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Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend

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Presentation on theme: "Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend
Phonics and Fluency

2 planet Africa practice eggs pencils
Whisper read with your partner. Let’s read the words together. What are the vowel sounds in each word? Yes, they are all short vowel sounds, except for the “e” in planet and the final “a” in Africa. They have the schwa sound.

3 closet robin kitchen inside copy
Whisper read with your partner. Let’s read the words together. What are the vowel sounds in each word? Yes, they are all short vowel sounds.

4 bottom cannot upset until hundred
Whisper read with your partner. Let’s read the words together. What are the vowel sounds in each word? Yes, they are all short vowel sounds, except for the second “o” in bottom. It has a schwa sound.

5 hedge ridge dodge fudge judge
Whisper read with your partner. Let’s read the words together. Find the words with the /j/ sound spelled dge. What does the green box before dge on the sound spelling card mean? Identify the short vowel in each word.

6 Anna was upset when she lost her doll.
Whisper read with your partner. Let’s read the sentence together. Which words have short vowels?

7 The robin sang a pretty song.
Whisper read with your partner. Let’s read the sentence together. Which words have short vowels?

8 The eggs were small and pale blue.
Whisper read with your partner. Let’s read the sentence together. Which words have short vowels?

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