1. Arterial & venous thrombi. 2. Normal venous valve function.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Arterial & venous thrombi. 2. Normal venous valve function."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Arterial & venous thrombi

2 2. Normal venous valve function

3 3. Causes of turbulent flow

4 4. Recanalization of organizing thrombus

5 5. Propagation of venous thrombus

6 6. Collateral circulation prevents some infarctions

7 7. Thromboembolus formation

8 8. Thromboembolism

9 9. Massive pulmonary thromboembolism

10 10. Pathways for thromboemboli

11 11. Anticoagulant/fibrinolytic therapy

12 12. Arterial wall

13 13. Venous wall

14 14. BP maintenance

15 15. Renin-angiotensin system (RAS)

16 16. Treatment of hypertension

17 17. Common sites for plaque formation

18 18. Atheroma showing calcium, cholesterol, foam cells, ulcer & thrombus

19 19. Pathogenesis of plaque

20 20. Low density lipoproteins (LDL)

21 21. Cholesterol metabolism

22 22. LDL & atherogenesis

23 23. Risk factors

24 24. Coronary artery stenosis

25 25. Plaque embolism

26 26. Saccular & berry aneurysms

27 27. Dissecting aneurysms

28 28. Thrombophlebitis

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