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Delivering Professional Presentations Susan Mongold VAGP Spring Conference March 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering Professional Presentations Susan Mongold VAGP Spring Conference March 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering Professional Presentations Susan Mongold VAGP Spring Conference March 2008

2 Delivering Professional Presentations Professional –a person who is expert at his or her work Presentation –a demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speech –a manner or style of speaking, instructing, or putting oneself forward

3 Delivering Professional Presentations Organizing and Preparing Visual Aids Delivery Tips

4 Organizing and Preparing Know Your Audience –Who? –What? –Why? –Where? –When?

5 Organizing and Preparing If your audience will only remember 3 THINGS….what will they be? 1.___________________ 2.___________________ 3.___________________

6 Organizing and Preparing Develop an outline Does if FLOW??? –Foundation –Linear –Organized –WOW! What a view!

7 Organizing and Preparing Tried and True Format –Introduction –Main Topic –Summary Repeat your main points

8 Organizing and Preparing Three Tests –WIIFM or WIFFU –Elevator –So What? Does your information pass these tests?

9 Organizing and Preparing Practice…Practice…Practice –In front of a mirror –With a co-worker –At your desk –While you drive Be the Expert! Know your subject!

10 Organizing and Preparing It’s all about YOU!!! What else about organizing and preparing for a presentation would be helpful to discuss? Any great stories about getting ready for a presentation? Something you could share?

11 Visual Aids Keep It Simple –The content is the STAR not the slides –PowerPoint is meant to supplement –“Just send me your slides”

12 Visual Aids Keep It Simple –Limit transitions –Limit animation –Limit yourself

13 Visual Aids Too much information on one slide can be hard to follow and end up making your audience wonder why you just didn’t give them a handout and tell them to read it in a hallway Let’s look at an example….

14 List of Available Grants Direct Federal assistance via HHS grants include: –HHS/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Program –HHS/CDC Pandemic Influenza Guidance Supplement to the 2006 Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement Phase II –HHS/Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) –Bioterrorism Training and Curriculum Development Program (BTCDP) –HHS/ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program (formerly the National bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program) –HHS/ASPR Emergency Systems for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) –HHS/Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Office of Regulatory Affairs Food Safety and Security Monitoring Project-Radiological Health Cooperative Agreement (FERN) –HHS/ASPR Healthcare Facilities Partnership Program

15 List of Available Grants Register & receive the announcements –Health and Human Services –Dept. of Homeland Security –Dept. of Education –Office of Justice

16 Visual Aids Charts –Pie –Line –Bar Tables –Side by Side comparison

17 Homeland Security Grant Program Funding Level History Note – Federal funding to states cut over $600M in 2006 $11.7 $46.3 $49.5 $38 $16.8 $11.6 $46.3 $49.5 $38 $16.8 $25.2 200220032004200520072006

18 2006-2007 DHS SHSP & LETPP Program Distribution * 2006 M&A = $737,000 2007 M&A = 1,171,000 MMRS - $2,942,851

19 Visual Aids Cool Colors –Blue…Green –Good background –Recede away from us Warm Colors –Orange…Red –Good for text –Appear to come at us

20 Visual Aids FONTS Use the same font or two fonts throughout Arial or Arial Black are common Times, Script MT Bold, Courier New

21 Visual Aids It’s all about YOU!!! What else about visual aids would be helpful to discuss? Any great stories you can share? Best visual aids? Worse visual aids?

22 Delivery Tips Prepare, Prepare, Prepare –Do you know your setting? –Have you used the AV equipment before? –Is this on your laptop? –Is the software compatible?

23 Delivery Tips Bring a hard copy Have a backup plan Know the material

24 Delivery Tips Make eye contact MOVE your hands, arms, eyes Pause between points… –Don’t fill the silence….

25 Delivery Tips Questions –Get the audience involved and they will OWN the information –Ask questions to find out what the audience knows…wants… –Use questions to get the participants to know each other

26 Delivery Tips What if… –Your forget something? –You loose your place? –You are wrong? –You have a typo?

27 Delivery Tips It’s all about YOU!!! What is your BEST presentation story? What is the WORSE thing that ever happened during a presentation? What else do you want to know about delivering a presentation?

28 Delivering Professional Presentations "There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.“ -- Dale Carnegie

29 Delivering Professional Presentations Questions? Thank you!

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