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George Washington 1732-1799

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1 George Washington 1732-1799

2 Why George Washington for President? A great leader. General Lead the American Revolution. Well respected. President of the Constitutional Convention. Help write the Constitution.

3 The First President; George Washington He accepted with mix feelings He wanted to devote his life to his farm Was unanimously voted into Presidency with John Adams as Vice President

4 “Washington was astutely aware that his presidency would set a precedent for all that would follow. He carefully attended to the responsibilities and duties of his office, remaining vigilante to not emulate any European royal court. To that end, he preferred the title "Mr. President," instead of more imposing names that were suggested. At first he declined the $25,000 salary Congress offered the office of the presidency, for he was already wealthy and wanted to protect his image as a selfless public servant. However, Congress persuaded him to accept the compensation to avoid giving the impression that only wealthy men could serve as president.”

5 Now What??? As first President, George Washington had no one to look up to or follow in their footsteps. He set a precedent (an example) for all future presidents to follow.

6 Problems that Arise How do you wish to be addressed? Whom will you turn to for help and advice? How long will you remain in office?

7 Cabinet: a group of advisors to help the president govern. Thomas Jefferson Secretary of State: manages relations with foreign countries.

8 Edmund Randolph Attorney General Manage relations country’s legal affairs

9 Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury Manage the country’s economic and financial affairs.

10 Henry Knox Secretary of War Oversee the organization, maintenance and general operations of the U.S. Army

11 Washington takes Office Establishing The Judiciary The Judiciary Act of 1789 established a court system. It provided for a Supreme Court of 6 justices. George Washington appointed John Jay of New York as the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

12 Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan A. Paying off the debt: The United States was left in deep debt from the American Revolution. B. Raise revenue (profit) through taxes and tariffs. C. Set up a national bank to hold the nations money, print and mint money and make interest on loans made to states and private businesses.

13 A closer look at the nations debt.


15 The Whiskey Rebellion In 1791, Congress imposed a tax on all whiskey made and sold in the United States. Hamilton hoped this tax would help raise money to pay down the debt. Instead, this caused farmers to rebel. They did not want to pay the tax on Whiskey. They felt it was unfair because they made extra money by turning corn into whiskey. Farmers rebelled by burning down the home of a tax collector. An angry mob marched through Pittsburg, this was known as the Whiskey Rebellion.

16 Government’s Reaction Washington responded quickly to show the new federal (national) government had the power to enforce the laws. He sent in 13,000 troops causing the mob to quickly scatter. What did Washington’s response prove to Americans? _____________________________________________

17 Political Parties

18 George Washington’s Foreign Policy Foreign Policy: relations with other countries. 1793  Washington announces the United States is a neutral.  The U.S. will NOT takes sides in foreign affairs.  The U.S. is a young nation. We need to take care of own affairs first.

19 England England refuses to leave the forts west of the Appalachian Mountains and continues to aid Native Americans against American settlers. England seizes American ships and impress American sailors. (forces them into the British Navy) John Jay was sent to England to repair relations with Britain.

20 Jay’s Treaty John Jay was sent to England to repair relations with Britain.  The United States would pay all debts owed to England.  England would remove all troops from Northwest Territory and stop helping Native Americans.  England refused to stop impressing sailors.

21 Spain Spain will not let the United States trade goods on the Mississippi River or allow them through the port of New Orleans. Pinckney’s Treaty 1795:  U.S. gets the right to trade on the Mississippi River.  U.S. gains the rights of deposit in New Orleans. Americans can store goods at port until they could be loaded onto ships for transport.

22 Results The Neutrality Proclamation; Jay’s Treaty & Pinckney's Treaty.  Avoid war  Settle in the Trans-Appalachian West  To hold onto the boundaries established after the American Revolution.

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