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Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School Raising Achievement Plan 2013 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School Raising Achievement Plan 2013 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School Raising Achievement Plan 2013 2014

2 Achievement To ensure fully effective use is made of the school’s data tracking system to identify those pupils who may be falling behind, and setting work that is matched closely to their needs and accelerates their learning. (Ofsted 2013) To enhance the quality of teaching so that more is outstanding. This will lead to all pupils making at least good progress and maximising their achievement (Ofsted 2013)

3 Teaching To ensure marking in books tells pupils what they have done well and what they need to do next in order to improve.(Ofsted 2013) To introduce the new RE syllabus ensuring progression of study and good attainment. To develop outdoor learning so that pupils participate in at least one outdoor session per week. To develop the provision of IT software to enable effective delivery of the new IT syllabus. To start a rolling programme of improvement of IT hardware.

4 Behaviour and Safety To ensure positive attitudes towards behaviour and safety including e-safety through the development of a behaviour code based on our core Christian Values To address on-going recommendations from the annual health and safety audit.

5 Leadership and Management To extend learning facilities to include a hall, a purpose built EYFS classroom, a small group working space and additional hard play area. To develop the senior leadership team to ensure that all Ofsted and Government recommendations are addressed.

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