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The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly.  The decade of the 1920s is often characterized as a period of American prosperity and optimism. It was the "Roaring.

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Presentation on theme: "The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly.  The decade of the 1920s is often characterized as a period of American prosperity and optimism. It was the "Roaring."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly

2  The decade of the 1920s is often characterized as a period of American prosperity and optimism. It was the "Roaring Twenties," the decade of bath tub gin, the model T, the $5 work day, the first transatlantic flight, and the movie. It is often seen as a period of great advance as the nation became urban and commercial.


4  Between 1920-1930 an unprecedented outburst of creative activity among African-Americans occurred in all fields of art. It was a celebration of African American culture in literature and art

5 Aaron Douglas

6  Langston Hughes DREAMS Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow

7  Jazz was hot. It was exciting and fun, and it provoked all the wildness the youth in the 1920's strived for. It's off-beat rhythms and improvised melodies were a welcome new beginning for music. New Orleans was the birthplace of jazz, but it quickly spread and became extremely popular in New York City’s Harlem district.

8 Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong

9 Bessie Smith

10  Charleston  Black Bottom  Shimmy

11  Now that women had the right to vote, they became more independent demanding more and more rights. Flappers were a "new breed" of young women in the 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior. Flappers were seen as brash for wearing excessive makeup, drinking, treating sex in a casual manner, smoking, driving automobiles, and otherwise flouting social and sexual norms


13  9Dgs 9Dgs

14  The film industry really bloomed in the 1920’s. The first movies were filmed in New Jersey. Films of the 1920's were in major demand. Most of the productions were silent and theaters were packed every night. The Big 5 included MGM, Fox, and Warner Brothers. Minor studios at the time were Universal Studios, United Artists, and Columbia Pictures.

15 Clara Bow 8 8 Clara Bow stared in “It” and “Wings”. After starring in the movie “It” she was called the “It” Girl. Mary Pickford and Gloria Swanson were also popular. When talkie movies became popular Clara lost her job.

16  Banned now this Betty Boop cartoon showed how racism existed in the 1920’s  ckcs ckcs

17  U6pmo U6pmo  7:48

18 One of the greatest comedians of all time. aFrBz64 Rudolph Valentino- Lawrence of Arabia Douglas Fairbanks-Zorro Robin Hood


20  An invention, which soon after became a popular fad, was the radio. The radio was immensely popular. (Remember: there is no TV at this time) Radio did everything the TV does for us. If you tuned in at the right time, you could catch comedy shows, news, live events, jazz, variety shows, drama, opera, you name it, the radio had it!

21 Abbott and Costello

22  Smoking in public  Extreme dieting  Bobbed hair  Showing your knees  Marathons  Feats of Endurance-Charles Lindbergh Amelia Earhart  Flagpole Sitters

23 Skyscrapers were erected and hundreds of architects competed for the work. The first successful design was the Woolworth Building in New York.

24  Frank Lloyd Wright was prolific during this period, designing homes in California and in Japan.



27 Salvador Dali

28 Dadaism was an art movement. The Dadaists were mainly a group of ill-organized artists experimenting with bizarre art and literature. The artists wanted to take modern art into a direction that would broaden the meaning of "what art was and could be".


30  One of the biggest cultural developments of the 1920’s was the rise of spectator sports.  Golf was at the height of its popularity in the 1920’s  Olympics were extremely popular  But the number one sport of the 1920’s was:

31 The Babe L2uk


33 The first Mickey Mouse cartoon came out in 1928. Steamboat Willie

34 A book that was published was Winnie the Pooh. Everybody enjoyed this book and fell in love with this cartoon character.

35 We are still benefiting from many of the inventions of the twenties. The refrigerator was brought out of the dust. It changed the convenience of the world today. Can you imagine? Always having to run to a cellar, This could be a pain, especially in the middle of the winter.

36  Another invention for convenience was the method of freezing precooked foods. In 1925, Clarence Birdseye created this method, which took the food industry to a whole new level

37  Penicillin was discovered by accident in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Doctors used the first samples of this antibiotic for World War II soldiers. Penicillin is still used frequently to cure illness.

38 Possibly the most significant change during the 20's was the mass production of the Car started by Henry Ford, he had manufactured and sold some 15 million Model-Ts by 1927 Nicknamed Tin Lizzie Only available in black

39 Gangsters, Crime and Prohibition WCTU against drinking Prohibition-18 th amendment-Volstead Act Illegal drinking establishments-speakeasies Rise of bootlegging Al Capone Rise of the KKK

40  9Dgs 9Dgs  Start at the beginning

41  Scarface  Capone had a leading role in the illegal activities that lent Chicago its reputation as a lawless city.  100,000,000 a year income  80-90% of cops on payroll in Chicago  Enemy Bugs Moran “St Valentines Day massacre  Final arrest  Dies

42  The First Red Scare was "a nation-wide anti- radical hysteria provoked by a mounting fear and anxiety that a Bolshevik revolution in America was imminent--a revolution that would destroy property, church, home, marriage, civility, and the American way of life."

43 Sacco and Vanzetti anarchists U.S. Anti-immigrant (xenophobic) Found guilty and executed

44 The Teaching of Evolution vs. Creationism William Jennings Bryant/Clarence Darrow Why has religion been discouraged in schools?

45  U6pmo U6pmo  Start at 7:48

46 Ku Klux Klan  The decade is also seen as a period of rising intolerance and isolation. The rise of the Ku Klux Klan, restrictive immigration laws, and prohibition are indications of this. Klan gained political power in the 1920’s due to resentment of cultural change coming from Northern cities. Historians usually see the 1920s as a decade of serious cultural conflict.  The decade is also seen as a period of rising intolerance and isolation. The rise of the Ku Klux Klan, restrictive immigration laws, and prohibition are indications of this. Klan gained political power in the 1920’s due to resentment of cultural change coming from Northern cities. Historians usually see the 1920s as a decade of serious cultural conflict.


48  RIbY RIbY

49 Can you guess what these slang terms mean?

50  Bees knees  Bump off  Cheaters  Dogs  Gams  Giggle water  Jake

51  Bees knees- awesome  Bump off-kill  Cheaters-eyeglasses  Dogs-feet  Gams-legs  Giggle water-alcohol  Jake-ok

52 That’s why it was called the roaring twenties

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