Candid Photography Laylenee Garcia Period: 4. What is it? Candid photography is something that is unplanned, immediate, and unobtrusive. Candid photography.

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1 Candid Photography Laylenee Garcia Period: 4

2 What is it? Candid photography is something that is unplanned, immediate, and unobtrusive. Candid photography is opposed to the stalking involved in animal photography, sports photography or photographic journalistic intrusion. They involve people and the close reaction to something they do, or they involve peoples reaction to each other.

3 Candid photography. Some professional photographers develop candid photography as an art. Henri Cartier- Bresson might be considered the master of the candid photography art,caputring the “decisive moment” In everyday life over a spam of several decades. Almost all successful photographers in the field of candid photography master the art of making people relax and feel at ease around the camera, they master in the art of blending in in parties.

4 Camera equipment Equipment for candid photography is typically lightweight, small and unobtrusive rather than big and disturbing. The larger the equipment the more difficult to master the art of making the equipment appear to be unobtrusive to achieve candid photography. Candid photography requires high film speeds or ISOs as strobe flashes can interrupt interactions, causing people to stage their photo appearance rather than behaving naturally. For this reason, candid photography has traditionally taken place outdoors. Tips: Use a long zoom, don’t use flash, photograph people with people, take lots of shots, Frame Images with Foreground Elements, and photograph people doing things.

5 Famous Candid photographers Henri Cartier Bresson - The best known photographer of all time and one that has inspired many over the years. His candid photography, covering many of the peoples of the world, provides a valuable source of information about the lives of everyday individuals during the middle of the 20th century.

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