JUST LISTED JUST SOLD May 26, 2006 FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989.

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1 JUST LISTED JUST SOLD May 26, 2006 FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989


3 WHO Sphere of Influence Potential Clients Homeowners Non-Occupied Owners Investors FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989

4 WHAT Postcard (3 x 5, 4 x 6, 7 x 9) Keep it simple, Easy to Read “Just Listed or Just Sold” Address, Price (optional), Your Phone Number, Web Address, Other Listings/Solds (optional) Color Flyer Basic MLS Flyer or Actual Marketing Flyer Newsletter Regular marketing material FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989

5 WHY  Marketing Strategy  Promised the Seller  Name Recognition  Develop Relationships  More Potential Business  Future Listing Tool and Presentation FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989

6 WHERE General area of the home General area of the home Zip code, Thomas Guide, 1000’s Specific Neighborhood or Subdivision Specific Neighborhood or Subdivision Area of newer homes, Recognized area 100’s Particular Model Home or Builder Particular Model Home or Builder Popular floor plan or Brand name builder 50’s Exact Street or Cross Streets Exact Street or Cross Streets Potential neighbors that “don’t” drive by FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989

7 WHEN As Soon As Possible As Soon As Possible Lead time to produce your postcards or flyers. Label, stamp, mail, etc. Most Effective Within 2 Weeks Most Effective Within 2 Weeks No longer than 4 weeks right after the listing or sale of the home. FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989

8 HOW Through Your Favorite Title Company Through Your Favorite Title Company Easiest method, no mess, no hassle Third Party Company Third Party Company Personal Marketing Co. Do-It-Yourself Do-It-Yourself Microsoft Word, Publisher FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989

9 FINAL POINTS Good Contact Phone Number Good Contact Phone Number Simple and Creative Simple and Creative More Pieces Mailed, More Return More Pieces Mailed, More Return Consistent Consistent If you do Just Listed, then do Just Sold! If you do Just Listed, then do Just Sold! Budget Budget Leverage Your Marketing Piece Leverage Your Marketing Piece FONG Real Estate Trusted Since 1989

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