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Jeffersonian Era 1800- 1823 This era represented the Presidencies of Jefferson, Madison and Monroe. In part it represented a revolution because it demonstrated.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeffersonian Era 1800- 1823 This era represented the Presidencies of Jefferson, Madison and Monroe. In part it represented a revolution because it demonstrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeffersonian Era This era represented the Presidencies of Jefferson, Madison and Monroe. In part it represented a revolution because it demonstrated a smooth transition of power from one party to another

2 Major Topics during the Jeffersonian Era:
I. Jeffersonian Democracy-Limited Government II. Judicial Powers Strengthened III. Territorial Expansion and Indian Settlements IV. International Challenges

3 I. Democracy and Limited Government
Election of 1800-The Revolution of After a controversial election, Jefferson is the first President to be inaugurated in Washington DC. The new 3rd President and the Democratic Republicans take control of the government from the Federalists. The election also represented the first party election and demonstrated a peaceful transition of power from one party to another. Tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Decided in House after 35 ballots. Jefferson becomes President. (the controversial) Aaron Burr becomes Vice President

4 Jeffersonian Democracy
Jefferson favored a strict interpretation or strict constructionists view of the Constitution. Favored a nation of farmers, the agrarian yeoman society, and the interests of the West and South over the industrial North.

5 Condemned Hamilton’s financial plan, but incorporated the US Bank.
Reduced the number of Federal employees. Reduced Government Expenses – cut the military budget from 7.5 million to 3 million Jefferson demonstrated a less formal style as President.

6 Cut the National Debt from 83 million to 45 million.
Believed in strong local and state governments Repealed the Alien and Sedition Acts Repealed the Whiskey Tax

7 Questions: 1. List at least 3 things Jefferson completed in order to limit government: 1. 2. 3.

8 4. Jefferson favored what type of interpretation of the Constitution?
5. Jefferson favored what parts of the nation over the industrial northeast?

9 II. Strengthening the Judiciary The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall strengthend the Supreme Court as an equal branch of government: Before leaving office, President Adams wished to pack the court with Federalists Judges, thus undermining the Presidency of Jefferson. These appointments by Adams were called midnight appointments. Judiciary Act of Repealed by Jefferson. Jefferson and his Secretary of State James Madison, also refused to issue the appointed commissions. One possible new judge, Mr. Marbury , sued for his promised job and the case went to the Supreme Court.

10 Marbury v. Madison Marbury v. Madison- Supreme Court decision ( under Chief Justice John Marshall) that declared the former Judiciary Act passed by Congress unconstitutional. Most importantly, it established the principle of Judicial Review : the Supreme Court had the authority to judge if laws passed by Congress or state legislatures were constitutional or not. This decision is generally regarded as the most important opinion in US History as it established the Supreme Court as the supreme law in the land. Also, strengthened the Supreme Court and Executive Branch.

11 McCulloch v. Maryland This Supreme Court Case under John Marshall established the Doctrine Implied Powers. It established the authority of the national government over state governments and other levels of government. The state of Maryland lost their claim to tax federal property.

12 Gibbons v. Ogden This case established a broadly national view of economic affairs and also established national authority over competing business interests. The Court ruled that the US Government, under the Commerce Clause had the right to regulate interstate commerce.

13 Marbury v. Madison = Judicial Review
McCulloch v. Maryland = Implied Powers Gibbons v. Ogden = Interstate Commerce

14 Questions 1.What supreme court decision established the principle of Judicial Review? 2. What is Judicial Review?

15 3. What were the midnight appointments?
4. What Supreme Court case established the principle of implied powers? 5. What Supreme Court case established US authority to regulate interstate commerce?

16 III. Territorial Expansion
Louisiana Purchase 1803 The United States purchased from France the Louisiana Territory, more than 2 million square miles of land extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, for 15 million dollars. President Jefferson had sent James Monroe and Robert Livingston to negotiate with Napoleon. As a result of this purchase the US had doubled in size, and established its position on the continent with less fear of European intervention.

