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My Sidewalks Level B Unit 1, Week 2, Day 4 Outer Space.

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Presentation on theme: "My Sidewalks Level B Unit 1, Week 2, Day 4 Outer Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Sidewalks Level B Unit 1, Week 2, Day 4 Outer Space

2 This week’s phonics focus is Short i Final ng, nk

3 High Frequency Words afraid so surprise worry

4 afraid When you are afraid, you feel scared about something.

5 so Don’t eat so fast. The wind felt cold, so he went inside.

6 surprise A surprise is something that happens that you did not plan.

7 worry When you worry, you feel upset about something.

8 Oral Vocabulary ascend descend journey orbit universe

9 ascend To go up

10 descend To go down

11 journey A long trip

12 orbit To go around a planet or something else in space

13 universe Everything there is

14 Spiral Review Consonant Letter Sounds

15 pass

16 pick

17 king

18 sink

19 will

20 wink

21 wing

22 sing

23 sang

24 sack

25 Sentence Reading

26 Give a pill to the sick pig.

27 Rick and Jill thank the king.

28 I will win the pink ring.

29 High Frequency Words Spell the following words out loud

30 afraid

31 so

32 surprise

33 worry

34 Read A Passage “What Would You Wear in Outer Space?” P. 50

35 Short I, final nk Website word/ig/load.htm?f word/ip/load.htm?f word/ink/load.htm?f

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