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Illinois Sports. Outline Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Soccer Volleyball.

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1 Illinois Sports

2 Outline Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Soccer Volleyball

3 Basketball The Chicago Bulls are the only professional basketball team in Illinois. They are not one of the best teams in the NBA. They picked up Derrick Rose, possibly the best player on their team. Their best player ever was probably Michael Jordan.

4 Football The Chicago Bears are the only professional football team in Illinois. As of right now the Chicago Bears are 4-3. They are 25 overall in defense out of the NFL.

5 Hockey The Chicago Blackhawks are in the western conference. In the Central division They have won the Stanley Cup and thirteen division titles since their founding in 1926

6 Baseball The Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox are the only professional baseball teams in Illinois. The Cubs was founded in 1870. The White Sox are in the Central division along with the Cubs.

7 Soccer The Chicago Fire is a soccer team for Illinois. They have won the 2000,2003, and 2006 U.S. Open Cups. The team was founded on October 8, 1997.

8 Softball The Chicago Bandits is one of the softball teams in Illinois. The 2008 player of the year was Stacy May. The rookie of the year was Rachel Folden. Chevrolet sponsors the bandits.

9 Summary There are many teams in Illinois, professional wise. The three main sports are basketball, football, and baseball. We also have hockey. We don’t have the best sports, but we’re ok. We have college teams but they’re not as well as people say they are.

10 Test Questions Who was the best basketball player that played for the Chicago Bulls? Who Sponsors the Chicago Bandits? When was the Chicago Cubs founded? When was the founding Of the Chicago Blackhawks? What month and year was the Chicago Fire founded

11 Websites Basketball: Chicago Baseball: Chicago Cubs. com and Chicago White Football: Chicago

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