17 Louisiana Purchase 1803

18 Lewis and Clark Expedition 1803-06
Even before the purchase of Louisiana, Jefferson sent a government party led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark along with approximately forty explorers on an expedition to explore the West. This expedition was called the Corps of Discovery and would explore the territory from St. Louis to the Pacific. The expedition now became even more important, as it was to also discover exactly what we had purchased. US \Jefferson Era 2010\The Map of The Lewis and Clark Expedition.mht

19 US 2011-12\Interactive Maps.mht
In addition, Jefferson sent Zebulon Pike to explore West and South along the Arkansas River and into present day Colorado. The Louisiana Territory would eventually be divided into 13 new states and established the concept that the United States would eventually expand to the Pacific.

20 Questions 1. In 1803, the US purchased the Louisiana Territory from what European nation? 2. What was the most important result of the Louisiana Purchase? 3. Who was sent to lead the Corps of Discovery?

21 III. Indian Policy Since the Revolution, white settlers in North America had ruthlessly dislodged Indian tribes to make room for expansion. Indians had looked to the British in Canada for support and protection. In 1801, Jefferson appointed William Henry Harrison of Virginia as Governor of Indiana Territory to administer the proposed solution to the “ Indian Problem”

22 Jefferson’s Assimilation Proposal offered two plans:
1. Indians would have to convert to settled farmers and become part of white society or 2. They would be moved to the areas West of the Mississippi In either case, Indians would have to give up claims to tribal lands in the Northwest.

23 Native American Views Little Turtle- Accepted white culture
Handsome Lake- Advocated a rebirth of Seneca Indian culture that would combine with white culture

24 Tenskwatawa known as" the Prophet”, called for the Miamis,Delawares,and Shawnees
to return to Native American ways and oppose assimilation into white culture. Tecumseh, known as “Shooting Star”, was the Prophet’s brother, and called for Indian groups to unite and fight against the US. This was called the Tecumseh Confederacy.

25 Battle of Tippecanoe: In 1811, Harrison attacked the Indian headquarters at Tippecanoe Creek and destroyed the Indian Confederacy. To many Americans, the final solution would be to drive the British out of Canada and the removal of Indians from areas of white settlement.

26 Questions 1. Which Native American leader formed a Confederacy to fight against the US? 2. What was the result of the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811?

27 Pinckney's Treaty Or the Treaty of San Lorenzo: October, 27, 1795
Treaty between Spain and the US. Settled US and Spanish territorial differences at N 31 Lat. Spain gave up land east of the Mississippi except Florida. US allowed to use the Mississippi River and port of New Orleans Established US and Spanish friendship.

28 Pinckney's Treaty Or the Treaty of San Lorenzo: October, 27, 1795
Treaty between Spain and the US. Settled US and Spanish territorial differences at N 31 Lat. Spain gave up land east of the Mississippi except Florida. US allowed to use the Mississippi River and port of New Orleans Established US and Spanish friendship.

29 IV. International Conflicts
War with Tripoli- by 1800, the US had paid tribute ( $ 2 million) to the Barbary States of North Africa ( Tripoli, Algiers, Morocco and Tunis) for passage to the Mediterranean Sea. They were called the Barbary Pirates. In Tripoli declared war on the US. Jefferson sent a Navy squadron with Marines to attack Tripoli. A solution with Algiers and Tunis would come later in 1815. Hymn? US \Interactive Maps.mht US \Jefferson Era 2010\YouTube - The Marines' Hymn.mht


31 The European wars between France and England led to more International conflicts for the US:
British passed- Orders in Council- all ships sailing for Europe must first port in Britain. French passed- Continental System- any neutral vessels that observed the Orders in Council would be seized.

32 To avoid war, Jefferson initiated the Embargo Act of 1807, during his second term: All imports/exports were prohibited. The Embargo Act almost destroyed the economy. Jefferson lost credibility during his second term because of economic difficulties. When Madison became President, he replaced the Embargo Act with the Non Intercourse Act- which forbid trade with France and England. American trade continued to suffer. .

33 James Madison Macon’s Bill # 2- US trade would resume with England or France, as soon as the first nation agreed, and the US would end trade with the other. France agreed first. President Madison ended trade with Britain. Britain continued to impress American sailors on the high seas.

