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Animal Kingdom. Heterotrophs Multicellular and eukaryotic with no cell walls Invertebrates –95% of all animals –No backbone or vertebral column.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Kingdom. Heterotrophs Multicellular and eukaryotic with no cell walls Invertebrates –95% of all animals –No backbone or vertebral column."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Kingdom

2 Heterotrophs Multicellular and eukaryotic with no cell walls Invertebrates –95% of all animals –No backbone or vertebral column

3 Vertebrates 5% of all animals Have a backbone Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals

4 What Animals Do To Survive Feeding –Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detritivores –Filter feeders –Symbiotic relationships Respiration –Diffusion vs. organ system to respire Circulation –Diffusion vs. circulatory system Excretion –Pumps water out of body vs. organs (kidneys) Response –Arrangement of nerve cells Movement –Sessile vs. motile –Muscles Reproduction –Asexual vs. sexual

5 Trends in Animal Evolution Cell specialization and levels of organization Cells  tissues  organs  organ systems

6 Body symmetry: arrangement of body structures –Radial: body divided into equal halves –Bilateral: body divided into equal two halves (left and right sides)

7 Cephalization: sense organs and nerve cells at front end of body

8 Body cavity: fluid-filled space b/w the digestive tract and body wall Where you find internal organs Acoelomate: no body cavity –Digestive tract found throughout the body Pseudocoelomate: space develops b/w body cavity layers –1-way digestive tract Coelomate: completely surrounded fluid-filled space

9 Phylum Porifera Means “pore-bearers” Tiny openings (pores) all over body Sessile (do not move) Simplest type of animal Has spicules: spike-shaped structure made of calcium Filter feeders Ex: sponges

10 Phylum Coelenterates (Cnidaria) Means “hollow gut” Soft bodied, carnivorous Have stinging tentacles around mouth –Stinging cells inside tentacles Ex: hydra, jellyfish, sea anemone, coral

11 Phylum Platyhelminthes Flatworms (flat body) 3 embryonic germ layers Acoelomates (no fluid-filled body cavity) Ex: tapeworms, Planaria, flukes

12 Phylum Nematoda Roundworms Parasitic, free-living Unsegmented Pseudocoelom (false coelom) Digestive tract with 2 openings (mouth and anus) Ex: Ascaris, hookworm, Trichenella, Filaria

13 Guinea Worm

14 Phylum Annelida Segmented worms Body has a lot of segments Has true coelom Tube within a tube digestive tract Ex: earthworms, leeches, polychetes

15 Phylum Mollusca Means soft-bodied Have internal or external shell Foot, mantle, shell, visceral mass

16 Univalves 1 shell Ex: snails, conchs, slugs

17 Bivalves 2 shells held together by powerful muscles Ex: clams, oysters, mussels, scallops

18 Cephalopods Means “head-foot” Ex: octopus, squid, nautilus, cuttlefish

19 Phylum Arthropoda Segmented body Tough exoskeleton (made of chitin) Means “jointed-leg” Undergo molting and metamorphosis

20 Arachnids 2 body segments 8 legs Ex: spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites

21 Crustaceans Live only in water Chewing mouthparts called mandibles Ex: crayfish, lobster, crabs, shrimp

22 Insects 3 body segments –Head, thorax, abdomen 6 legs Ex: flies, bees, grasshopper

23 Myriapods A lot of legs Ex: centipedes, millipedes

24 Phylum Echinodermata Means “spiny skin” Internal skeleton Water vascular system Tube feet (suction-cup like structures) Ex: sea urchins, starfish, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, brittle stars

25 Ch. 26-34 Review #1 1.Invertebrates that have no coelom lack a a.Heartb. Body cavityc. digestive tractd. mouth 2. Invertebrates with mirror-image left and right sides have ___. a. bilateral symmetryc. unilateral symmetry b. bifunctional symmetryd. radial symmetry 3. Describe the general characteristics of the animal kingdom: a. Prokaryotic or eukaryotic?c. Uni- or multicellular? b. Autotrophs or heterotrophs?d. Have a cell wall?

