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MVI56-AFC Training
Prosoft Technology ProSoft Technology, Inc. is a US company based in Bakersfield, CA specializing in the development of communication products for industrial automation. Distribution, support and services are supplied worldwide by regional offices and an extensive distribution network.
Prosoft Technology ProSoft Technology, Inc is headquartered in California, with 8 regional sales offices: four in North America (Western, North Central, Southern and North Eastern), one in Latin America, one which includes Europe, Middle-East and Africa, one in Asia, and a new region encompassing Australia and New-Zealand. Our products are distributed and supported through a wide distribution network of more than 250 distributors worldwide.
Prosoft Technology
Solutions for the following platforms:
Prosoft Technology Solutions for the following platforms: SLC (MVI46) Controllogix (MVI56) PLC (MVI71) FLEX (MVI94) Quantum (PTQ) StandAlone (Prolinx)
Prosoft Technology Some of the Solutions: Modbus Modbus Plus
Modbus/Ethernet DF1 DF1/Ethernet IEC IEC IEC Flow Calculation
Flow Calculation Solutions
MVI46-AFC for SLC Platform MVI56-AFC for CLX Platform MVI71-AFC for PLC Platform
MVI56-AFC What is the MVI56-AFC? Flow Computer in a CLX rack
Calculates Flow Rate & Volume Supports Pulse & Orifice Meters Supports up to 16 meters per module Supports Gas & Liquid Automatically Generates Archives Event Log Supports Modbus
The MVI56-AFC uses the following standards: AGA 8 (Compressibility)
AGA3 (Orifice Meters) AGA 7 (Pulse Meters) AGA 8 (Compressibility) API Chapter 21.1 (Liquids)
Example – Pulse Meter Temperature Pressure Pulse Count MVI56-AFC
ANALOG IO HIGH SPEED COUNTER CONTROLLOGIX MVI56-AFC Temperature Pressure Pulse Count INPUT VARIABLES Temp, Pressure, Pulse Count, Frequency CALCULATION RESULTS Flow Rate, Volume, Archives, etc..
Example – Orifice Meter
ANALOG IO CONTROLLOGIX MVI56-AFC Temperature Pressure Differential Pressure INPUT VARIABLES Temp, Pressure, Differential Pressure CALCULATION RESULTS Flow Rate, Volume, Archives, etc..
AFC Manager The AFC Manager is a software for Windows that provides an easy interface between the module and the user. MVI56-AFC PC Null modem cable
AFC Manager The AFC Manager allows:
Application Parameters Configuration (Site Configuration) Meter Configuration Meter Monitor Alarm Monitor Archive Monitor Event Monitor Meter Audit Modbus Master Interface
AFC Manager The configuration file generated by the AFC Manager is saved as a .AFC file. The .AFC file can be downloaded or uploaded between the PC and the module (Total Transfer) The user can also use the Read or Write buttons to transfer data for each window (Partial Transfer). A configuration file can easily be converted between the MVI46-AFC and MVI56-AFC modules
MVIxx-AFC LEDs APP STATUS OFF = OK ON = At least one meter has an alarm and/or all meters are disabled BLINKING = Processor is Offline (program mode) BP ACT, P1, P2, P3 ON = Modbus or AFC Manager command for the module is recognized OFF = No Activity BBRAM LEDS OK ON & ERR ON = Initialization Status OK ON & ERR OFF = Normal Operation OK BLINKING & ERR OFF = Checksum Error / Refer AFC Manager
MVI56-AFC - Initialization
1) Change the processor mode to run 2) Enable (at least) one meter Move the Date and Time data from the processor. Obs: Step 3 must be repeated after every power cycle
Configuration INTRODUCTION Site Configuration
Modbus Address Configuration Modbus Pass-Thru Configuration Archive Period Configuration Site Options Firmware Version
Meter Configuration Meter Configuration
The Meter has to be disabled to change Meter Type/Product Group or Units Once the meter type or product group is selected, the software automatically displays the specific parameters A meter configuration can easily be copied to other meters
Pulse Meter Configuration
Pulse Meters - Introduction A pulse meter requires a high speed counter to transfer pulses to the module The module will consider each pulse count increment to add a volume amount to the accumulator The meter uses a direct correlation between number of pulses and volume called K-Factor Example : K-Factor = 100 pulses/cubic feet Means that 100 pulses is equal to 1 cubic feet
Pulse Meter - Configuration
Pulse Meters - Introduction Pulse Count Volume Pulse Frequency Flow Rate
Pulse Meter - Configuration
Pulse Meters - Introduction The module uses the following formula to increment the volume: Gross Vol Incr = [Pulse Count Incr] * MeterFactor KFactor
Pulse Meter - Configuration
Pulse Meters - Introduction As time goes on the actual measured volume (the "gross volume") will tend to drift from the nominal measured volume (the "indicated volume"). The factor that corrects "indicated" to "gross" is called the "meter factor", and is a number very close to 1. The Meter Factor usually depends on the Flow Rate. The user may configure up to 5 Meter Factor points to be interpolated, depending on the Flow Rate
Pulse Meter - Configuration
Pulse Meters - Introduction Meter Factor Configuration
Pulse Meter - Configuration
Pulse Meters - Introduction Stream Options The calculations described up to this point are those recommended by API and performed by the vast majority of users of linear meters. Some users, however, may prefer to keep the meter factor at exactly and periodically adjust the K-factor with a meter prove -- and then the K-factor may depend on the flow rate.
