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Cardiovascular System. Consists of: 1. Heart 2. Blood vessels Situated: In the mediastinum Medial = towards middle Sternum = central bone in between ribs.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular System. Consists of: 1. Heart 2. Blood vessels Situated: In the mediastinum Medial = towards middle Sternum = central bone in between ribs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular System

2 Consists of: 1. Heart 2. Blood vessels Situated: In the mediastinum Medial = towards middle Sternum = central bone in between ribs (breastbone)

3 Functions Pump oxygen enriched blood into blood vessels & onto all body tissues. Collect blood low in oxygen from the body & pump it to the lungs to get more oxygen pg 30

4 Heart OrganRootCombining Form ExampleMeaning Heartcardicardi/ocarditis

5 Anatomy of heart 4 chambers: 1. Upper - left atrium & right atrium - receive blood from body & lungs 2. Lower - left & right ventricles - pump blood to the body & lungs  Septum divides left and right sides of heart

6 Anatomy (cont’d) 3 layers 1. Epicardium - outer layer 2. Myocardium – muscular middle layer 3. Endocardium – inner layer NB: pericardium – sac that surrounds heart pg 31

7 Heart valves Stop blood flowing backwards  Tricupsid valve– between right artrium & right ventricle  Mitral valve– between left atrium & ventricle  Aortic valve – between left ventricle & aorta

8 Blood vessels Arteries – carry blood away from heart to body & lungs Veins – bring blood form body & lungs back to the heart Capillaries – tiny blood vessels and connect arteries to veins where O 2 & CO 2 is exchanged

9 Word components OrganRoot word Combining form ExampleMeaning Blood vessel Vasvas/o, vascul/ocardiovascularrelating to heart and blood vessels angiangi/oangiogramX-ray of a blood vessel Veinvenven/ovenogramX-ray of a vein Phlebphleb/ophlebitisinflammation of a vein Arteryarterarteri/o, arter/oarteritisinflammation of an artery arteriovenousrelating to both artery and vein pg 32

10 Blood circulation Occurs in a figure 8 Blood Pressure systolic reading - pressures on arteries during contraction diastolic reading – pressures on arteries on relaxation  Sphygmomanometer – instrument that measures Blood Pressure (abbrev - BP)


12 Coronary circulation Although heart is continually pumping blood it needs its own blood supply for the heart muscle to work arteries and veins supply heart with blood rich in oxygen take away blood low in oxygen ie coronary circulation pg 33

13 TERMROOT WORDSUFFIX Angiogram Meaning Phlebotomy Meaning Cardiology Meaning Cardiomegaly Meaning Aortorrhaphy Meaning

14 Diseases & Disorders Angina pectoris Arrhythmia Bradycardia Cardiology Embolism Endocarditis Ischaemia pg 34

15 Abbreviations ABE – Acute bacterial endocarditis ABG – Arterial blood gas AMI – Acute Myocardial Infarction CABGs – Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts CCF – Congestive Cardiac Failure ECG - Electrocardiogram

16 Symptomatic Terms Cyanosis Angiospasm Arrhythmia Ischaemia tachycardia

17 Diagnostic Terms Aneurysm – ballooning of an artery Angina pectoris – pain in centre of chest Atherosclerosis – hardening of arteries due to fatty deposits Coarctation – congenital narrowing of aorta Hypoxia – lack of oxygen in tissues Mitral stenosis – narrowing of mitral vavle Thrombophlebitis – inflammation of wall of vein with assoc.blood clot

18 Operative Terms Anastamosis Atherectomy Cardiectomy Defibrillation Endarterectomy transplantation

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