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First Club Officer Training 第一次分會幹部訓練 Club officers Role and Responsibility 分會幹部的任務和責任 Caroline Kiang, DTM, 張可芸 2014-15 Lt. Governor- Education 教育副總會長.

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Presentation on theme: "First Club Officer Training 第一次分會幹部訓練 Club officers Role and Responsibility 分會幹部的任務和責任 Caroline Kiang, DTM, 張可芸 2014-15 Lt. Governor- Education 教育副總會長."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Club Officer Training 第一次分會幹部訓練 Club officers Role and Responsibility 分會幹部的任務和責任 Caroline Kiang, DTM, 張可芸 2014-15 Lt. Governor- Education 教育副總會長 District 67, Toastmasters International 中華民國國際演講協會 6/21/2014 206FP

2 1311C Club Leadership Training Session Club officers Role and Responsibility

3  DCP Club 傑出分會的使命  DTM Program 成為傑出會員的旅程  Club Officers Roles 分會幹部的職責 1 Session Objectives 課程目標

4 10 Goals 十項目標 1. Two CCs 兩個中級演講員 2. Two more CCs 再兩個中級演講員 3. One AC 一個高級演講員 4. One more AC 再一個高級演講員 5. One CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM 一個中級、高級領導員或傑出會員 6. One more CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM 再一個中級、高級領導員或傑出會員 7. Four new members 四個新會員 8. Four more new members 再四個新會員 9. Minimum four club officers trained during each training period 每一次幹部訓練至少有四個幹部參加 10.One dues renewal membership report, one club officer list submitted on time 準時繳交會費及上網登錄分會幹部名單

5 DCP Club Recognition 傑出分會榮銜  Clubs that meet the membership requirement & do the following earn recognition: 達成會員人數必要條件及以下成績,即可獲得榮銜 :  Distinguished Club 5 goals 傑出分會  Select Distinguished Club 7 goals 績優傑出分會  President’s Distinguished Club 9 goals 總會長傑出分會

6 LC TM 新會員 New Member ALS 領導銀牌 Advanced Leader Silver ACG 溝通金牌 Advanced Communicator Gold CL 中級領導 Competent Leader CC 中級溝通 Competent Communicator ACS 溝通銀牌 Advanced Communicator Silver ACB 溝通銅牌 Advanced Communicator Bronze DTM Distinguished Toastmaster ALB 領導銀牌 Advanced Leader Bronze

7 Club Officers 分會幹部 President 會長 Vice President Education 教育副會長 Vice President Membership 會員副會長 Vice President Public Relation 公關副 會長 Secretary 秘書長 Treasurer 財務長 Sergeant at Arms 事務長


9 SAA Scope and Area  Club Meetings  Outside the Club meetings  The Executive meetings  Before Club Meetings  Upon Arrival at Club Meetings  During Club Meetings  After Club Meetings

10  Confirm Room reservation 確認會議房間  Ensure there are Club Supplies 確認有足夠的會議用品 3 Before Club Meetings 會前 SAA

11  Arrange Meeting Room Early 提早準備會議 室  Arrange Table and Chairs 排桌椅  Set out meeting materials and Promotional materials 準備開會資料及宣傳品  Check Room Temperature 檢查房間溫度  Ask Guest to sign the guest book 請嘉賓簽名 3 Upon Arrival at Club Meetings 到達會場時 SAA

12  Welcome Late Arrivals 歡迎晚到者  Coordinate Food Service if Any 準備食物  Collect Ballots and Tally votes when necessary 幫忙收集投票及計算 3 During Club Meetings 會議進行中 SAA

13  Return Room to Original Configuration 還原會議室  Pack Up and Store Materials 收好資料  Dispose of Trash 丟棄垃圾 3 After Club Meetings 會議結束後 SAA


15 Treasurer Scope and Area  Club Meetings  Outside the Club meetings  The Executive meetings  Before Club Meetings  During Club Meetings  Outside the Club Meetings

16 During Club Meetings 會中 1. Collect Membership Dues 2. Report on Club finance 6 Outside the Club Meeting 會外 treasurer Prepare a Financial Report

17  Prepare a Budget 準備一個預算  Provide Bank with a Signatory Card. 提供銀行簽名卡  Collect and Pay dues 收費及交費  Submit new Member applications 報件  Issue checks for Club Expenses 付費  Keep Financial Records 保留財務紀錄  Present Financial Reports 提出財務報表 8 Outside The Club Meetings 會議之外

18  Submit Club Accounts for audit 提供分會賬號以供審查  Attend executive committee meetings  Reconcile deposits, expenditures and cash on hand  Ensure Club meets government tax regulations  Receive Financial Correspondence  Prepare for Audit Committee 8 Outside The Club Meetings 會議之外


20 Secretary Scope and Area  Club Meetings  Outside the Club meetings  The Executive meetings  Before Club Meetings  Upon Arrival at Club Meetings  During Club Meetings

21  Post the Previous Minutes 公佈上次會議記錄  Prepare a list of actions for the president 幫會長準備好一張備忘錄  Update the club’s officers list 更新分會幹部名單 3 Before Club Meetings 會前

22 7 Upon Arrival at Club Meetings 1. Circulate attendance sheet and guest book 傳遞簽到簿 During the Club Meetings **Read previous minutes, note amendments, record current meeting minutes 宣讀前次會議記錄並記錄此 次會議 During the Club Meetings **Read previous minutes, note amendments, record current meeting minutes 宣讀前次會議記錄並記錄此 次會議

