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Evolution of the Tetrapods

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1 Evolution of the Tetrapods

2 Evolution of the Tetrapods

3 The Origin of Tetrapods
The first vertebrates on land were amphibians in the _________(400 mya) Arose from the rhipidistian (a family of lobed finned fish) (based on morhpology) or a lungfish (DNA)

4 Origin of Tetrapods

5 Classification Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata
Superclass: Gnathostomata Class: Amphibia Order: Urodela (Salamanders) Order: Anurans (Frogs and Toads) Order: Apodans (Caecilians)

6 Class: Amphibia Two lives refers to metamorphosis of many frogs
Skin smooth and moist (cutaneous respiration) _____ chambered heart with a double circulation system

7 Order: Urodela 400 species Salamanders Retain their tail as adults
Limbs are at right angles to the body Carnivorous Most have internal fertilization using a _____________ Axolotl - paedomorphosis

8 Order: Anurans 3500 species Frogs and Toads Lose their tail as adults
Hind limbs are adapted for jumping Tongue connected to front of mouth Secrete mucus __________ Fertilization

9 Order: Apodans 150 species Caecilians Legless and blind
Mostly Tropical __________ Fertilization Usually give birth to live young.

10 Gas Exchange

11 Conditions for Respiratory Surfaces
Large surface area Thin Moist

12 Aquatic vs. Terrestrial
Less than ____% oxygen Oxygen amounts decrease as the temperature increases Aquatic animals use large amounts of energy to obtain oxygen (____%) About _____% oxygen Developed invaginations to increase surface area and decrease evaporation Terrestrial animals may use only 1% - 2% of its energy to obtain oxygen

13 Gills Found in echino-derms, mollusks, annelids, arthropods, some vertebrates Countercurrent Gas Exchange

14 Countercurrent Gas Exchange
Maintains gradient over the whole length of the capillaries Extracts ____% of the oxygen from the water

15 Tracheal Systems

16 Diffusion Lungs Found in invertebrates
Gas moved primarily by diffusion may be increased by body movement Modifications snails - cavity with gill modified into lung scorpions and spiders - invaginations of the abdomen

17 Ventilation Lungs Found in amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds
Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli

18 Alveoli

19 Ventilating The Lungs _______ Pressure Breathing
pushes air down trachea seen in frogs and other amphibians ________ Pressure Breathing suction created by diaphragm seen in mammals

20 Negative Pressure Breathing

21 Evolution of the _________ Egg
Allows animals to complete their entire life cycle on land Has shell that retains water (or is lost when kept inside mammals) Specialized extraembryonic membranes (not part of the animal)

22 The Amniotic Egg

23 Evolution of the Amniotic Egg
Amnion - Protects from dehydration and mechanical shock Yolk Sac - Nutrient storage Albumin (egg white) - Nutrient storage Allantois - stores waste, gas exchange Chorion - gas exchange *** Good Essay….

24 Amniotes

25 How Reptiles differ from Amphibians
Tough, dry skin Amniotic egg Crushing or gripping jaws Copulatory organs More efficient circulatory system with a higher blood pressure More developed lungs (thoracic breathing) Better water conservation Better body support and limbs Better nervous system

26 Classification Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata
Superclass: Gnathostomata Class: Reptilia (not real) Class: Testudines (Turtles and Tortoises) Class: Spenodontia (Tuataras) Class: Squamata (Lizards and Snakes) Class: Crocodilia (Crocodiles and Alligators)

27 Reptile Radiation Synapsids (therapsids) - led to mammals Sauropsids
_________ (turtles) _________ (all others)

28 Class: Testudines (Chelonia)
Protective Shell Carapace (top) Plastron (bottom) Land and Sea -Evolved on land and returned to water (lay eggs on land) Largest, Leatherback Sea Turtle (2,000 lbs!)

29 Class: Testudines (Chelonia)
No _____ Most move legs to breathe TDS (low:male high:female)

30 Class: Sphenodontia ___________ Two living species (New Zealand)
Not a True Lizard (no external ears, different teeth) Very Primitive (similar to mesozoic reptiles Well developed eye below skin?

31 Class: Squamata Lizards terrestrial, burrowing, aquatic, arboreal
geckos, iguanas, skinks, chameleons terrestrial, burrowing, aquatic, arboreal moveable eyelids (in most) Paired copulatory organs

32 Class: Squamata Tongue usually not bifurcated
Lower jaw loosely connected to skull TSD (female to male) ______________

33 Class: Squamata

34 Class: Squamata

35 Class: Squamata Gila Monster – One of three poisonous lizards
Protein in saliva studied to treat diabetes.

36 Class: Squamata Snakes Lack limbs Lack moveable eyelids

37 Class: Squamata Bifurcated tongue _________ organ
Pit Vipers (Loreal Pits)

38 Class: Squamata Venom Viperidae (Folding Fangs)
Rattlesnakes Elapidae (Fixed Front Fangs) Cobras, Sea Snakes, Coral Snakes neurotoxic hemotoxic

39 Class: Squamata

40 Feeding Adaptations Teeth curved and pointed inward
Hinged __________ bone Bones of jaw are attached by muscles and ligaments Moveable palate Elastic skin No sternum

41 Class: Crocodilia Largest living reptiles
Most closely related to dinosaurs Complete secondary ________ Four chambered heart (?) Nest temperature (female/male)

42 Dinosaurs and Pterosaurs
Ornithischian Saurischian Pterosaurs flying reptiles

43 Animal Structure and Function
(4th exam)

44 Animal Nutrition

45 Nutritional Requirements
Undernourished not enough calories Overnourished too many calories ____________ missing one or more essential nutrients

46 Essential Nutrients Essential Amino Acids Essential Fatty Acids
Essential Vitamins Essential Minerals

47 Essential Amino Acids Found in proteins
20 different types 8 essential in adult humans (9 infants) all in animal proteins vegetarians need to eat grains and beans

48 Histidine __________ – Essential in infants

49 Essential Fatty Acids Unsaturated fatty acids
used to make phospholipids for membranes

50 Essential Vitamins Fat Soluble Water Soluble stored in fat ___________
excreted in urine B complex and C

51 Essential Minerals Inorganic nutrients Calcium & Phosphorous Iron
bones Iron anemia Iodine thyroid hormones Sodium, Chlorine, & Potassium nerve function, water regulation

52 Food Types Heterotrophic Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Insectivores

53 Feeding Adaptations Suspension Feeders

54 Feeding Adaptations Substrate Feeders

55 Feeding Adaptations Fluid Feeders

56 Feeding Adaptations Bulk Feeders

57 Intracellular Digestion
Inside cells All animals Exclusive in: Protista Porifera

58 Extracellular Digestion
Outside cells All animals above the sponges Two Types _________________

59 Gastrovascular Cavity
One opening Found in Cnidaria and Platyhelminthes

60 Alimentary Canal Two openings Allows for specialization Mouth Pharynx
Esophagus Crop Gizzard Stomach Intestine Anus


62 Mammalian Digestion Accessory Glands Peristalsis Sphincters “Food”
salivary glands pancreas liver (emulsification) gallbladder Peristalsis Sphincters “Food” bolus acid chyme feces

63 Macromolecule Digestion


65 Dentition and Diet Nonmammal vertebrates Carnivores Herbivores
canines (grasping/puncturing) incisors (tearing) molars and premolars (crushing and grinding) Herbivores Omnivores

66 Digestive Tracts Carnivores Herbivores ________ digestive system
small cecum Herbivores large cecum

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