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Pegasus Louise S. McGehee English I 2004 (“Pool of Radiance”)

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1 Pegasus Louise S. McGehee English I 2004 (“Pool of Radiance”)

2 Origin of Pegasus Pegasus, the winged horse, came from the neck of the decapitated Medusa (slain by Perseus). For many years he was untamed and didn’t have a mother. Pegasus was taken in by Bellerophon. (California State University)

3 The Beautiful and Powerful Pegasus The beautiful white winged horse is a magnificent flyer. He has many powers such as helping Zeus throw his lightning bolts. He was also said to have created the Muses, because when he touched the ground with his hooves, springs of water formed and the Muses were born. (“Pegasus”)

4 The Myth of Pegasus and links into other Myths In the myth of Pegasus, Pegasus sprung from the head of Medusa and Zeus is named his father. Medusa’s blood soaked into the soil and Pegasus was formed from her blood. On the day that Pegasus formed the Muses, he was named the Horse of the Muses. When a young child asked to ride Pegasus and was placed on him, he was proclaimed a god.

5 Miscellaneous Pegasus went to heaven when Bellerophon tried to fly him to Mount Olympus. There is a constellation named after Pegasus. (“Pegasus”)

6 Pegasus in Current Society Pegasus is a very popular icon for companies, such as a gas station and business companies that use its name. For instance the Pegasus business company. Pegasus is present in pop culture in the movie Hercules. Pegasus is in Hercules because Hercules needed a way of transportation. (“Disney Sites”)

7 Pegasus in Greek Society Pegasus was used in Greek culture as a helper to Zeus in throwing his lightning bolts and he was a way of transportation in adventures such as Bellerophon rode him in the killing of Chimera. (“Myths and Legends”)

8 Works Cited I California State University. 2003. Northridge, California. 13, January 2004.. “DisneySites!!” DisneySites Clipart. 15 January 2004.. “Greek Mythology- Pegasus.” KidzWorld Media. 8 January 2004..

9 Works Cited II Kaminski, June. “Pegasus Artist gallery.” The Myth of Pegasus. 2001. 8 January 2004.. “Myths and Legends of the Ancient World.” Admission Free Fantastic and Realistic Art Galleries. 15 January 2004.. "Pegasus." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. 13 Jan. 2004..

10 Works Cited III “Pegasus.” Mythical Realm. 2000-2002. 8 January 2004.. “Pegasus pictures.” Pool of Radiance. 2001. 11 January 2004..

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