34 Chesapeake/ Leopard Affair:
British naval ship Leopard fired upon US ship Chesapeake off the coast of Norfolk. Disaster for the US Navy, but the Captain stated “Do not give up the ship”

35 Questions 1. During the Jeffersonian Era , the US paid tribute and fought a war with what Mediterranean nation? 2. What were the Orders in Council? 3. What was the Continental System? 4. What Act was passed under Jefferson greatly reduced American trade and reduced Jefferson’s credibility as President during his second term?

36 War of 1812 Causes for war between Britain and the US:
British incitement of Indians against Americans British impressment of Americans on the high seas British interference with American trade War Hawks wanted to obtain Canada US declared war on Britain.

37 Both sides at first fought this war reluctantly:
Britain was involved in a major war with France in Europe Many in the US opposed the war and called it “Mr. Madison’s War”

38 Two Phases of the War Phase 1: US failed to capture Canada , but do have several victories: Captain Oliver Hazard Perry defeated a British fleet at the Battle of Lake Erie in He stated “we have met the enemy and they are ours” William Henry Harrison defeated the British at the Battle of the Thames in 1813. Tecumseh was killed at this battle.

39 Phase 2: After Napoleon and the French are defeated in Europe, Britain now puts forth more effort into the War of 1812. British drive south from Canada and North from New Orleans

40 1814- British sail up the Chesapeake and burn US Government buildings in Washington DC.
Dolly Madison saves valuables from the executive mansion. 1814- British attempt to burn Baltimore, Maryland but cannot capture Fort McHenry. During the bombardment of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key composes the “Star Spangled Banner”

41 British drive south from Canada are halted at Battle of Lake Champlain.
Peace Treaty- December Treaty of Ghent is signed January- Battle of New Orleans- ( actually after the treaty was signed) American leader Andrew Jackson ( and the pirate Jean Lafitte) defeat a large British Army ( British causalities, America- 8 causalities) Jackson emerges as a great American Hero of the West

42 Treaty of Ghent- ends War of 1812
Established border between US and Canada Oregon Territory is placed under joint US and British control Great Lakes would eventually be demilitarized.

43 Questions 1. List three reasons for the War of 1812 between the US and Britain? 2. What Treaty ended the war of 1812? 3. Did the treaty solve any of the issues as to why the US and Britain went to war?

44 James Monroe Elected President a continuation of the Virginia Dynasty. An experienced President Election marked the end of the Federalist Party Foreign disputes mostly over Called the “Era of Good Feelings”

45 The Monroe Doctrine was a major element of American foreign policy
The Monroe Doctrine was a major element of American foreign policy. It was first proposed by U.S. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. He is shown here in a Cabinet meeting pointing to a globe. In 1823 Russia was threatening to expand its claimed territory southward along the Pacific Coast. President James Monroe warned the European powers that North and South America were not open to further European colonization. The next year, the U.S. signed a treaty with Russia about the coastal area. It set the southward boundary for Russian colonies at 54 degrees and 40 minutes north latitude. By preventing Russian expansion, the treaty and the Monroe Doctrine contributed to the eventual end of the Russian settlement at Fort Ross. Monroe Doctrine

46 Monroe Doctrine 1823: The US would not tolerate European intervention in the Americas Americans and Europeans were different and experienced different governments. The US would not interfere in European affairs Any attack by a European nation in the Americas would be considered as an attack on the US

47 Adams – Onis Treaty- 1819- US Obtained Florida from Spain and gave up claims to Texas.
Missouri Compromise 1820 Missouri would be admitted as a slave state Maine would be admitted as a free state Slavery would not be allowed north of Missouri’s southern border ( ) The Union would have 12 free and 12 slave states. ( Sectional lines were being drawn)

48 M and M Compromise

49 Panic of After the Treaty of Ghent, Americans borrowed funds from British investors. When British banks called in their loans, it caused a depression in America known as the Panic of 1819.

50 On July 4, the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence - Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died within a few hours of each other.

51 Questions 1. Under what US President was a period called the Era of Good Feelings? 2. Under what treaty was Florida obtained? 3. What were the main points of the Missouri Compromise?

52 4. What were the main points of the Monroe Doctrine?
5. What was the main cause of the economic Panic of 1819? 6. The Jeffersonian Era included what Presidents?

53 7. What two treaties helped settle territorial differences with Britain and Spain before 1800?
Jay’s Treaty Pinckney's Treaty

54 Jeffersonian Era

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