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Seng and Wavering present:.  Don’t forget your paperwork!  Will be developing a website for a client – usually a club, nonprofit, or other worthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Seng and Wavering present:.  Don’t forget your paperwork!  Will be developing a website for a client – usually a club, nonprofit, or other worthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seng and Wavering present:


3  Don’t forget your paperwork!  Will be developing a website for a client – usually a club, nonprofit, or other worthy cause

4  Websites have moved beyond individually hand-built pages.  Web Development Frameworks  Content Management System

5  Aim to make development of complicated sites easier by automating common features and organizing the code you write.  Follow generally accepted “best practices”  PHP – CakePHP, CodeIgniter  Ruby – Ruby on Rails  Python - Django

6  Contain libraries for database access, session management, templating web pages  Written in a particular language – PHP, Ruby, Python are common  Abstract lower-level interfacing so that you only have to worry about higher-level functionality

7  Software that allows you to manage websites without having to manually edit HTML  Simple CMS (  Cushy CMS (  Indexhibit (  Wordpress (  Drupal (

8    class="editable"

9  Originally a blogging platform, but capabilities have grown to include standard website features.  We will be looking at Wordpress in more depth next week –installation and maintenance

10    

11  How to register a domain  How to buy hosting  Uploading and maintaining your site  Site analytics

12  Use your google-fu to find the Wordpress “Famous 5-minute Install Guide”. Read. Email us a short summary.  Fill out paperwork and bring to class.  Start thinking about projects for next semester.

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