Pulse Meter - Configuration
Pulse Input Rollover The module considers a rollover when the current pulse count is less than the previous one. In this case, it will use the following formula to re-calculate the pulse input: Pulse Count = (Current Pulse + Rollover Value) – Previous Pulse Ex: For a pulse input rollover value of Consider the following sequence of pulses: 32700, 32750, 30, 50 The module would use the following value for pulse input on the next transition: ( ) = 47
Pulse Meter - Configuration
Pulse Input Rollover “Jumps” in the Accumulator value typically happens when the pulse count is set to zero or the user has configured a wrong pulse input rollover value In this situation the module “thinks” that a rollover has occurred and add the remaining pulse amount to rollover
Orifice Meter - Configuration
Orifice Meters - Introduction Requires tube and orifice diameters configuration The static pressure of the gas stream may be measured either upstream of the meter (before the differential pressure drop), or downstream of the meter (after the pressure drop). Both AGA3 and AGA8 require the upstream static pressure for their calculations, where: upstream pressure = downstream pressure + differential pressure If the pressure is measured from a downstream tap (typical), this parameter must be checked.
Orifice Meter - Configuration
Orifice Meters – Introduction DP Flow Threshold (kPa) If at any time the differential pressure input value is less than the DP Flow Threshold parameter, the MVI module will consider the differential pressure as zero (no flow). DP Alarm Threshold (kPa) If at any time the differential pressure input value is less than the DP Alarm Threshold parameter, the MVI module will flag a Differential Pressure Low alarm. Note that this alarm is different than the one the module would flag if the differential pressure would be out of range (Input Out of Range: Differential pressure).
Gas Product - Configuration
Once gas is selected as the product for the meter, the user may enter the molar concentrations for the elements. The module uses the Detailed Characterization Method that requires all molar concentrations (21 elements). The molar concentrations can be supplied through: - AFC Manager (static) - Ladder Logic (dynamic w/ Chromatograph device)1 - External Modbus Device (dynamic w/ Chromatograph device) 1 1 Set Ctrl OptionsTreat Analysis as Process Input parameter to disable the generation of events.
Gas Product - Configuration
SUM CONCENTRATIONS (100% - T) < S < (100% + T) N Y S=0 ? ALARM! Analysis Total Not Normalized ZERO Calculate Flow Rate T = Normalization Total Error Tolerance
Liquid Product - Configuration
Liquid Selection (Both API2540 Standard) CRUDE/LPG REFINED PRODUCTS Standard Uses the base, "A", and "E" tables 23/24/53/54 Application Propane, butane, NGLs (natural gas liquids), and crude oils Standard Uses the "B" tables 23/24/53/54 Application Gasoline and jet fuels (Both selections uses the same input process variables)
Liquid Product - Configuration
- The ladder logic must move the “Water %” value for Net value calculation - Density at flowing conditions is required. This value may be either provided directly as a process input, or the AFC may calculate it from the frequency output of a densitometer. - Default Relative Density parameter = Specific Gravity
Liquid Product - Configuration
Densitometer Obs: The input scaling for density should be configured as 4-20mA The densitometer frequency (Hz) should be moved instead of density Period Time (s) Frequency (Hz) Expected Density (kg/m3) Calculated Density (kg/m3) 1000 1100 Where T= 20C, P = 47.6 kPag
Meter Configuration If the Input Value is not within the configured range, the module will flag an “Input Out of Range” alarm In this case, the module will perform flow calculation using the configured DEFAULT value
Meter Configuration The Input Values read by the module may be viewed in the meter monitor window. Using the Calibration feature forces the module to ignore changes in the process input variables.
