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9/10/20151 SKOS. 9/10/20152 SKOS Describes thesauruses and taxonomies Properties: broader, narrower, subject, related Classes: Concept, Collection

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Presentation on theme: "9/10/20151 SKOS. 9/10/20152 SKOS Describes thesauruses and taxonomies Properties: broader, narrower, subject, related Classes: Concept, Collection"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/10/20151 SKOS

2 9/10/20152 SKOS Describes thesauruses and taxonomies Properties: broader, narrower, subject, related Classes: Concept, Collection

3 9/10/20153 SKOS SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) aims to emphasize that: The scope of SKOS extends beyond thesauri to classification schemes, subject heading systems, taxonomies, glossaries, controlled vocabularies etc. The semantic web is not just about interchange of data, but also about the organization of data in a distributed, decentralized way. RDF is not a file format, but a data formalism designed to support distributed data management in a web environment Namespace for SKOS:

4 9/10/20154 SKOS core vocabulary skos:Concept: the OWL class of SKOS conceptual resources rdf:type skos:Concept skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel, skos:hiddenLabel are instances of owl:DatatypeProperty skos:prefLabel "animals"@en ; skos:altLabel "fauna"@en ; skos:hiddenLabel "aminals"@en ; skos:prefLabel "animaux"@fr ; skos:altLabel "faune"@fr.

5 9/10/20155 SKOS core vocabulary skos:note, skos:changeNote, skos:definition, skos:editorialNote, skos:example, skos:historyNote and skos:scopeNote are instances of owl:ObjectProperty. skos:note. rdf:type owl:Class ; skos:definition """A physical entity consisting of a sequence of amino-acids; a protein monomer; a single polypeptide chain. An example is the EGFR protein."""@en.

6 9/10/20156 SKOS core vocabulary skos:semanticRelation, skos:broader, skos:narrower, skos:related, are instances of owl:ObjectProperty skos:broader ; skos:related. skos:broader. skos:broader. skos:broader.

7 9/10/20157 SKOS core vocabulary skos:Collection, skos:OrderedCollection, skos:member, skos:memberList are instances of owl:Class. rdf:type skos:Collection ; skos:member,,.

8 9/10/20158 SKOS core vocabulary skos:mappingRelation, skos:exactMatch, skos:broadMatch, skos:narrowMatch, skos:relatedMatch are instances of owl:ObjectProperty skos:broadMatch ; skos:relatedMatch. skos:exactMatch. skos:broadMatch. skos:relatedMatch.

9 9/10/20159 SKOS example

10 9/10/201510 SKOS example <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:skos=""> Economic cooperation Economic co-operation Includes cooperative measures in banking, trade, industry etc., between and among countries.

11 9/10/201511 Extending SKOS with FOAF and DC

12 9/10/201512 Extending SKOS with FOAF and DC <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:skos="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:foaf=""> notebook computers The preferred label for this concept changed from 'laptop computers' to 'notebook computers' on 23 Jan 1999. John Smith 1999-01-23

13 9/10/201513 SKOS application SWED (Semantic Web Environmental Directory) is to create a directory of UK based environmental organizations via a web portal, collecting information on environmental, natural history and community organizations, to support the wider environment related community in the UK.

14 9/10/201514 References: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative: FOAF Project From MARC to Dublin Core SKOS FRBR

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