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DO NOW: What characteristics or traits should a President have?

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW: What characteristics or traits should a President have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW: What characteristics or traits should a President have?

2 Aim: Should there be further limits to presidential power?

3 Qualifications  4 year term  Elected by Electoral College  Must be 35  Natural born citizen  Resident of US for 14 yrs

4 The Presidency Selection Process, Terms, and Powers

5 The Electoral College  Organized every 4 years, only for Presidential elections  State’s electors equal to sum of Representatives and Senators  Most votes: President; Second most: Vice President. (Changed in 1804)  No majority: House of Representatives decides, one vote per state delegation

6 It was assumed that most elections would be determined by the House of Representatives, because no candidate would win a majority of electoral votes.


8 Presidential Terms  Unlimited four-year terms  22 nd Amendment (1951) limited the number of terms to two

9 Presidential Powers  Executive Carrying out and enforcing federal laws Nominating candidates for federal office Negotiating treaties Conducting wars (Commander in Chief)

10 Presidential Powers  Non-Executive Pardon individuals convicted of federal crimes Send and receive ambassadors

11 Presidential Powers  Shared (Great example of checks and balances) President can veto Congressional bill; Congress can override with 2/3 of each house President nominates executive officials and federal judges – must be approved by Senate Presidentially negotiated treaties require approval of 2/3 of Senate Only Congress can declare war and control the money



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