Marion County High School Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America.

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Presentation on theme: "Marion County High School Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marion County High School Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America

2 Human Scavenger Hunt Share answers Keep in notes!

3 FCCLA Family Career Community Leaders of America

4 Central Focus FAMILY


6 Flower Red Rose

7 National Publication

8 Colors RED and WHITE

9 Week Valentine’s Week

10 STAR Events Students Taking Action for Recognition

11 National Officers 10

12 Membership Eligibility Any student who has ever taken an FCS course! YOU!!!

13 Established 1945 Future Homemakers of America Restin, Virginia

14 Purposes 1.To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life. 2.To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society. 3.To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community. 4.To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony.

15 Purposes, cont. To promote greater understanding between youth and adults. To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities. To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today’s society. To promote Family and Consumer Sciences Education and related occupations.

16 Cluster Meeting November 11-13, 2011 - Minneapolis, Minnesota November 11-13, 2011 - Denver, Colorado November 18-20, 2011 - Atlanta, GA

17 National Leadership Meeting Orlando, Florida

18 Creed We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values. For we are the builders of homes, Homes for America's future, Homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair, Homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams. We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope.

19 State Info Region: Central 1 st state to charter 14 regions in our state (1-15, no 7) Each chapter may run 2 for region. Each region may run 2 for state. 2 regional officer from Marion County

20 Regional Info Region 5 2 regional officers Officer Training during fall regional meeting, September 27 at Central Hardin High STAR Events will be at Grayson County High in January Officer Elections take place at spring regional meeting in Elizabethtown.

21 State Meeting Takes place at the Galt House in Louisville. STAR Event competitors and award winners may attend.

22 Dues $20 Covers national, state, region, chapter dues and t-shirt

23 Fundraisers Otis Spunkmeyer to pay to dues, cluster meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. Avon Doughnuts

24 Social Events Picnics, some with other CTSO Christmas Party End of year get together.

25 Community Service Share A Story Night Adopt a family for Christmas Beading for Autism


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