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7 Challenges Issued by Christ 1 Peter 2:11-25 Introductory Thoughts Can you imagine a life without a goal or challenge? Would you agree that the most.

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2 7 Challenges Issued by Christ 1 Peter 2:11-25

3 Introductory Thoughts Can you imagine a life without a goal or challenge? Would you agree that the most miserable people in the world are those who have no goals, no incentives, and no particular aims in life?.

4 Introductory Thoughts A great man is not the one who has never made a mistake, but one who is bigger than any mistake he has ever made. Life is a challenge.

5 Introductory Thoughts Jesus urged that we count the cost. Luke 14:28 There are four good rules for accepting and meeting every challenge Christ has made: Understand what is to be done. Learn the best way to do it. Be willing to tackle it. Show determination to rise to it.

6 Live as He Lived The life of Jesus had meaning. His aim - Matthew 20:28 His mission - Luke 19:10 His prayers displayed an unselfish attitude. Jesus lived to do God’s will. John 4:34 – John 6:38 Paul faced and met this challenge. Galatians 2:20

7 Grow as He Grew Early in life, Christ grew. Luke 2:52 When we meet the challenge of being like Him we will grow as He did. 2 Peter 3:18 Christ is our yardstick for growth. Hebrews 13:8

8 Think as He Thought Normally, man does not think that way. Isaiah 55:8-9 God gave us a book designed to change our thinking – Hebrews 8:10. This is the only way of knowing how the Lord thinks – 1 Corinthians 2:11. The way we think is very important. Proverbs 23:7

9 Think as He Thought We can never live as Christ lived, until we first learn to think as He thought. Christ always did right, because He always thought right. What a challenge we have in these words – Philippians 4:8.

10 Obey as He Obeyed Christ learned it by suffering. Hebrews 5:8-9 Obedience is something that must be learned. His secret – Philippians 2:8

11 Obey as He Obeyed Obedience calls for humility. We enter the kingdom through obedience. Matthew 7:21-23 It is also through humility that we are permitted to enter. Matthew 18:1-3

12 Give as He Gave Christ gave His life for God’s cause. Ephesians 5:25 He gave himself a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28 Christ believed and taught that it is more blessed to give. Acts 20:35

13 Love as He Loved Jesus loved us when we were unlovable, and when we were so unloving. Romans 5:8 His challenge to us is stated in John 13:34-35. Matthew 22:37

14 Forgive as He Forgave Christ was a forgiving person. Luke 23:34 We are commanded to be forgiving. Ephesians 4:32 – Colossians 3:13 Matthew 6:14

15 Concluding Thoughts These are great challenges for us. Perhaps we should heed the warning of Mary. John 2:5 Accept the challenges today and begin life anew.

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