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U.S. National Security Bush the Elder and the Persian Gulf War.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. National Security Bush the Elder and the Persian Gulf War."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. National Security Bush the Elder and the Persian Gulf War

2 Resource Dependence WWII-1979: Iran (led by Shah Reza Pahlevi) is closest ally of US in the region Iran guarantees US access to Persian Gulf oil 1979: Iranian Revolution - violently anti-US 1980: Carter Doctrine Access to Persian Gulf oil is part of US nat’l. interest

3 President George H. W. Bush Term: 1989-1993 Nickname: Poppy Former Careers: Navy pilot in WWII (youngest at the time he began flying) Oil industry in W. Texas US Rep. (TX-R) Ambassador to the UN Chairman of the GOP Diplomat to China D-CIA VP

4 Time of Change Cold War ends Soviet empire disintegrates Berlin Wall falls

5 Security Crises Panama (1989) Strategic concern: Panama Canal Political concern: Americans in the area Gulf War (1990-1) Strategic concern: oil Political concern: ally

6 Persian Gulf War August 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait, threatens to annex Iraq: 4th largest army in the world; battle-tested (1980-88: Iran-Iraq War) Worry about casualties US pulls together coalition of 25 states, including some Islamic states from the region

7 Success of Operation Desert Storm Once air war began, US destroyed Iraqi radar and communications infrastructure on the first day Thus, Iraqi forces limited to ground, and US conducted a primarily air campaign Sources Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) Powell Doctrine

8 Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) Application of electronic technology to warfare = force multipliers Reconnaissance Weapons accuracy Gap between US military and all others grows; US becomes a military hyperpower Pros and cons?

9 Powell Doctrine National security interest Clear, obtainable objective Public support Overwhelming force

10 Gulf War and the Public Media access restricted heavily (effect of Vietnam) - only a few press members, only a few carefully selected actions High public support


12 Today: Production vs. Imports 2011: Goal of reducing oil imports by 1/3 2012: Goal increased to cut in half 2012 60%: Produced in US 40%: Imported

13 Today: Source of Imports Largest source of imports: Canada 53%: W. Hemisphere 28%: Persian Gulf 16%: Africa

14 Discussion Takeaways from the article? What lessons did the US military learn from Vietnam? What did the US take away from the Gulf War? Guns vs. butter? Does every president have to pick a side?

15 Guns vs. Butter ''That bitch of a war,'' Johnson lamented toward the end of his life, ''killed the lady I really loved -- the Great Society.'’ NY Times: “The Nation: Guns and Butter; The Nation Can Run More Than War” (2001) NY Times: “The Nation: Guns and Butter; The Nation Can Run More Than War” (2001)

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