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Research on the Development and Promotion of Emergent Literacy Skills in Young Children Christopher J. Lonigan, Ph.D. Florida State University Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Research on the Development and Promotion of Emergent Literacy Skills in Young Children Christopher J. Lonigan, Ph.D. Florida State University Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research on the Development and Promotion of Emergent Literacy Skills in Young Children Christopher J. Lonigan, Ph.D. Florida State University Florida Center for Reading Research

2 Supported by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (HD/MH38880, HD36067, HD36509) Administration for Children and Families (90YF0023)

3 What is Emergent Literacy?

4 Emergent Literacy Emergent literacy involves the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are developmental precursors to conventional forms of reading and writing (Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998). Emergent literacy involves the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are developmental precursors to conventional forms of reading and writing (Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998).

5 Emergent Literacy Emergent literacy skills are the basic building blocks for learning to read and write. Emergent literacy skills are the basic building blocks for learning to read and write.

6 Emergent Literacy Emergent literacy skills begin developing in early infancy and early childhood through participation with adults in meaningful activities involving talking and print. Emergent literacy skills begin developing in early infancy and early childhood through participation with adults in meaningful activities involving talking and print.

7 Emergent Literacy There are three domains of emergent literacy skills that are related to later (conventional) reading and writing. ß Oral Language ß Phonological Processing ß Print Knowledge

8 Emergent Literacy These three skills are the foundation for how easily, quickly, and well children learn to read and write once they begin kindergarten and first grade. These three skills are the foundation for how easily, quickly, and well children learn to read and write once they begin kindergarten and first grade.

9 Emergent Literacy Research shows that these three skills, measured when children are in preschool, predict how well the children will be reading in the first grade. Research shows that these three skills, measured when children are in preschool, predict how well the children will be reading in the first grade.

10 Oral Language Skills

11 Vocabulary Knowledge Syntactic Knowledge Narrative Understanding

12 Oral Language Skills Knowing words is key to learning to read.Knowing words is key to learning to read. Reading is a different way of communicating.Reading is a different way of communicating. Difficult to learn to read words if you do not know words (i.e., what they mean; what they represent).Difficult to learn to read words if you do not know words (i.e., what they mean; what they represent).

13 Oral Language Skills More complex oral language skills are most important later in the process of learning to read. They help children understand what is being read.More complex oral language skills are most important later in the process of learning to read. They help children understand what is being read.

14 Print Knowledge

15 Understanding that it is the print that reflects the words and not other parts of books, like the pictures or the spaces between words. Understanding that there are 26 different letters in English and that letters can look different and still be the same letter, as is the case for upper and lower case letters (or different print styles).

16 Print Knowledge Children need to learn that there are different sounds associated with each letter.Children need to learn that there are different sounds associated with each letter. This task is difficult because sometimes each letter can represent multiple sounds (e.g., g and s), or the same sound can be associated with different letters (e.g., c and k)!This task is difficult because sometimes each letter can represent multiple sounds (e.g., g and s), or the same sound can be associated with different letters (e.g., c and k)!

17 Phonological Processing Skills

18 Alphabetic languages represent language at the phoneme level (i.e., letters typically correspond to phonemes in words).Alphabetic languages represent language at the phoneme level (i.e., letters typically correspond to phonemes in words). Almost all poor readers have a problem with phonological processing.Almost all poor readers have a problem with phonological processing.

19 Phonological Processing Skills Phonological Access Phonological Memory Phonological Sensitivity

20 Phonological Processing Skills Better phonological memory--the ability to hold sound-based information in immediate memory--may increase the likelihood that the phonemes associated with the letters of a word can be maintained in memory while decoding, freeing more cognitive resources for decoding and comprehension. Better phonological memory--the ability to hold sound-based information in immediate memory--may increase the likelihood that the phonemes associated with the letters of a word can be maintained in memory while decoding, freeing more cognitive resources for decoding and comprehension.

