day 10, he was able to catch some fish.  On day 44, he speared a dorado and it ripped a hole in the life raft. Steve had to spend most of his time keeping the raft afloat.  He also ate seaweed and crabs that floated by.  His raft attracted fish and other animal life. He called them his doggies.  He was very depressed. He battled skin sores from being so wet and rubbing the raft.  He was rescued on day 76 by fisherman off the island of Marie Galante. They saw birds circling in the sky – a sign of fish in the water.  He had lost 40 pounds and had to be hospitalized for several months.

5 After His Rescue  Steve returned to ship building and never hesitated to sail again. He has sailed over 80,000 miles!  He was married to Kathleen Massimi who shared his love for sailing and together they have sailed all over the world and even lived on boats.  He wrote Adrift about his survival. He also wrote Capsized, about four men who survived in an overturned boat for 119 days.  He worked as a consultant for the movie Life of Pi.  Raced several boats in transatlantic races.  Designed and developed new life rafts that can sail.

6 Sources  Website:  Article: atlantic-76-days atlantic-76-days  Article: shipwreck shipwreck  Website: http://www.stevencallahan.net  Article:,,20084604,00.html,,20084604,00.html

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