European Organization for Nuclear Research Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire CDS Invenio CERN’s open source digital library information.

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Presentation on theme: "European Organization for Nuclear Research Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire CDS Invenio CERN’s open source digital library information."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Organization for Nuclear Research Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire CDS Invenio CERN’s open source digital library information system Dr. Tim Smith, IT User and Document Services (representing Jens Vigen, CERN Scientific Information Officer)

2 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 2 Outline CDS Invenio –Scope –Digital library services –Content Sharing –Open Source –Open Access Digital Preservation –Multi-media records

3 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 3 Digital Library Scope Institutional Repository for CERN Subject Repository for Particle Physics Physical collections –Library and Book Shop Digital Collections –Born digital –Converted from a physical media More than 1M records –500k with full text –150k with links to external full text 30k distinct visitors per month

4 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 4 “One stop shop” Preprints, postprints, theses Conference proceedings, lecture objects –Slides and recordings Experiment Support material –Photos, videos, animations Reusable information –Data in tables, figures –Correlation matrices –Data (high-level objects) User survey –Access to full-text, Depth of coverage –Search accuracy, Quality of content

5 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 5 Digital Library Services Collection Aggregation Conversion Stamping Watermarking Curation Cataloguing Organisation Enrichment Preservation Access Indexing Ranking Clustering Classifying

6 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 6 Digital Age Services Collaboration “Web2.0” –Comments, reviews, baskets Immediacy –Email alerts, RSS feeds Intensive tasks –Keyword & reference extraction –Citation analysis –Full text indexing & ranking –Conversion services: multiple download formats Flexible formats –Remove constraints of print versions –Internationalisation

7 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 7 Collaboration: Web2.0

8 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 8 Connections and Statistics

9 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 9 Key Word Extraction

10 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 10 Open Source CDS Invenio is available under GPL –Free download and usage –Instances across the globe: sciences & humanities Administrative documents, librettos, an art collection Standards –MARC21 metadata format –Multi-lingual; UNICODE –Compliancy with all browsers; web standards Flexibility –Format support SiteMap for GoogleWeb, similar for GoogleScholar Export as: BibTeX, MARC, MARCXML, DC, EndNote, NLM Subscribe to: RSS (& email alerts) –Available in 20 languages (external contributions)

11 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 11 Open Access CERN Convention (1953) contains what is effectively an early Open Access manifesto: –“… the results of its experimental and theoretical work shall be published or otherwise made generally available” Signatory of Berlin Declaration –Author grants free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access, … –Store in repository Unrestricted distribution, interoperability, long-term archiving, …

12 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 12 (More) Open Access Support interchange protocols: OAI-PMH Open Access ≠ no more access management –Copyright acceptance workflows –Publication workflows; logins, ACLs Changing the publishing model –Spiralling subscription costs, falling subscriptions –Pay to create, not download: Open Access –It is feasible with Particle Physics! O(10M€) –SCOAP3: http://www.scoap3.org 3-way partnership: scientists, libraries, publishers

13 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 13 Digitisation for Preservation Audio, Photo, Video Deposit in Digital Library –Improve access –Snapshot before deterioration of objects Archiving of knowledge for perennial access –Meta data is key to retrieval Retiree photo caption project –Storage model (and backups) MultiMedia Archive 30TB data (c.f. <2TB for 1M docs) Open reel Audio 1950s U-matic 1970s Beta SP 1980s VHS 1980s

14 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 14 Multi-Media Records: Photos

15 Tim Smith – 34 th INIS LO meeting 15 Multi-Media Records: Videos

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