23  Maintain accurate roaster 保持會員正確資料  Submit club officers list 上報幹部名單  Handle correspondence 處理來往信件  Keep Club Files. 收好分會資料  Attend club executive committees meetings  Arrange for your replacement or assistance  Prepare your successor 8 Outside the Club Meeting 會議之外


25 VPPR Scope and Area  Club Meetings  Outside the Club meetings  The Executive meetings  Before Club Meetings  Upon Arrival at Club Meetings  During Club Meetings

26  Verify that information on Website and Social Media is correct 確定在網上及傳媒資料正確  Order promotional materials 購買宣傳品 3 Before Club Meetings 會前

27  Distribute promotional materials 分發宣傳資料  Report results of public relations efforts 報告有關公關活動結果  Announce Public Relations Campaigns 報告公關活動  Solicit volunteers 徵求志工 3 Upon Arrival at Club Meetings 到達會場時

28  Meet with Guest to answer Questions 與來賓寒暄及回答問題  Invite Guests to join Club 鼓勵來賓入會  Help Guests complete the membership Application 幫忙填寫入會申請書 3 After Club Meetings 會議結束後

29  Publicize the Toastmasters Brand 宣傳演講會  Promote the Club 宣傳母會  Maintain the Club Website 分會網頁更新  Join a Toastmasters-moderated social networking Website 參加演講會的聯結網  Produce and distribute a club Newspaper 編輯分會的月報 8 Outside the Club Meeting 會議之外

30  Promote membership Program 推廣會員徵收  Attend Club Executive Committee meetings 參加分會執委會  Attend other Toastmasters Events  Arrange your replacement or assistance 尋覓繼承人  Prepare your successor for office 訓練繼承人 8 Outside the Club Meeting 會議之外


32 VPM Scope and Area  Club Meetings  Outside the Club meetings  The Executive meetings  Before Club Meetings  Upon Arrival at Club Meetings  During Club Meetings

33  Make a list of new members  Have a few Guest Packets (Item387)  Contact former Guests and members who have not been attending meetings 3 Before Club Meetings 會前

34  Greet all guests and members 與來賓及會員寒暄  Provide all guests with Guest packets (item387) 來賓都收到一份客人包  Answer Question Guest may have 回答問題 3 Upon Arrival at Club Meetings 到達會場時

35  Conduct membership-Building Program 舉辦會員徵收活動  Promote membership Goal 推動會員達成目標  Promote membership-building contest  Follow up on and keep track of guests 與來賓保持聯絡  Bring membership application 攜帶會員申請表 8 Outside the Club Meeting 會議之外


37 VPE Scope and Area  Club Meetings  Outside the Club meetings  The Executive meetings  Before Club Meetings  Upon Arrival at Club Meetings  During Club Meetings

38  Review Schedule Roles  Ensure a member conducts presentations from The Successful Club Series  Offer Support to the Toastmaster  Notify the club president of education award  Schedule Education sessions 3 Before Club Meetings 會前

39  Verify assigned members have arrived and are prepared  Assist the Toastmaster  Inform Topicsmaster of any guests willing to participate 3 Upon Arrival at Club Meetings 到達會場時

40  Initial project completion records  Ensure members fill out award applications  Recognize members for achievements  Preside over meeting when necessary  Answer education program or speech contest questions 3 During Club Meetings 會議進行中

41  Plan club meetings 計劃會議議程  Promote participation in the education program 鼓勵大家參與教育課程  Orient new members 新生訓練  Encourage new members to participate 鼓勵新會員多參與  Assign a mentor 分派指導員 8 Outside the Club Meeting 會議之外


43 President Scope and Area  Club Meetings  Outside the Club meetings  The Executive meetings  Before Club Meetings  Upon Arrival at Club Meetings  During Club Meetings

44  Ask VPE about special recognition or member induction  Plan the business portion of the meeting  Review parliamentary procedure 3 Before Club Meetings 會前

45  Review the meeting agenda  Greet guests and members 3 Upon Arrival at Club Meetings 到達會場時

46  Call the meeting to order  Introduce guests  Explain the meeting’s events  Conduct the business portion of the meeting  Provide the information for next meeting  Make any announcements  Adjourn the meeting 3 During Club Meetings 會議進行中

47  Attend and vote at council meetings  Attend and vote at the Annual Business meeting  Appoint and chair the audit committee  Appoint the nominating committee  Receive official correspondence from World headquarters  Schedule and chair executive committee meetings  Advance Club and Member achievement 8 Outside the Club Meeting 會議之外

48  Oversee the executive committee 監督執委會  Ensure the executive committee completes its duties 1.Create a club budget 制作預算 2.Complete a Club Success Plan 成功計劃 3.Strategize for success in the distinguished Club Plan 傑出分會成功策 略 4.Create and oversee other club committee as necessary 8 Other Duties of President 會長其他任務

49  Attend district-sponsored club-officers training program  Meet with outgoing officers to learn  Review policy and Protocol  Prepare a budget  Prepare your successor for office 3 Seven Officers also can

50 No Weak Army under Strong Leadership 強將手下無弱兵 Club officers is the Spirit for a DCP Club 分會的成功端看他的領導團隊 In helping others fulfill their dream, we also fulfill ourselves. 成就他人也就是成就自己 13 Conclusion 結論

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