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Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Vocab.  The skin; membrane composed of epidermal and dermal layers.

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1 Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 4 Vocab

2  The skin; membrane composed of epidermal and dermal layers.

3 Cutaneous Membrane

4  Tiny, smooth muscles attached to hair follicles; cause the hair to stand upright when activated

5 Arrector Pili

6  Oily secretion of sebaceous glands.

7 Sebum

8  Lesion or erosion of the mucous membrane, such as gastric lining of stomach.

9 Ulcer

10  Skin and its derivatives; system that provides the external protective covering of the body.

11 Integumentary System

12  A layer.

13 Stratum

14  Dark pigment formed by cells called melanocytes; imparts color to skin and hair.

15 Melanin

16  Water-soluble protein found in the epidermis, hair, and nails that makes those structures hard and water-repellent

17 Keratin

18  A cell that produces melanin

19 Melanocyte

20  An inflammation of the skin; nonspecific skin allergies

21 Dermatitis

22  Superficial layer of the skin; composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.

23 Epidermis

24  Epidermal glands that produce an oily secretion called sebum.

25 Sebaceous Gland

26  The less numerous type of sweat gland; produces a secretion containing water, salts, proteins,and fatty acids

27 Apocrine Gland

28  Membranes that form the linings of body cavities open to the exterior (digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts).

29 Mucous Membrane

30  Beneath the skin.

31 Subcutaneous

32  Layer of skin deep to the epidermis; composed of dense irregular tissue.

33 Dermis

34  Serous membrane lining the interior of the abdominal cavity and covering the surfaces of abdominal organs.

35 Peritoneum

36  Inflammatory disease of the skin; infection of the sebaceous glands.

37 Acne

38  pertaining to flat, thin cells that form the free surface of some epithelial tissues

39 Squamous

40  Life threatening; pertains to neoplasms that spread and lead to death, such as cancer.

41 Malignant

42  Oily secretion of sebaceous glands.

43 Sebum

44  Two-layered serous membrane that lines the thoracic cavity and covers the external surface of the lung.

45 Pleura

46  Oil Gland

47 Sebaceous Gland

48  Glands that have ducts through which their secretions are carried to a particular site.

49 Exocrine

50  Clear, watery fluid secreted by cells of a serous membrane.

51 Serous Fluid

52  Sweat Gland

53 Sudoriferous Gland

54  Membrane that lines a cavity without an opening to the outside of the body

55 Serous Membrane

56  keeps the free surface of membranes moist

57 Mucus

58  Overzealous immune response to an otherwise harmless antigen

59 Allergy

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