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* Ancient Egypt Chapter 2 Mid-Review

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1 * Ancient Egypt Chapter 2 Mid-Review
07/16/96 Jeopardy! Ancient Egypt Chapter 2 Mid-Review *

2 * 07/16/96 Categories Egyptian Potpourri Egyptian Mythology Down by the River Who’s the Boss Daily Life 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 *

3 Down by the River (100 points)
* 07/16/96 Down by the River (100 points) The longest river in the world is located in this continent. Answer: What is Africa? *

4 Down by the River (200 points)
* 07/16/96 Down by the River (200 points) This term describes the fan shaped fertile area at the mouth of the river. Answer: What is a delta? *

5 Down by the River (300 points)
* 07/16/96 Down by the River (300 points) The Nile river does this annually. Answer: What is floods? *

6 Down by the River (400 points)
* 07/16/96 Down by the River (400 points) This is the direction you would be heading if you were flowing upstream on the Nile. Answer: What is South? *

7 Down by the River (500 points)
* 07/16/96 Down by the River (500 points) These rock filled rapids make it difficult to travel through the Nile. Answer: What are cataracts? *

8 Who’s the Boss (100 points)
* 07/16/96 Who’s the Boss (100 points) This was the name given to an Egyptian ruler. Answer: What is a pharaoh? *

9 Who’s the Boss (200 points)
* 07/16/96 Who’s the Boss (200 points) This was a triangle shaped building that housed the body of a pharaoh. Answer: What is a pyramid? *

10 Who’s the Boss (300 points)
* 07/16/96 Who’s the Boss (300 points) This name was given to a family of rulers. Answer: What is a dynasty? *

11 Who’s the Boss (400 points)
* 07/16/96 Who’s the Boss (400 points) This King united Upper and Lower Egypt. Answer: Who is Narmer? *

12 Who’s the Boss (500 points)
* 07/16/96 Who’s the Boss (500 points) This social class fell just under the Pharaoh. Answer: Who are noblemen and government officials? *

13 Daily Life (100 points) Answer: What is linen?
* 07/16/96 Daily Life (100 points) This fabric was used for most clothing and mummification. Answer: What is linen? *

14 Daily Life (200 points) Answer: What is build pyramids?
* 07/16/96 Daily Life (200 points) Farmers would do this during the non-farming season. Answer: What is build pyramids? *

15 Daily Life (300 points) Answer: What is papyrus?
* 07/16/96 Daily Life (300 points) Egyptians used this reed like plant to make baskets, sandals and paper. Answer: What is papyrus? *

16 Daily Life (400 points) Answer: What is a social pyramid?
* 07/16/96 Daily Life (400 points) The diagram for showing the divisions of people within a culture. Answer: What is a social pyramid? *

17 Daily Life (500 points) Answer: What is a shadoof?
* 07/16/96 Daily Life (500 points) This invention helped raise water from the river up the steep banks. Answer: What is a shadoof? *

18 Egyptian Mythology (100 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Mythology (100 points) This is the Egyptian god of the underworld. (death) Answer: Who is Osiris? *

19 Egyptian Mythology (200 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Mythology (200 points) He was the Egyptian sun god. Answer: Who is Re? *

20 Egyptian Mythology (300 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Mythology (300 points) This is the name used to describe the Egyptian’s belief in many gods. Answer: What is polytheism? *

21 Egyptian Mythology (400 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Mythology (400 points) The Egyptians thought they would go to this “heavenly” place after their death. Answer: What is the afterlife? *

22 Egyptian Mythology (500 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Mythology (500 points) They were worshipped as gods and held all the wealth and power. Answer: Who are the pharaohs? *

23 Egyptian Potpourri (100 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Potpourri (100 points) This desert borders Egypt in the West. Answer: What is the Sahara? *

24 Egyptian Potpourri (200 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Potpourri (200 points) This is what Egyptian writing was called. Answer: What is hieroglyphics? *

25 Egyptian Potpourri (300 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Potpourri (300 points) The name given to people who knew how to read and write in hieroglyphics. Answer: What are scribes? *

26 Egyptian Potpourri (400 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Potpourri (400 points) This is the process of drying and wrapping a Pharaoh’s body after death. Answer: What is mummification? *

27 Egyptian Potpourri (500 points)
* 07/16/96 Egyptian Potpourri (500 points) Watering of land by means of canals and pipes. Answer: What is irrigation? *

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