26 Fish Body Temperature: cold-blooded (ectotherm) Fertilization: external Body covering: scales Limbs: fins Respiration: gills Method of reproduction: lay eggs in water Aquatic animals Streamline shape 2-chambered heart

27 Jawless Fish Jawless (Agnatha): lampreys, hagfish

28 Cartilaginous Fish Cartilaginous (Chondrichthyes): sharks, skates, rays

29 Bony Fish Bony (Osteichthyes): lobe-finned, lungfish, ray-finned

30 Amphibians Body Temperature: cold-blooded (ectotherm) Fertilization: external Body covering: smooth, moist skin Limbs: 4 webbed feet) Respiration: lungs and skin Method of reproduction: lay eggs in water

31 3-chambered heart Goes through metamorphosis (tadpole  frog) Ex: Caecilians, frogs, salamanders, newts, mudpuppies

32 Reptiles Body Temperature: cold-blooded (ectotherm) Fertilization: internal Body covering: dry, scaly skin Limbs: 4 (feet with claws) Respiration: lungs Method of reproduction: lay eggs on land

33 Terrestrial 3-chambered heart Hard-shelled eggs (amniotic eggs) Ex: turtles, snakes, crocodiles, alligators, tuatara

34 Birds Body Temperature: warm-blooded (endotherm) Fertilization: internal Body covering: feathers Limbs: 4 (2 wings, 2 legs) Respiration: lungs Method of reproduction: lay eggs on land

35 4-chambered heart Hollow bones (makes lightweight) Toothless beak Amniote egg Ex: swimming, raptors, perching, flightless, wading

36 Mammals Body Temperature: warm-blooded (endotherm) Fertilization: internal Body covering: skin with hair Limbs: 4 Respiration: lungs Method of reproduction: give birth to live young 4-chambered heart Nurse young Large, well-developed brains

37 Monotremes Monotremes  egg laying –Duck-billed platypus, spiny anteater

38 Marsupials Marsupials  pouched –Kangaroo, opossum

39 Placental Mammals Placental  young in uterus nourished by placenta –11 orders –Ex: humans, horses, cows…etc.

40 Animal Behavior Behavior: what an animal does in response to a stimulus –Ex: environment, feeding, mating Innate behavior: inherited behavior –Reflex  automatic response to a stimulus (no conscious control) –Fight-or-flight response  gets body ready for greater activity Automatic response (controlled by hormones and nervous system)

41 Instinctive behavior: involve more complex actions –Courtship behavior: males and females carry out before mating –Territory: physical space an animal defends against other members of its species Uses pheromones to mark territory

42 Aggressive behavior: used to intimidate another animal of the same species Dominance hierarchy: different levels of dominant and submissive animals –Pecking order

43 Circadian rhythm: 24 hour, light-regulated sleep/wake cycle of behavior –Controlled by genes Migration: rhythms that occur on a yearly or seasonal cycle –Seasonal movements of animals

44 Hibernation: body temperature drops, oxygen consumption decreases, breathing rate drops to conserve energy Estivation: state of reduced metabolism in high heat environments

45 Learned Behavior Habituation: animal is repeatedly given a stimulus not associated with punishment or reward Imprinting: form social attachment to another object Trial-and-error learning Motivation Classical conditioning  learning by association Insight  using previous experiences to respond to a new situation

46 Ch. 26-34 Review #2 1.The process of fertilization in which adults release eggs and sperm into surrounding water is called ___. a. asexual reproductionc. internal fertilization b. asexual fertilizationd. external fertilization 2. The process in which eggs are fertilized inside the body of a female is called ____. a. internal fertilizationc. external fertilization b. asexual fertilizationd. asexual reproduction 3. What does an ectotherm use to warm up? 4. Egg-laying mammals are called ____.

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