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Atoms to Minerals Matter And Atoms Chapter 5 section 1.

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1 Atoms to Minerals Matter And Atoms Chapter 5 section 1

2 What is matter? Matter is anything that has mass and volume.
Mass-the amount of material in a substance Volume-the amount of space taken up by an object or substance. Minerals are made of matter because they have mass and volume.

3 What makes up matter? Matter is composed of elements.
Element = a substance that cannot be broken into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means. Ex. oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, silicon, gold Represented by a symbol (as well as name) Elements are made of atoms Atoms are the smallest part of an element that has all the element’s properties

4 Structure of an Atom Central region called the nucleus Electrons
Consists of protons (positive charges) and neutrons (neutral/no charge) Most of the mass of an atom Electrons Negatively charged particles that orbit around the nucleus Located in discrete energy levels called shells Often called an electron “cloud” In its neutral state, an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons…so, it has no charge.

5 An Atom Atoms consist mostly of empty space (between the nucleus & its surrounding electrons).

6 Flattened structure of an atom
# protons (+) equals # electrons (-) Electrons in shells Number of outermost electrons determine types of bonding Argon Outermost (Valence) shell

7 Some definitions: Atomic number: number of protons in the nucleus (= to the # of electrons in the atom) Atomic Mass: total mass of protons and neutrons within an atom’s nucleus The # of protons and electrons in an atom determines its properties.

8 Electrons and Energy Levels
As the # of electrons in atoms increases, more energy levels are needed to hold them. greatest # of energy levels = 7 Each level can hold only a specific number of electrons.

9 Classifying Atoms The periodic table is a tool used to organize information about the elements. In rows from left to right # of protons increases In vertical (up and down) columns, also called groups, elements have similar chemical properties.

10 Column shows # electrons in outermost shell
Periodic Table of the Elements Shows atomic number (# protons) and atomic mass (# protons + neutrons). Column shows # electrons in outermost shell

11 Isotopes The identity of an atom depends on the # of protons.
Elements that have the same # of protons, but a different # of neutrons (and therefore different masses) are called isotopes Mass # of isotope is equal to the # of protons plus the # of neutrons (mass # = #p + #n) Often used in geologic dating.

12 Bonding of Atoms Most substances on Earth are not pure elements, but rather compounds. Compounds contain 2 or more elements that are chemically combined Atoms are most stable when their outermost energy levels are filled (with electrons) Stable atoms do not readily combine with other elements to form compounds

13 Bonding of Atoms Atoms (with shells that are not full) try to fill their outermost shell by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons. This forms a chemical bond that hold atoms together. 3 main bond types: 1. covalent 2. ionic 3. metallic

14 Covalent Bonds Some compounds form when atoms share electrons.
Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds form a molecule.

15 Ionic Bonds Other compounds are held together by the force of electrical attraction between atoms that have lost or gained electrons. loses electron  positive charge. gains an electron  negative charge. charged atom is called an ion Ions with opposite charges attract, forming compounds with ionic bonds. Common in many minerals

16 Metals and Nonmetals Metal = element that loses electrons easily to form positive ions Ex. sodium, potassium, gold (much of periodic table) Ionic bonds don’t form between metals Non-metal = element that gains electrons easily to form negative ions Ex. chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen (right side of periodic table) Ionic bonds can form between non-metals Bonds form easily between metals and nonmetals

17 Metallic Bonds Formed between metal atoms
Different characteristics than bonds that form between metal and nonmetal atoms Electrons move freely around metal ions

18 Compounds and Mixtures
Can have properties unlike those of the elements from which it is made Elements combine in a fixed proportion Can only be separated by chemical means (electricity) Ex. water hydrogen, and oxygen Ex. salt sodium, and chlorine Mixtures Individual elements (or compounds) keep their own properties Elements/compounds can be present in any proportion Most can be separated by physical means (evaporation) Ex. salt water

19 Composition and Structure of Minerals
Chapter 5 Section 2

20 What is a mineral? …a naturally occurring, solid, inorganic substance
that has a definite chemical composition & molecular structure

21 The 5 “must haves” to be classified a MINERAL
Mineral Criteria The 5 “must haves” to be classified a MINERAL

22 1. Naturally Occurring A mineral cannot be man-made!!!
It must be formed in nature.

