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STRATEGIES OF RESISTANCE TO STATE INFLUENCE IN MARAE MANAGEMENT Reconciling Tensions Between Community Self- Determination And State Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGIES OF RESISTANCE TO STATE INFLUENCE IN MARAE MANAGEMENT Reconciling Tensions Between Community Self- Determination And State Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRATEGIES OF RESISTANCE TO STATE INFLUENCE IN MARAE MANAGEMENT Reconciling Tensions Between Community Self- Determination And State Authority

2 What is the nature of the state’s influence on marae? How do marae strengthen their rangatiratanga in light of this influence?




6 SOME DEFINITIONS OF MARAE Physical complex Complex with a meeting house and marae atea Community gathering place Place for cultural expression Community centre Village Sanctuary


8 Land Community Whare

9 NATIONAL SURVEY OF MARAE 1997 1031 active marae identified nationwide 877 participated in the survey 72% registered under Te Ture Whenua (Maori Land) Act

10 A MAORI RESERVATION IS … A block of land … Held in trust … For a specific purpose (eg marae) … For the benefit of a specified group of people (eg a named hapu or iwi)

11 LEGISLATION FOR RESERVATIONS Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 Maori Reservations Regulations 1994 Administered by the Maori Land Court

12 MAORI RESERVATIONS maraechurch siterecreation ground village siteburial groundsports ground meeting placespringfishing ground landing placewellbathing place building sitetimber reserve catchment area or other source of water supply place of cultural, historical, or scenic interest for any other specified purpose

13 MAIN MANAGEMENT GROUPS Of the 877 marae surveyed 44% had a current trustees committee 54% had a marae committee

14 MARAE COMMITTEE COMPRISES … Members of the marae community and the marae executive who are at the marae committee hui

15 FUNCTION OF THE MARAE COMMITTEE Day-to-day care of the marae Administration Wider community involvement Development project planning

16 COMMITTEE AUTHORITY TRUSTEES Court appointed Hierarchy of authority Fixed duties governed by rules Authority to give commands MARAE COMMITTEE Community membership Hui Kaumatua Kawa Consensus decisionmaking

17 OPTIONS FOR RECONCILING AUTHORITY 1.Replace the marae committee with the trustees committee 2.Make a version of the marae committee a sub-committee of the trustees

18 RETAINING RANGATIRATANGA Link trustees committee to the paepae

19 RETAINING RANGATIRATANGA Link trustees committee to the paepae The community handles problems

20 REINFORCING RANGATIRATANGA Link trustees committee to the paepae The community handles problems

21 REINFORCING RANGATIRATANGA Link trustees committee to the paepae The community handles problems Restrict trustees sphere of influence

22 REINFORCING RANGATIRATANGA Link trustees committee to the paepae The community handles problems Restrict trustees sphere of influence Trustees and marae committee have a perceived hierarchical role

23 REINFORCING RANGATIRATANGA Link trustees committee to the paepae The community handles problems Restrict trustees sphere of influence Trustees and marae committee have a perceived hierarchical role Use marae executive as a bridging committee

24 TRUSTEES’ POWERS Authorize activities Issue permits Call administration meetings Make appointments and employ advisers Apply to the Court for directions

25 AUTHORIZATION PROCESS FOR ACTIVITIES TRUSTEES A formal process of: 1. Written applications 2. Meeting to grant/decline MARAE COMMITTEE Logistical consideration at marae committee hui RECONCILIATION: The marae committee approves activities; the trustees can access the marae committee’s records.

26 ORGANIZING MEETINGS TRUSTEES Held when necessary Requires a quorum Decision by majority vote of trustees Record in minute book MARAE COMMITTEE Held monthly Proceeds with whoever is in attendance Decisions by consensus Record in minute book RECONCILIATION: Each committee holds separate meetings with trustees meetings following the regulations. Each handles different issues.

27 APPOINTMENTS TRUSTEES Formal process not required Decisions by majority vote MARAE COMMITTEE Nominations process Election process for trustees and executive RECONCILIATION: The marae committee appoints administrative officials based on a three-year term of office and using AGM procedures set out in the Regulations.

28 HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY Trustees Marae Committee Marae Executive Maori Land Court Marae Community

29 HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY TrusteesMarae Committee Marae Executive Maori Land Court Marae Community

30 OTHER RESERVATIONS REGULATIONS 1. Prepare a charter 2. Display permanent notices 3. Procedures for official complaints to the Court

31 OTHER RESERVATIONS REGULATIONS 1. Prepare a charter 2. Display permanent notices 3. Procedures for official complaints to the Court

32 OTHER RESERVATIONS REGULATIONS 1. Prepare a charter 2. Display permanent notices 3. Procedures for official complaints to the Court

33 OTHER RESERVATIONS REGULATIONS 1. Prepare a charter 2. Display permanent notices 3. Procedures for official complaints to the Court

34 What is the nature of the state’s influence on marae?

35 A TRANSITION PHASE FROM TRADITIONAL TO MODERN Community groups & court appointed committees Hui & meetings Kaumatua leadership & official authority Kawa & bureaucratic procedures Consensus & majority vote decisionmaking

36 How do marae strengthen their rangatiratanga in light of this influence?

37 RESISTANCE TO EROSION OF RANGATIRATANGA Existing marae committees The paepae and trustees committee link Community problemsolving Restricting the trustees sphere of influence Perceived hierarchical management structure Marae executive as a bridging committee

38 Stand on the back of the Turtle, our mother, and look at the land and wonder what it would have been like if Columbus would have been successful in his pursuit of India and avoided the eastern shore of this continent. Wipe your Indian hands on your Levi jeans, get into your Toyota pick-up. Throw in a tape of Mozart, Led Zeppelin or ceremonial Sioux songs; then throw your head back and laugh - you are a survivor of a colonized people. Paint what you see, sculpt what you feel, and stay amused. George Longfish

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