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Chapter 6: Cable and the Specialization of Television.

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1 Chapter 6: Cable and the Specialization of Television

2 Some guiding questions zHow does cable differ from broadcasting? zHow did cable pose a challenge to broadcasting? zWhat were some of the early issues surrounding cable regulation? zHow have CNN and MTV influenced global cultures? zHow is the cable industry organized?

3 How does CABLE differ from BROADCASTING? Programs reach TV sets through wires (cable) rather than through the air.

4 DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY CABLE TECHNOLOGY zDevised by appliance store dealers and electronics firms, 1940s. zNeeded to get TV programming to rural, remote areas. zBuilt antenna relay towers in remote rural communities, ran wires to homes.

5 CATV: Community Antenna Television zFirst small cable systems zIn communities where mountains or tall buildings blocked broadcast signals zServed 10 percent of USA, with twelve channels zAdvantages: no over-the-air interference, increased channel capacity.

6 CABLE THREATENS BROADCASTING zBroadcasters lobbied to curb cable development for thirty years. zFCC backed broadcasting industry, banned cable competition. zOnly exception: CATV allowed in remote areas.

7 How Do Cable Systems Work? zHeadend: computerized nerve center zDownlinks program channels from satellite zRelays programming through coaxial or fiber-optic cables attached to utility poles zSignals run through drop lines into homes through converter boxes

8 FCC and CABLE REGULATION, 1972 zMust-carry rules: required cable operators to carry all local TV broadcasts zLimited number of distant commercial stations carried zMandate for public access channels and leased channels

9 CABLE FRANCHISING zLocal communities awarded monopoly to selected cable company (late 1970s - 1980s). zFranchises awarded by local municipalities and, sometimes, state governments. zOpportunities for corruption in bidding zSome states defined cable as a public utility.

10 CABLE TV’s AMBIGUOUS REGULATORY STATUS zWho holds jurisdiction over wired television? zIs it broadcasting, or a public utility (a common carrier)? zOr is it an electronic publisher?

11 Cable Act of 1984 zRepresented more support and protection for cable industry zHowever, ended rate regulation and must-carry rules zCable subscription charges skyrocketed. zCable systems began dropping PBS, local and independent stations.

12 Cable Act of 1992 zFCC and Congress reinstated rate regulations. zMust-carry or retransmission consent options for local commercial broadcasters

13 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT of 1996 zFirst major change since 1934, finally incorporating cable under federal regulation zRemoved market barriers between phone companies, long-distance carriers and cable operators zRe-affirmed must-carry rules to protect local broadcasters

14 NEW PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN CABLE AND BROADCASTING zNetworks (ABC, NBC, CBS) slipped from 95 percent to less than 50 percent of prime-time audience zNetworks join cable world: e.g., CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News

15 Cable’s NARROWCASTING = providing specialized programming for diverse and fragmented groups

16 CNN Revolutionizes TV News z24-hour TV news channel, 1980 z1982: Turner launched HEADLINE NEWS channel as well zLost money until 1985 zEmerged as major news competitor during Persian Gulf War (1991) with 24-hour coverage

17 What is the CNN formula, and how has it affected international news coverage?

18 The CNN “formula” zEmphasizes news itself rather than celebrity anchors z24-hour format allowed unprecedented viewer access zDelivers timely news in greater detail zOffers live, unedited continuous coverage of breaking events zEmphasizes international news

19 MUSIC TELEVISION NETWORK (MTV) z1981, Warner Communications (bought by Viacom in 1985) zGlobal offspring and strong international presence: MTV Asia, MTV Europe, MTV Brazil, MTV Japan, MTV Latino*

20 MTV’s niche zOriginally, rotation of music videos (a new media form) zIn early 1990s, added original programming zPartnership with recording industry: MTV bought exclusive rights to music videos zExclusive agreements with cable systems to limit competition

21 MTV’s Style Visual style has revolutionized the “look” of film, television, and culture worldwide: xHand-held camera xInnovative camera angles xFast-paced cuts xBright colors

22 How has MTV shaped global youth cultures?

23 Beyond the basics: premium cable zMovie channels zPay-per-view zInteractive services (banking, shopping, games, Internet) zDigital cable radio

24 Direct Broadcast Satellites (DBS) zDBS bypasses cable to get programming directly from satellite zLegal issues--who owns the satellite signals? zEarly satellite dishes huge and expensive zFCC restricted DBS services in 1970s and 1980s zFull, legalized DBS services in 1994

25 What are the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of both cable and DBS as program providers?

26 OWNERSHIP ISSUES IN THE CABLE INDUSTRY zMultiple-system operators (MSO’s) zOligopoly: handful of corporations control most of programming zWhich companies dominate the cable industry?

27 MAJOR CABLE PLAYERS (MSO’s) zAT&T (incorporated former giant TCI in 1998) zTime Warner Cable (Time Warner is world’s largest media corporation) zCharter Communications

28 Can cable television provide a space for alternative voices and independent programming?

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