Meter Configuration Input variables may be entered as: • Floating Point Use Floating Point format in ladder logic Ex: => T = C • Scaled Integer Use Double Integer format in ladder logic Ex: => T = 13.42C Ex: => P = 200Kpag Ex: => DP = • 4-20mA Use Double Integer format in ladder logic Ex: T,P and DP => (0%) / (100%)
Meter Monitor - Accumulator
What is the difference between Gross Accumulator and Net Accumulator? GAS Module Calculates Volume Gross Accumulator Converts to Reference Temperature and Pressure Standard Net LIQUID Module Calculates Volume Gross Accumulator Converts to Reference Temperature and Pressure Standard Net Subtract Water Amount
Meter Monitor - Accumulator
There are two accumulator types : • Resettable Accumulators The Resettable Accumulators can be reset through: 1) AFC Manager 2) Archive Period End 3) Ladder Logic • Non-Resettable Accumulators Both types will be reset when the Accumulator Rollover Value is reached.
Meter Monitor - Accumulator
The accumulators are represented as Totalizer and Residue values: ACCUMULATOR TOTALIZER 1201 RESIDUE 0.8613 Obs: The Totalizer is represented as Double Integer data (32 bits) Obs: The Residue is represented as Floating Point data (32 bits) The Residue is always less than 0
Meter Monitor – Scan Count
Using the Meter Monitor window, the user may monitor the backplane scan count and the calculation scan count: Backplane Scan Count Calculation Scan Count
Meter Monitor - Wallclock
Using the Meter Monitor window, the user may also monitor the WallClock date and time information. The WallClock should be transferred from ladder logic. IMPORTANT: The module will not perform calculation until it receives a valid date and time information from the processor.
Meter Monitor - Log • The user may save the Meter Monitor results as a log file or csv file for Excel. • The user may also print the log file to the local printer.
Audit Scan • An Audit Scan snapshots input values, intermediate calculated values, and output results for each of a short series of calculation scans for a single meter. This allows an auditor to rigorously verify the calculations performed by the AFC on live in-service production meters. • The Audit Scan can be viewed as “snapshots” of the process Steps: 1- Select the meter number 2 – Select the number of audit scans 3 – Click on “Read” to start audit scans 4 – Click on Details for the calculation results 5- Save the log/csv file or send the results for the local printer
Archives Hourly Archives 48 Archives per meter
• The module supports the archiving of data for each meter channel. The archives are periodically generated according to the period duration defined in the Site Configuration. Hourly Archives 48 Archives per meter Daily Archives 35 Archives per meter
Archive Generation (6 steps)
Archives Archive Generation (6 steps) - Step 1 - Archive 1 Data A (Yesterday) Archive 2 Data B (2 days ago) Archive 35 Data Z (35 days ago) (…)
Period End – New Archive Created !
Archives - Step 2 - Period End – New Archive Created !
Archives - Step 3 - (…) Archive 1 (Yesterday)
Archive 2 Data A (2 days ago) Archive 35 Data Y (35 days ago) (…)
Data Z Archive Deleted (Previous Last Archive) !
Archives - Step 4 - Data Z Archive Deleted (Previous Last Archive) !
Archives - Step 5 - (…) New Archive Included !
Archive 1 New Data (Yesterday) Archive 2 Data A (2 days ago) Archive 35 Data Y (35 days ago) (…) New Archive Included !
Archives - Step 6 - Reset Accumulators ! (if configured)
Archives • In order to configure the archive generation use words Mh00341 (daily) and Mh00421 (hourly). User interface is coming soon! Bit 00 – period select, hourly Bit 01 – archive upon period end Bit 02 – archive upon event Bit 03 – Reserved Bit 04 – reset resettable accumulator 1 upon period end Bit 05 – reset resettable accumulator 2 upon period end Bit 06 – reset resettable accumulator 3 upon period end Bit 07 – reset resettable accumulator 4 upon period end Bit 08 – reset resettable accumulator 1 upon event Bit 09 – reset resettable accumulator 2 upon event Bit 10 – reset resettable accumulator 3 upon event Bit 11 – reset resettable accumulator 4 upon event Bits 12 to 15 – Reserved The default value is set for archive upon period end and archive upon event : Mh00341 = 6 Mh00421 = 7
Archives • Example: Configure Meters 1 through 3 to generate daily archives upon period end (only) and to reset all accumulators upon period end. 1) Using the Modbus Master interface, read word 8341 from the Primary Slave. 2) Replace the default value by a value of 3) Write the new value 4) Repeat steps 1 to 3 for Meters 2 and 3. For these meters the following values should be used: Meter 2 = Meter 3 = 12341
Archives The archives can be accessed through: - AFC Manager Display - AFC Manager Log File - AFC Manager CSV file (for Microsoft Excel) - Local Printer - External Modbus master device
Archives The archives can be accessed through: - AFC Manager Display - AFC Manager Log File - AFC Manager CSV file (for Microsoft Excel) - Local Printer - External Modbus master device
Events An event is any occurrence that may affect the manner in which, or whether, measurement is performed. Events include: - any change to a sealable parameter - power-up (product may have been lost during the power-down period) - change in PLC operating mode (programming changes may alter measurement)
Events • Events are stored as a circular file • The module stores up to 1999 events Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 (…) Event 1999 Event 1998
Events What happens when the event buffer is full? Option Set
If all record positions contain events that have not yet been downloaded, the log is full. In this case, the handling of a new event depends on the value of the "Event log unlocked" site option: What happens when the event buffer is full? Option Set Module will overwrite the oldest event with the new one Option Clear Module will reject new events (including configuration changes)
Events How to use the Event Interface?
