Agenda Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:00-Noon Healey Library, 11B Introductions Human Resources Revision #1 Department Hiring Policy for Benefitted Employees.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:00-Noon Healey Library, 11B Introductions Human Resources Revision #1 Department Hiring Policy for Benefitted Employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:00-Noon Healey Library, 11B Introductions Human Resources Revision #1 Department Hiring Policy for Benefitted Employees HR Reorganization Controller’s Office Year End Closing Dates Safety Planning Business Continuity Planning Policy FY14-A&F-006-00 Information Technology—FY’14 Accomplishments, FY’15 Plans Procard Reallocation July 1 st Transportation and Construction Update Budget and Financial Planning Update Next F&A Meeting will be on Wednesday, June 18, 10:00-noon Location – CC Ballroom Finance and Administration Advisory Meeting

2 Human Resources May 21, 2014 HR

3 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees Revision # 1 Index Immediate access to Interview Exchange for all positions when posted Search Committee on the Position Recruitment and Search Form will be recommended but not required

4 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees  Clarification of CSU and PSU internal candidate process  Clarification on the Failed Search process  Clarification on faculty hiring reports process

5 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees Clarification of Hiring Manager vs. Search Committee Clarification of who completes the I-9 Discontinuation of the VRC

6 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees Revision # 2 A reorganization of the document to separate the staff and faculty hiring processes A loyal group is meeting to go through every process To be issued in summer, 2014 Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century

7 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees Summit Report Employee ID (before I-9 is completed) Has anyone checked it out?

8 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees Updated Position Recruitment And Search Form

9 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees Reference Check Guidelines for Staff

10 Department Hiring Process for Benefitted Employees Training June 10 th, 1pm-3pm June 12 th, 9am-11am June 13 th, 9am-11am Sign up Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century

11 Closing Dates for Fiscal Year 2014 May 21, 2014 Controller’s Office

12 F&A Advisory Meeting - May 21, 2014 Closing Dates for Fiscal Year 2014 University-wide Master Calendar All campuses (A, B, D, L, W + S) All system modules (GL, A/P, EX, AM, ePro, BuyWays, Grants, Payroll, SF, etc.) UMass Boston Year-end Activities Admin. Offices (Controller’s, Purchasing, OBFP, HR, ORSP…) UMass Boston Departments Review Last Date for Action Items Leanne Marden, Controller’s Office

13  The dates listed apply to campus-based state and non-state funds; they do NOT apply to grants and contracts that continue beyond June 30, 2014.  The dates apply to financial business for FY 2014 (goods or services provided by 6/30/2014).  They do NOT apply to FY 2015 financial business (goods or services provided on or after 7/1/2014).  Future communications will inform departments of processes & timelines for FY 2015 business. Closing Dates for Fiscal Year 2014 Leanne Marden, Controller’s OfficeF&A Advisory Meeting - May 21, 2014

14 Closing Dates for Fiscal Year 2014 Leanne Marden, Controller’s Office PERSONNEL ACTIONS Wednesday, June 11 Monday, June 16 Monday, June 16 - Regular AA employees - PA forms to Budget & Planning - Other AA and all CC - PA forms to HR (including additional compensation) - Regular AA employee – PA forms changing funding source or department effective July 1 (for FY15 budgeting and reporting) TRAVEL Friday, June 13Travel Authorizations, Expense Reports & Supporting Documentation to the Controller’s Office VENDOR PAYMENTS Friday, June 20 Vendor invoices for purchase orders and disbursement vouchers to the Controller's Office (for processing against FY2014 budgets) JOURNAL ENTRIES/RECHARGES Friday, June 27 Journal entries/recharges to the Controller's Office BUYWAYS Monday, June 30 Tuesday, July 1 - Requisitions in an approved status with a valid budget prior to 12 noon will be sourced to a purchase order and issued to the vendor. You may continue to enter requisitions on BuyWays but your purchase order will not be exported to PeopleSoft for encumbering until Wednesday July 1 st against FY15 budgets. - All purchase orders with an open balance (not paid) will be dis-encumbered from FY14 budgets and re-encumbered against FY15 base budgets. TRANSACTION TYPE & DEADLINE DETAILS F&A Advisory Meeting - May 21, 2014

15 Closing Dates for Fiscal Year 2014 Leanne Marden, Controller’s Office PROCARD Friday, June 20 Tuesday, July 1 Friday, July 11 All charges should be reallocated and/or ‘approved’ as soon as they post in the Procurement Card Center to allow for timely processing. - We recommend you complete your FY14 ProCard purchases prior to June 20 th to allow time for most suppliers to submit their charges to CitiBank. - Final bank feed [from Citibank] for FY14 transactions. Transactions not posted to Citibank by June 30 th, will be FY15 transactions. - FY14 On-line ProCard reallocations (available transactions in the Procurement Card Center only) FY14 CLOSING Friday, July 18Final FY2014 Closing of the Financial System JUNE MONTH-END REPORTS Monday, July 21 Final FY2014 (June) Month-End reports available TRANSACTION TYPE & DEADLINE DETAILS F&A Advisory Meeting - May 21, 2014

16 Safety Planning May 21, 2014

17 Emergency Preparedness Policies PolicyStatus Inclement Weather-Emergency Closure Annual Revision – Summer 2014 Alert SystemAnnual Revision – Summer 2014 EvacuationAnnual Revision – Summer 2014 Continuity PlanningNEW Emergency ResponseDraft

