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Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education MAASE Business Meeting Updates from the Office of Special Education Teri L. Chapman, Ed.S.,

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1 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education MAASE Business Meeting Updates from the Office of Special Education Teri L. Chapman, Ed.S., Director

2 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education Federal Update

3 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  How Can We Work together to Raise Awareness About the Importance of Early Childhood Education?  The U.S. Department of Education is making a sneak preview screening of THE RAISING OF AMERICA.  The documentary film explores how a strong start for all kids can lead to a healthier and more equitable America.  After the screening, a panel of senior leaders in the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services will lead a discussion on the film  The sneak preview screening will be June 15th  10:00-11:30 AM  To learn more about the film and access to the event go to The Raising of America

4 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  PROPOSED Vision Statement:  Michigan will implement an aligned, seamless and responsive system that empowers professional educators with the knowledge and skills to implement evidence-based practices and interventions to improve pre-literacy and literacy skills for the lowest performing students in kindergarten through grade 3.  Aligned to the MDE priorities  Several meetings are scheduled throughout next year  Participating universities include:  Northern Michigan University  Western Michigan University  Grand Valley State University  Sienna Heights University CEEDAR Center Grant Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center (CEEDAR Center)

5 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education MDE Update

6 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  To create a responsive state-level system designed to support district needs around improving outcomes for all students.  MDE will be receiving technical assistance from a national technical assistance center  State Implementation & Scaling up of Evidence Based Practices (SISEP)  Two divisions within MDE…10 offices State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)

7 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  Phase I of the plan submitted March 31  Phase II consists of the development of:  Infrastructure development plan  Implementation plan  Evaluation plan  Phase II of the plan must be submitted to OSEP by April 1, 2016 State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)

8 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  Third Grade Reading Workgroup created by Gov. Snyder in March 2015  Task:  Analyze reading proficiency at the third grade level  Suggest policy to improve  NAEP results show 69% of MI third graders NOT proficient  NAEP not aligned to Michigan state standards  MEAP results show 70% of MI third graders ARE proficient  MEAP aligned to MI state standards  MDE established this as a priority fall 2014 and the work continues…TODAY Third Grade Reading Initiative

9 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  Pursuant to the 2002 Government-to-Government Accord entered into between the State and twelve federally recognized tribes located in Michigan, which was also re-affirmed by Governor Snyder via Executive Directive 2012-2  “Each executive branch department shall designate an individual to be responsible for department-wide coordination of the department’s interactions with the governments of Michigan’s federally-recognized Indian Tribes.  This individual shall be known as the department’s tribal liaison. The department’s tribal liaison shall report significant department interaction with the tribes to the Governor’s Advisor on Tribal-State Affairs and the department director.” Tribal Liaison for the MDE

10 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education OSE Update

11 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  FREE resource to access policy and regulatory information about special education  New look!  More user-friendly search feature!  Go to Michigan Special Education Resource (MI-SER)

12 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  MI-SER Evaluation Survey  Frequency of use  Purpose of use  Role of MI-SER users  Short; minutes to complete  Available by June 12, 2015  Link sent through GovDelivery  Sent to the “News/Information from the MDE, OSE” listserv MI-SER

13 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  IDEA Grant Funded Initiative being temporarily Suspended  Grant Coordinator, Leisa Gallagher retired at the end of May  Secondary MTSS  Early Warning Signs  Absences, Behavior and Coursework (ABC’s)  Superintendent’s Drop Out Challenge  Regional Scale Up Effort  OSE will be making decisions regarding next steps… Reaching & Teaching Struggling Learners (RTSL)

14 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education Transition Services  The project will close by September 30, 2015  The work of transition is being redefined  The 2020 Federal Youth Transition Plan learning  Maria Peak, will be coordinating our work  Transition Coordinators will interact with the OSE much as ISD monitors do  The OSE is coordinate three required annual workshops (ISDs responsible for travel & lodging)  Grant application process the same; approvals will be through the OSE MI-TOP: IDEA Grant Funded Initiative Transition Coordination Grant

15 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  Federal Partners in Transition (FPT)  Department of Education  Department of Health and Human Services  Department of Labor  Social Security Administration  Shared definition of Transition  Shared Vision  Compatible Outcome Goals  For more information:  The Federal Youth Transition Plan: An Interagency Strategy (See Handout)

16 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  In August, each ISD in the first Plan Review rotation (October 2015-May 2016) will receive written information from the OSE about the review process.  We will not be presenting at Summer MAASE regarding the review of ISD Plans. However, we will be in attendance and available to answer questions.  Nancy Rotarius is the primary contact,, 517-335-0442. An alternate contact is Beth Cooke,, 517-373-5517.  Current Plans all remain effective and in place until they are reviewed and updated.

17 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  Currently updating the waiver application form  Available by August  The updated process for waivers will be more rigorous  The OSE is currently reviewing ISD Plans for existing waiver language  The new process will coordinate a review of ISD Plans with waiver applications Waivers

18 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  Student Level Corrective Action Plans will need to be completed in 30 SCHOOL DAYS beginning with the next monitoring cycle.  This is a change from calendar days  The OSE is working to support district improvement by allowing a more reasonable timeframe for districts to develop meaningful education programs for students as it relates to identified noncompliance. Student Level Corrective Action Plans

19 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  There will no longer be a data verification activity  This has not resulted in improved student outcomes  We may initially see a drop in compliance  Information and data must be entered into MSDS correctly  Please verify data now before any findings are issued Early Childhood Transition (B-12)

20 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  There is a change in methodology for this year ONLY (2015-16)  The new methodology will mirror the IDEA mandate that EVERY child have a timely IEP  This year’s methodology will exclude any transfer student who was not enrolled in the district at least 30 school days  Training for this will take place next fall  ALL students will be included in the 2015-16 methodology Timely IEPs and Determinations

21 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education  Fall implementation will begin September 23, 2015  Training will be scheduled the week prior and for several weeks afterward  Onsite trainings  Webinars  Conference calls  Modules will be released throughout the 2015- 2016 academic year.  Training will precede the release of every module. Electronic System Redesign

22 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education Teri’s Update

23 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education New name! New email!

24 Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Griffin (I am a Mother-in-law!!)

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