1) Click on the Read Button 2) Note the Number of Events to be Downloaded 3) Click on Download 4) Save the Events as a Log File (or CSV) 5) Click on Purge to delete all events
Events Understanding the Event Codes
In order to use the available memory in the AFC Manager as efficiently as possible, the events are grouped and coded in a specific format before they are logged. The event codes are displayed as shown: <Event Type> Group/Subgroup/Item
Events Understanding the Event Codes
Examples: Mtr1 9/1/0 = means that Meter 1 Orifice plate measured diameter has changed. Mtr 2 4/0/1 = means that Meter 2 Input Scaling Temperature (High) has changed.
Ladder Logic The ladder logic allows the processor to request specific tasks to the module. These tasks include: • Set the Wallclock • Write the Process Input Variables • Read the Calculation Results • Transfer the Molar Analysis Data (Gas Only) • Enable or Disable a Meter • Write an Archive • Reset an Accumulator • Read/Write from the Primary or Virtual Slaves • Modbus Pass-Thru
Ladder Logic How does the ladder logic works?
Send Output Block (250 words) Read Input Block (248 words)
Ladder Logic Output Block Structure Sentinel (Transaction Number) 1
Sentinel (Transaction Number) 1 Output Block Length (<=245) 247 Anchor (Transaction Number)
Ladder Logic Input Block Structure
Sentinel (Transaction Number) 1 Output Block Length (<=245) 247 Site Status 248 Meter Alarm 249 Anchor (Transaction Number) Obs: Output Block Length is negative if formatting error is present
Ladder Logic - Example Output Block 1 Input Block 1 Output Block 2
Ladder Logic In order for the processor to request specific tasks to the module it uses Function Blocks. Block ID (Function/Mtr/Length Block ID (Function/Status) Typical Output Function Block (OFB) Typical Input Function Block (IFB) Obs: For the OFB Block ID Bit 8 set to 1 = AFC skips returning the input Bit 9 set to 1 = AFC ignores the received output
Ladder Logic Example: Meter Process Input Variables Block
A value of 8193 ( ) would send a Meter Process Input Block to the module
Ladder Logic The process block depends on the meter type and product group
Ladder Logic The process block depends on the meter type and product group
Ladder Logic The process block depends on the meter type and product group
Ladder Logic The process block depends on the meter type and product group
Ladder Logic The Function Blocks are “assembled” into the Input and Output Blocks
Ladder Logic Send Output Block (250 words)
WallClock Input Process Variables Mtrs 1 to 16 Enable/Disable Function Blocks Send Output Block (250 words) Read Input Block (248 words) 1
Sample Ladder Logic The Sample Ladder Logic continuously uses 2 Block Structures • Process Block (Block Ids 1 to 16) - Meter Process Variables - Molar Analysis - Enable & Disable Meters - Read Meter Profile (Meter Type and Product Group) • Modbus Block (Block Ids 17)
Modbus Support Modbus Master Device 1 Modbus Master
Modbus Master Command 3 Modbus Gateway CLX MVI56-AFC Modbus Master Device 1 Modbus Master (Pass-Thru) Device 2 Modbus Slave Device 4
Modbus Support The module has an internal modbus database called Primary Modbus Slave. It contains: Holding Registers Input Registers The addresses are fixed according to the Modbus Slave Ex: Meter 1 Orifice Diameter is located at addresses 8162 and 8163
Modbus Support The “Mh” terminology refers to “Meter Relative”. It informs the user the correct offset in a given Meter range. Each meter occupies 2000 holding registers: Meter 1 = to 9999 Meter 2 = to Meter 3 = to etc…
Modbus Support The module offers 2 Modbus Slaves: Primary Modbus Slave & Virtual Modbus Slave The Virtual Modbus Slave is used to optimize the data polling. It allows the user to group only the data it is going to be polled.
Modbus Support
Modbus Support
Modbus Support The same idea can be applied when polling data through the backplane The user has to configure a Modbus Slave Address greater than zero in order to activate the Virtual Slave.
Initialize BBRAM Write the following values to holding address 0 • 55AA • A5A5 • 55AA • 4635 WARNING: ALL DATA WILL BE LOST!!!
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