23 2. Solid Matter A mineral MUST BE A SOLID (not a liquid or a gas)!
Minerals can be crushed into powder, which is still a solid!

24 3. Definite Chemical Composition
Each mineral has a chemical composition – a “Recipe” for making that mineral. Change the recipe and you change the mineral!

25 4. Atoms Arranged in an Orderly Pattern
When the atoms combine, they must form a PATTERN (crystalline structure)

26 5. INORGANIC A mineral CANNOT be made from anything that is, was, or will be living! EXCEPTION Shells are PRODUCED by living things (but the shells themselves are not alive).

27 Most minerals are compounds (elements combine in a fixed proportion).
Quartz Compound of silicon and oxygen Galena Compound of lead and sulfur Minerals made of single elements are called native elements. Silver, copper, sulfur, diamond, graphite

28 Common Mineral Forming Elements Found in Earth’s Crust
(by mass)

29 How do minerals form? 1. Solidification of molten materials *atoms, molecules, & ions move closer together & form compounds *minerals that form depend on the types & amounts of elements present *rate of cooling affects size of mineral grains 2. Evaporation of seawater *as water molecules evaporate, dissolved ions bond to form minerals (ex. halite) 3. Transformation by heat, pressure, or chemical action

30 Structure of Minerals: Crystal Structure
All minerals have CRYSTALLINE STRUCTUrE (internal arrangement of atoms) **The internal arrangement of atoms affects the mineral’s physical properties, especially shape, hardness and cleavage/fracture.** repeated in three dimensions halite

31 Crystal Faces Some minerals actually form “crystals” (a regular geometric solid with smooth surfaces called crystal faces) However, there may not be enough room for crystal faces to develop fully, or “grow.” The mineral just fills the available space. The mineral is still crystalline, but crystal faces are not visible.

32 6 Basic Crystal Shapes The angle between crystal faces is characteristic for each type of mineral and can be used in identification. Systems Examples

33 Silicates Most minerals are composed of only 8 elements!
Silicon Oxygen Tetrahedron Animation O2 - Si4+ The Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedron—an example of ionic bonding. Most minerals are composed of only 8 elements! Silicon and oxygen are the two most abundant elements in Earth’s crust. 90+% minerals (and, therefore, rocks) contain these elements.

34 Crystal Structure & Physical Properties
Minerals are solids due to crystalline structure. Crystal structure determines a mineral’s cleavage (tendency to split along definite planes). Cleavage planes correspond to planes of weak bonds between the atoms, ions, or molecules. The hardness of a mineral also depends on the internal arrangement of atoms. (ex. diamond and graphite)

35 are both pure carbon, but have different molecular structures.
Example Diamond and Graphite are both pure carbon, but have different molecular structures.

36 Identifying Minerals Mineralogy: the study of minerals and their properties. Many minerals can be identified & classified by inspecting them visually and performing simple tests to determine their properties. Chapter 5 Section 3

37 Rock-Forming Minerals
Most rock-forming minerals are silicates. Common rock-forming minerals. Clay Quartz Calcite Olivine Dolomite Pyroxene Amphibole Biotite and Muscovite Micas Orthoclase and Plagioclase Feldspars

38 Identifying Minerals by Inspection
Observed properties should be considered together. A mineral is rarely identified by a single property.

39 Physical Properties of Minerals
Color Most easily observed property Some minerals have distinctive colors, but color is generally unreliable for identification because impurities or oxidation (exposure to oxygen in air/water) can change a mineral’s color Exotic colorations of some minerals produce gemstones. However, we still use color as one of the many properties for mineral identification.