21 Phonological Processing Skills Better phonological access--the retrieval of sound-based codes from memory-- may increase the ease of retrieval of phonological codes associated with letters, word segments, and whole words from memory, making it more likely that they can be used in decoding. Better phonological access--the retrieval of sound-based codes from memory-- may increase the ease of retrieval of phonological codes associated with letters, word segments, and whole words from memory, making it more likely that they can be used in decoding.

22 Phonological Processing Skills Better phonological sensitivity (i.e., the ability to apprehend and/or manipulate smaller and smaller units of sound) facilitates the connection between letters and the sounds they represent in words. Better phonological sensitivity (i.e., the ability to apprehend and/or manipulate smaller and smaller units of sound) facilitates the connection between letters and the sounds they represent in words.

23 Phonological Processing Skills Almost all research on phonological processing skills in preschool children has examined phonological sensitivity.

24 Phonological Sensitivity

25 ... involves understanding that words are made up of smaller sounds, like... syllables (i.e., the natural breaks in spoken words, like “but” “er” “fly” in the word “butterfly”)syllables (i.e., the natural breaks in spoken words, like “but” “er” “fly” in the word “butterfly”) phonemes (i.e., the smallest speech sounds; sounds typically depicted by letters; e.g., the sound of the letter B, is the first phoneme in the word “bat”)phonemes (i.e., the smallest speech sounds; sounds typically depicted by letters; e.g., the sound of the letter B, is the first phoneme in the word “bat”)

26 Phonological Sensitivity Understanding that words are made up of smaller sounds helps children break “the code” between written language (the letters) and spoken language (the sounds).

27 Phonological Sensitivity Developing phonological sensitivity is hard!Developing phonological sensitivity is hard! Phonemes do not really exist!Phonemes do not really exist! We co-articulate the phonemes inWe co-articulate the phonemes in –words when we speak.

28 Development of Phonological Sensitivity

29 Phonological sensitivity develops in a progressive fashion with sensitivity to smaller and smaller units of sound across the preschool period

30 The significance of preschool phonological sensitivity

31 Significance of Preschool Phonological Sensitivity àOne-year longitudinal study of 100 4- and 5-year-old children from higher SES backgrounds (Lonigan et al., 2000). àAll children completed phonological sensitivity measures, tests of oral language, tests of print awareness, and other emergent literacy measures (e.g., concepts about print) in preschool and 12-months later.

32 Significance of Preschool Phonological Sensitivity Zero-order Correlations between Time 1 Emergent Literacy Skills and Time 2 Emergent Literacy and Reading Skills for Older Sample

33 Development of Phonological Sensitivity Children at Risk for Reading Difficulties

34 Development of Phonological Sensitivity SES Differences in Phonological Sensitivity ßCross-sectional study comparing the performance of 250 children from higher income families to 170 children from lower income families. ßChildren were between two- and five- years of age.

35 SES Differences in Phonological Sensitivity ßChildren completed tests of phonological sensitivity that assessed their ability to detect, blend, or elide words, syllables, onset-rimes, or phonemes. ßChildren also completed several oral language measures (e.g., PPVT, EOWPVT).

36 SES Differences in Phonological Sensitivity ßBecause of significant differences on the oral language measures, analyses examined language-corrected scores on the phonological sensitivity measures.



39 SES Differences in Phonological Sensitivity ßChildren from lower SES backgrounds have significantly less well developed phonological sensitivity. ßChildren from lower SES backgrounds experience significantly less growth in these skills during the preschool years compared to their higher SES counterparts.

40 Growth and Stability of Preschool Emergent Literacy Skills in At-Risk Children

41 Growth and Stability of Emergent Literacy in At-Risk Preschool Children àOne-year longitudinal study of 325 3- to 5-year-olds attending Head Start. àChildren completed assessments of phonological processing skills (sensitivity, access, memory), print awareness, and oral language three times during the Head Start year.

