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Elite theory of democracy

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1 Elite theory of democracy
In every society there is a class of people which is though small in number but has more control over political power. The power belonging to this class occupy command offices and provide leadership in ruling affairs of the society and this class of the people is known as elite

2 Characteristics of political elites
Small in number Organised Open entry Monopoly over political power Open competition among different elite groups Conscious of their interests Absence of absolutism

3 Main features of the elitist theory of democracy
Inevitability of political elites in every society In every society there are two classes Iron laws of oligarchy Democratic method of appointing and dismissing the policy makers Plurality of elites Leadership is necessary for democracy Government of the people and by the people ia a mere myth

4 In democracy elections are elections of elites
Non participation of people in policy making Circulation of elites Faith in government by experts and not by the people No special importance is given to ideology

5 Criticism of elitist theory
Lack of faith in common people It is conservative theory Elites can not maintain equilibrium in society This theory is silent about democratic society This theory gives no importance to ideology This theory gives no importance to man Leaders are given undue importance This theory does not give due importance to public opinion

6 This theory is against the principle of social and economic equality
What should be the basis of political elite Protection of the interest of capitalism

7 References Aggarwal R.C., Principles of Political Science, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, 1976. Badyal, J.S, Political Theory, Raj Publishers, 2012, Jalander. Garner James Wildford, Political Science and Government, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1951. Gauba O.P, An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan Publisher, Delhi, 2009.

8 Heywood Andrew, Political Theory An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, New Yeork, 2005.
Misra K.K & Iyengar Kalpana. M, Modern Political Theory, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, Ray Amal, Political Theory Idess and Institutions, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1988 Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1989.


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