40 Quartz (SiO2) exhibits a variety of colors.
milky quartz citrine amethyst smoky quartz


42 Luster The way a mineral’s surface reflects light
“metallic” or “nonmetallic” Nonmetallic luster: Adamantine – brilliant, like a diamond Dull - non-reflective surface Earthy - look of dirt or dried mud Fibrous - the look of fibers/strings Greasy/oily - the look of grease Pearly - the look of a pearl Resinous - the look of resins such as dried glue or chewing gum Silky - the look of silk, similar to fibrous but more compact Vitreous - the look of glass (most common) Waxy - the look of wax

43 Galena is a lead sulfide that displays metallic luster

44 Pyrite is an iron sulfide that displays metallic luster

45 Examples of Nonmetallic Luster
adamantine Examples of Nonmetallic Luster resinous fibrous silky dull greasy/oily vitreous/glassy earthy pearly waxy

46 Testing Mineral Samples

47 Streak Color of a mineral in its powdered form when it is rubbed on a “streak plate” (unglazed porcelain) May be same as hand-specimen or different Helpful in distinguishing different forms of the same mineral Streaks of nonmetallic minerals are usually colorless or white ALWAYS place streak plate on a flat surface. Never hold it in your hand. It can break and cut you.

48 Examples of Streak

49 Cleavage Tendency to break along planes of weak bonding
Flat, shiny surfaces (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 common) Described by resulting geometric shapes Number of planes Angles between adjacent planes Cleavage Plane Animation

50 Examples of cleavage – fluorite, halite, and calcite

51 Mica – one plane of cleavage

52 Fracture When minerals break unevenly along rough or curved surfaces.
Conchoidal fracture

53 Mineral Hardness The ease or difficulty with which the mineral can be scratched Controlled by the strength of bonds between atoms All minerals are compared to a standard scale called the Mohs scale of hardness Range from 1—talc (softest) to 10—diamond (hardest)

54 Mohs Scale of Hardness Softest Hardest Steel file

55 Determining Mineral Hardness
You can determine the approximate hardness of any common mineral by using your fingernail, a copper penny, a small glass (“scratch”) plate, and a steel file. See whether the mineral scratches or is scratched by each item. If the mineral scratches the item, it is harder than that item. If the mineral is scratched by the item, it is softer than the item. This will tell you the mineral’s approximate hardness. Ex. If the mineral scratches the glass plate (5.5) but is scratched by the steel file (6.5), its hardness is between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs Scale.

56 Specific Gravity/Density
All minerals have density (mass / volume), but some are very dense. Examples: galena, magnetite, and gold. Specific gravity is the density of the mineral compared with the density of water.

57 Special Properties Double refraction Fluorescence Taste Magnetism
Radioactivity Reaction to hydrochloric acid Odor (smell)

58 Double Refraction “Seeing double”

59 Fluorescence Some minerals will glow when placed under short-wave or long-wave ultraviolet rays (“black-light”) Franklin and Ogdensburg, NJ are famous for their fluorescent minerals

60 Taste Halite tastes salty.
Remember…do not taste anything in the laboratory.

61 Magnetism Many iron minerals will produce an invisible magnetic force field. “Lodestone” acts like a magnet. Magnetite is attracted to a magnet.

62 Radioactivity Give off subatomic particles that can be detected by a Geiger counter. Exposure can be dangerous to living organisms.

63 The “Acid Test Reaction with HCl”
Carbonates react with dilute HCl and other acids by fizzing or bubbling (releasing CO2 gas)

64 Chemical Reactions: Is it calcite or dolomite?

65 Odor Sulfur smells like rotten eggs.

66 Mineral Groups Chapter 5 Section 4

67 Major Silicates More than 90% of minerals in Earth’s crust
Silicon + Oxygen (and usually 1 or more metallic elements) Basic building block = silicon oxygen tetrahedron Four oxygen ions surrounding a much smaller silicon ion Classified by how the tetrahedra are linked together

68 Silicate Molecule The Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedron
The basis of most rock-forming minerals

69 Silicate Mineral Examples
Mica Feldspar Olivine Quartz Pyroxene

70 Quartz Made entirely of tightly bound silica tetrahedra
SiO2 (silicon dioxide) Glassy or greasy luster, colorless/white/or variety of colors, conchoidal or irregular fracture, hardness = 7 Uses: watch movements, prisms, heat lamps, lenses, glass, paints, jewelry Common rock-forming mineral (ex. granite) 2nd most abundant mineral in Earth’s crust Main component of most sands

71 Example: Quartz SiO2 (3-D, Also the Feldspars)

72 Feldspars All types of feldspars have 2 directions of cleavage, hardness = 6, pearly luster Used in glass, ceramics Also has aluminum in addition to silicon and oxygen… Other metals include potassium, sodium, calcium Important rock-forming minerals Make up ~60% of Earth’s crust

