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Standards for the 21st Century Learner Lesson Plan Database

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Presentation on theme: "Standards for the 21st Century Learner Lesson Plan Database"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards for the 21st Century Learner Lesson Plan Database
Documents to have open and ready: - Lesson Plan Template (Word doc) - Lesson Plan Checklist and Rubric (PDF) - Have Standards in Action handy Standards for the 21st Century Learner Lesson Plan Database Created By: Kathy Lowe, Executive Director Massachusetts School Library Assn. Adapted By: Marg Foster and Eileen Kern, Pennsylvania School Librarians Association

2 Holding a copy the Standards – I’m sure everyone is familiar with these. They were published in 2007.

3 Standards for the 21st Century Learner
These standards are learner-centered and focus on the learning process, rather than skills and tools. Successful learners not only develop skills, but the dispositions to use them, an awareness of their own responsibilities in acquiring, using, creating & sharing information, and an understanding of the importance of reflecting on one’s own learning process. All four strands are integral to successful learning. Graphics and screen shots excerpted from Standards for the 21st-Century Learner by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association, copyright © 2007 American Library Association. Reprinted with permission.

4 Learners use skills, resources and tools to:
Four Standards Learners use skills, resources and tools to: This represents the flow of learning. THINK – Reflects Standard 1 – Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge CREATE – Reflects Standard 2 - Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge SHARE – Represents Standard 3 - Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society GROW – Represents Standard 4 - Pursue personal and aesthetic growth CREATE THINK SHARE GROW

5 Standards in Action Standards in Action was published in It was developed to help school librarians integrate the new Standards into their teaching.

6 Standards in Action Standard Skills Dispositions Self-Assessment Strategies Responsibilities Grade-level skills benchmarks are added to indicate where students should be by the end of grades 2, 5, 8, 10 and 12. Sample behaviors describe student performance of the disposition or responsibility. Stages of development illustrate the shift from the teacher in charge to the student in charge. Self-questioning gives generic examples of questions students might ask themselves throughout the learning experience. Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators Benchmarks Grade 2 Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade 10 Grade 12 Stages of Development Sample Behaviors Self- Questioning Examples

7 The AASL Lesson Plan Database
The AASL Lesson Plan Database was unveiled in April 2011. It is more than a database - it's an online community for collaboration and professional growth. Each AASL affiliate’s L4L coordinator was asked to recommend 3 members to submit lessons before the database was opened to the public. Since then, anyone can submit a lesson plan.

8 Lesson Plans Incorporate AASL Learning Standards
Integrated with content area curricula Cross-walked with Common Core State Standards Developed by colleagues in the field Free and open to all Read the five things on this slide.

9 AASL Lesson Plan Database
We are going to tour the database now, so if you have a laptop, please feel free to follow along. The web address is:

10 First we must each create an account
First we must each create an account. Everyone that has no account already, needs to click on Create and account and fill in all the information. Use the actual database to show the features listed here. Now that you have this completed, we will walk through the database and I will show you the various ways to browse. GO up to Browse all lesson plans and click faceted search Show keyword with each kind and then all Guided search methods. Next go to Browse by Grade and show. Next go to Browse by Content areas and show. Next go to Browse and sort – this gives you the choice to sort by latest, by rating, and by author. Now go up and use Search Box to search for Rock Star Road Trip – Let’s look at the features and organization of the lesson and all the information that is provided for you – Background information, Grade level, Standards, Scenario, Overview, Product, Lesson, Assessment, Instructional Plan, and Activities. This is what people see that do not log-in. If you log-in, it gives you the Strategies for Differentiation, and attachments – in this case a rubric. You can use them and adapt them and it allows people to comment on to give you other ideas of how they used it in their setting. There is also the printable version and PDF. You can mail it to yourself too.

11 Account Holder Privileges
Rate lessons and see how others have rated them Read and post comments View attachments Save lessons as PDFs Bookmark favorite lessons and users Contribute your own lesson These are the features you see if you join. Otherwise you miss these.

12 When you log in, you can see your Portfolio menu
When you log in, you can see your Portfolio menu. It links you to your personal space on the site. Pull it up on screen and go through each feature of your portfolio –see your info and lesson plans, bookmark favorites, find out more about the contributor and follow them.

13 You can submit a lesson plan by clicking on Create Content.

14 Vetting Process Submissions are vetted by trained AASL Moderators to ensure the highest quality Moderators are experienced school library professionals Moderators use two tools to evaluate lessons: Lesson Plan Rubric Lesson Plan Checklist It may take several rounds of revisions before the moderator is satisfied that the lesson plan meets all the criteria for publication.

15 Lesson Plan Template You need to bring up the Lesson Plan Template which is posted on the PSLA Conference Wiki at:

16 Scenario and Overview Scenario is Detailed description of the lesson
Circumstances and context in which it was developed and taught The roles of the librarian and classroom teacher. Overview is Brief description of the lesson Browse and Sort page and includes Essential Questions Refer to rubric to be sure these sections are completed correctly.

17 ASSESSMENT Self-assessment is three directional Summative assessment
Formative assessment Predictive assessment Self Assessment is 3 directional. Summative assessment - Looking backwards at work that has been done to see how successful it was. Formative assessment - Looking at the present to determine the next steps. Predictive assessment - Looking at the future to decide what has been learned that will make the learning process more effective in the future.

18 Self-Assessment Strategies
Some ways students can reflect upon their learning process: Reflection logs Exit tickets Reflective note taking Rubrics or checklists Peer questioning or consultation Self-questioning How do you assess? What others have you used?

19 Four-Step Lesson Design
See page 18 in Standards in Action for more information. Direct instruction Modeling and guided practice Independent practice Sharing and reflection Direct instruction of the specific skill to be learned Modeling and guided practice: learners have an opportunity to see the skill as it is applied successfully Independent practice: learners apply the skill to their own topics Sharing and reflection: learners look at their own application of the skill and determine how well it worked

20 Lesson Plan Rubric and Checklist
standards/lessonplandatabase/less onplandb Look at these items and see how they fit together.

21 Web Badge Once your lesson has been published you will receive a letter with a link to this web badge that you can use in your signature, on your school webpage, your blog, FaceBook or Linked-in page, etc. It includes a clickable link to the Lesson Plan Database. You will also be given a link to this form to fill out to have a letter sent to your administrator's) informing them that your lesson plan has been published in the database.

22 Work Time: 20 Minutes Move to a table of your grade level choice.
Select a lesson to examine. Rate the lesson and justify your answer in small groups- 1 through 5 stars. Choose a facilitator to report your rating to all the groups. 20 minutes for partnering;– 1 does grade 9 or 10, 11, 12, 5 &6, 7 & 8, K&1, 2 & 3 Modify each table groups by the number at the table. If time, do a second lesson.

23 Reflection and Sharing
What is the most important thing you will take away from today’s session? PLEASE complete and submit your lessons!! Lead the effort in your school community to contribute to the database. Contact me if you are interested in becoming a moderator. Particularly, higher-ed teachers of future school librarians – require students to submit lessons plans and you can moderate them.

24 Standards for the 21st Century Learner
Thank you! Does anyone have any questions? If you do later on, feel free to contact any of us with questions. We are going to take the rest of the time to let you browse through the database lessons. Standards for the 21st Century Learner Lesson Plan Database Marg Foster EileenKern Laura Wienand

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