18 Information Technology - Highlights May 21, 2014

19 Networking Increase network bandwidth from 550 MB to 900 MB to facilitate increased network traffic to and from campus Increase number of wireless access points (200+) in Wheatley, Clark, Library, Ryan Lounge, and Campus Center to saturate areas across campus Rollout of secure student wireless network “Student” Rollout of Eduroam (educational roaming) wireless network “Eduroam” Assist with Edward M Kennedy Institute network connectivity Installed 1 GB connectivity between campus and MGHPCC high performance computing center in Holyoke MA for research/collaboration between Universities Activate CAT 6 cabling in McCormack, increase network speed to 100 MB Network edge switch upgrades across campus Networking for Bayside parking Preparations for ISC

20 Systems eMail migration to Microsoft Office365 Migrated aging virtual environment to new DELL Vstart 200 supports 150 -200 servers, saving costs and rack space Activation of network for Bayside lot

21 Telecommunications Upgrade to Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Commence Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) Project, Will Integrate Voice and Data network Upgrade Compco Chargeback System Investigation of campus wide Call Center technologies

22 Client Services Upgrade Windows XP (265) desktops to Microsoft Windows 7 Laptop Encryption Make available Adobe “Creative Suite” in the Cloud (PC and MAC versions) Connectivity (175+) to CAT6 cabling in Wheatley Service calls answered initiated via phone to IT Service Desk 19,555+ Service calls answered initiated via email to IT Service Desk 11,046+ Rollout of computers to new faculty members (40+) Campus computer replacement program (325+) Microsoft Office 2013 made available Code42 for desktop backup capabilities Commenced rollout of KACE desktop management and software distribution tool

23 Application Services Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century Document Imaging for Undergraduate Admissions, Graduate Admissions, (Boston has 2.1Million + documents now electronically processed) Expansion to Document Imaging; Provost’s Office, Chancellor’s Office, Financial Aid RAVE emergency notification system upgrades Continued move from R25 Event and Classroom Scheduling to Live25 Space Plans for ISC implemented in R25 Assisted in implementation of OLLI online course registration system Annual Faculty Reports (AFRWeb) upgrades and expansions Assist Health Services with Titanium & Open Connector Electronic Records Assist Office of Diversity and Inclusion with Symplicity project Integration of HEAT ticketing system and Facilities TMA work order systems Xythos Document Storage Upgrade Assist with Buyways implementation

24 Educational Technologies Migration of Blackboard Vista to Blackboard Learn, 840+ face to face and 280+ online courses migrated, faculty trained Blackboard course selection at 1,400+ Expansion to iPAD In the classroom program, 21 professors now using eBooks integration with McGraw-Hill, Wiley, and Pearson Ed Tech Conference

25 Computer Labs and Library Taylor Center operational for teaching & learning Computer lab users 100,501+ Upgrade to Pharos pay-for-print system Upgraded computers, Jazzman Café, Healey Library, Gold, and Purple Labs

26 Research Computing Graduate student Virtual Private Network (VPN) established Establish Research User Group Go live of Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) Qiime (Quantitative Insights into Microbial ecology) software implementation Delly and other genomic software installs Build cluster for teaching Hadoop (software framework for storage and large-scale datasets) pilot Research FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server implementation and maintenance

27 Video Production Provide 1,400+ hours of classroom capture Provide 250+ hours of Video, Skype, and WebEx Provide 350+ digital signage slides Fall Convocation UMB Gala Mass Healthcare Commission Rollout of telepresence system FUZE Flat panel TV/AV installations across campus CAPS online classes Classroom capture system Echo 360 implemented Assist State Archives with AV system replacements … Preparations for ISC

28 Web Services Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century 1,650+ Work Orders Completed Umass Boston 50 th Anniversary Site Umass Boston’s First Mobile App in development GAB1 Virtual Beam Signing 50 th Anniversary Web Site in Design Umass Boston’s First Mobile App in Development Content Management System Upgrade (Expression Engine) SiteImprove (website monitoring and analytics tool) NewRelic (website technical monitoring) 10+ Million visitors to Visitors from top 3 countries are United States, India, and China

29 Procard Reallocation July 1 st May 21, 2014

30 Transportation and Construction Update May 21, 2014

31 Construction and Transportation Update –Two-way Traffic Ahead – Early Summer  University Drive Closes  South Lot, Lot A Closes  McCormack Dock Closes  Quinn Roadway Closes –Next week Bypass Roadway and Walkway open to the Campus Center Garage/Loading Dock  Allows for work on last mechanical vault –Bayside Lot Remains Open for Summer

32 FY15 -17 Budget & Planning Update May 21, 2014 Office of Budget and Financial Planning

33 Increasing Fiscal Strength ‘...the successful institutions see change and embrace it” President Patricia McGuire –Growth (capacity, flexibility, tapping demand) –Price –Swirl –Regulation –Technology

34 FY14 Close Budget Third quarter meetings Rollover requests Encumbrances closed in FY14 and re-opened in FY15 go against FY15 (base) budget authorization Department & chartfield change requests Reporting Revenue reports will be available the week of July 7 Expense reports available the week of July 21

35 FY15 –FY18 Planning Fees on hold at the System Office Identifying available resources Revenue One-time FY14 funds Vacancy mgmt When do balance the budget?

36 FY15 Budget Position mgmtsnapshot Jun 19 PAs due Jun 16 Base (non-personnel) budget FY14 base + recurring - one-time

37 FY15 Base Budget K-H 2.0 AA Regular Salaries AA All Other CC Special Employees Non-Personnel (Operating) TFA (if applicable) Transfers (if applicable)

38 FY15 –FY18 Planning Continue to work within your Executive Area Look for opportunities to reallocate resources to support strategic priorities in your area o tough decision: what to do o tougher decision: what not to do o toughest decision: what to stop doing (Michael Porter, Harvard Business School)

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