73 Feldspars Classified into 2 major groups:
potassium feldspars (k-spar, microcline) Orthoclase most common (pink/salmon, cleavage 2 directions at 90°, most commonly found in granite) Sodium-calcium feldspars (also known as plagioclase feldspar, plag) examples: oligoclase, albite, labradorite (white to gray, cleavage 2 directions nearly 90°, striations/fine parallel lines)

74 Feldspar Aluminum atoms (yellow) with nearby Sodium atoms (green) to balance charge

75 Other Silicates Pyroxene family Mica family Cleavage nearly 90°
Augite most common of pyroxene family (contain iron and magnesium, dark color, 2 good cleavages, hardness between 5 & 6) Mica family Soft silicates (hardness = 2.5) Perfect cleavage in 1 direction (sheets/flakes) Common in granite and gneiss Muscovite (silvery/white) Biotite (dark brown/black) Used in electronics insulators, paints, plastics, rubber, roofing

76 Single chains weakly paired
Oxygens share electrons with two Silicon atoms Positive ion 2_26b Example: A Pyroxene Cleavage planes about 90o Single chains weakly paired

77 Example: A Mica Sheet silicates

78 Other Silicates Amphibole minerals Olivine group
Form long, needlelike crystals Most common amphibole is hornblende (iron and magnesium, shiny dark green/brown/black, hardness 5-6, 2 good cleavages at more than 90°, found in igneous and metamorphic rocks) Olivine group Olive green Ferromagnesian silicate (iron, magnesium, silicon, oxygen), hardness = 6.5, glassy/shell-like fracture, gem-quality olivine = peridot, found in some meteorites)

79 Example: An Amphibole Cleavages 56 and 124 degrees Positive ion
Double chains 2_26c Cleavages 56 and 124 degrees

80 Example OLIVINE Positive ion Fe and Mg SiO4 -4 Ion Tetrahedron
facing down facing up Positive ion Fe and Mg SiO4 -4 Ion Independent tetrahedra

81 Other Silicates Kaolinite Aluminum silicate
Formed by weathering of feldspars and other silicates White, hardness = about 2, perfect cleavage in 1 direction Often used in ceramics, paints, fiberglass

82 Clay Minerals (at high magnification)
note sheet structure Kaolinite (hand specimen)


84 Common Non-silicate Minerals
Many non-silicate minerals have economic value

85 Carbonates Carbonates contain CO3 (carbonate) and metal ions
Contained in limestone, marble, and dolostone Many uses (building materials, manufacturing of paper and medicines) Calcite (calcium carbonate) and Dolomite (calcium-magnesium carbonate) are the two most important carbonate minerals

86 Calcite and Dolomite Calcite = CaCO3 Calcium carbonate Dolomite
Colorless or white, hardness = 3, 3 perfect cleavages at more than 90° (rhombohedra), bubbles with acid Dolomite Calcium magnesium carbonate Hardness 3.5-4, cleaves into rhombohedra, bubbles in acid only if powdered first Coarse or fine grains in dolomitic limestone

87 Oxides and Sulfides Contain significant amounts of iron
Not as common as silicates or carbonates Economically important Used to make steel, magnets, car parts, medicines, cosmetics, plastics, paints Iron usually combined with oxygen (oxide) or sulfur (sulfide)

88 Oxides and Sulfides Oxides Sulfides Hematite Magnetite
Most common iron oxide Usually red (sometimes silvery/metallic), earthy luster, uneven fracture, red-brown streak, hardness 5-6 Magnetite Black iron oxide Attracted to a magnet Lodestone is a variety of magnetite (is a natural magnet) Hardness Sulfides -Pyrite “fool’s gold” -Most common sulfide mineral -Iron sulfide -Pale brass to golden yellow -Hardness ≈ 6 -6-12 sided crystals

89 Nonsilicate Mineral Examples
Spinel (Oxide) Halite (Halide) Gypsum (Sulfate) Hematite (Oxide) Calcite (Carbonate) Pyrite (Sulfide) Galena (Sulfide)

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