Works Cited Lesson Ms. Martinez Teacher-Librarian AIM: How can I use Noodle Tools to properly cite the DATABASE and WEBSITE sources utilized in my research.

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Presentation on theme: "Works Cited Lesson Ms. Martinez Teacher-Librarian AIM: How can I use Noodle Tools to properly cite the DATABASE and WEBSITE sources utilized in my research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Works Cited Lesson Ms. Martinez Teacher-Librarian AIM: How can I use Noodle Tools to properly cite the DATABASE and WEBSITE sources utilized in my research assignment?

2 Do Now: What is the order of information for an MLA source citation for a website?. Last name, First name. "Article Title." Website Title. Publisher of Website, Day Month Year article was accessed. Web. Day Month Year article was published.

3 EasyBib Doesn’t Always Cite Right…

4 This is an example of a Works Cited page created using EasyBib. Can you spot the errors??

5 An automatic citation generator Create your Works Cited page For ALL websites used, input the required information for the website citation Once ALL sources are added to the Works Cited page, export to a Word Doc and print POLL: Who has used Noodle Tools before?

6 Creating a Works Cited page: Create a Noodle Tools account Follow the directions on the Noodle Tools Cheat Sheet When all source citations have been completed, export your Works Cited page to Google Drive or Microsoft Word and print!!

7 Author’s name = usually top of article or bottom of article (if in newspaper) Article Title = top and centered of webpage (also appears at beginning of website tab) Website title = BIG AND BOLD and at the top of the main page Publisher = usually at the bottom of the website next to the copyright symbol © Last name, First name. "Article Title." Website Title. Publisher of Website, Day Month Year article was published. Web. Day Month Year article was accessed.. Publication date = top or bottom or article, or if a “reference” source, often times simply use the copyright year (bottom of page) URL = the WWW!

8 Respond: What were the most difficult elements of the MLA website source citations to locate? How were you able to solve any issues locating required information?

9 OPEN THE WEBSITE OUTSIDE OF THE LIVEBINDER BY CLICKING ON THE LINK WHEN THE TAB IS OPENED!! The article title in this case will be the specific title of the specific page in which you researched your Greek mythology figure. In most cases, it is probably the name of your Greek figure.

10 Last name, First name. "Article Title." Website Title. Publisher of Website, Day Month Year article was published. Web. Day Month Year article was accessed..




14 If you used World Book online – the citation is there for you! Let me show you how to enter this particular source in Noodle Tools that is already cited for you!!!

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