42 Phonological Sensitivity September Phonological Sensitivity January Phonological Sensitivity May. 95. 90. 82 Stability of Phonological Sensitivity Across the Head Start Year Growth and Stability of Emergent Literacy in At-Risk Preschool Children

43 àChildren from lower SES backgrounds are at risk of later reading difficulties because of overall slower development of emergent literacy skills and the high degree of stability of these skills. àIn the absence of effective intervention, children from lower SES backgrounds are unlikely to arrive at school ready to benefit from reading instruction.

44 Interventions for children at risk for later reading problems àDialogic Reading Studies àPhonological Sensitivity Interventions àCombined Intervention

45 Dialogic Reading àDialogic reading is a shared-reading intervention designed to promote the development of oral language skills. àDialogic reading involves several changes in the way adults typically read books to children. àCentral to these changes is a shift in roles. During typical shared-reading, the adult reads and the child listens...

46 Dialogic Reading à dialogic reading the child learns to become the storyteller. The adult assumes the role of an active listener àAsking questions àAdding information àPrompting the child to increase the sophistication of descriptions of the material in the picture book

47 Dialogic Reading àChildren's responses to the book are encouraged through praise and repetition, and more sophisticated responses are encouraged by expansions of the child's utterances and by more challenging questions from the adult reading partner.

48 Dialogic Reading àStudies conducted with children from lower SES families demonstrate that teachers, parents, or community volunteers can produce substantial positive changes in children's language.

49 Dialogic Reading àA large scale longitudinal study of the use of dialogic reading over a year of a Head Start program for 4-year-olds showed large effects on oral language skills at the end of Head Start that were maintained through the end of kindergarten.

50 Phonological Sensitivity Interventions àMost phonological sensitivity interventions have been conducted with children at the beginning stages of learning to read. àA small but growing body of research suggests that preschool phonological awareness interventions can increase children’s skills in this area and improve the children’s later reading skills.

51 CAI in Head Start à45 children attending Head Start were randomly assigned to receive either a CAI phonological sensitivity intervention or nothing in addition to the standard Head Start curriculum. àChildren in the CAI group received daily 15 minute sessions for about 10 weeks. àAll children pre- and posttested on measures of phonological sensitivity, print awareness, and oral language.

52 CAI in Head Start àCAI activities provided instruction and practice in rhyme, blending, and segmentation of sounds in words. àCAI program used an adventure game context. àResearch assistants worked with the children to provide instructional and technical support.

53 Significant Pre- to Posttest Difference Scores for Head Start CAI Study

54 Comprehensive Pre-Literacy Intervention àInterventions targeting separate emergent literacy skills (oral language, phonological sensitivity) can be effective. àData suggest, however, that emergent literacy skills are relatively modular àlong-term dialogic reading effects do not extend to decoding. àphonological processing and print awareness skills--and not oral language--predict early decoding.

55 Comprehensive Pre-Literacy Intervention Preventative Intervention for Children At-Risk for Reading Difficulties àComparison to determine optimal combinations of emergent literacy intervention. àExamination of the additive effects of combined interventions. àUsing small group activities.

56 Comprehensive Pre-Literacy Intervention Initial Outcomes in Three Emergent Literacy Domains

57 Summary

58 Summary àChildren’s emergent literacy skills are strong predictors of how quickly, easily, and well children will acquire conventional literacy skills. àChildren’s oral language, phonological processing, and print knowledge skills are important developmental domains for reading.

59 Summary àChildren’s emergent literacy skills are highly stable--indicating that children who start behind are likely to stay behind. àMany children from lower SES backgrounds are at significant risk for difficulties learning to read because of their lower level of emergent literacy skills.

60 Summary àThere are effective interventions for improving children’s emergent literacy skills. àEmergent literacy skills are modular. It is likely that effective intervention will need to address performance in all three areas (oral language, phonological processing, print awareness).

61 Summary àEducational strategies using these intervention techniques can be used to help children at-risk for reading problems become ready to read -- and ready to learn.

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