W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Good Practice and Standards for the safe, efficient and reliable transport of radioactive materials Henry-Jacques.

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Presentation on theme: "W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Good Practice and Standards for the safe, efficient and reliable transport of radioactive materials Henry-Jacques."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Good Practice and Standards for the safe, efficient and reliable transport of radioactive materials Henry-Jacques NEAU Secretary General, World Nuclear Transport Institute Catania, Italy, 27 April 2013

2 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Radioactive Materials are used in many purposes Examples of uses of radioactive materials: –Medical –Industrial –Production of electricity

3 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Radioactive Materials are transported internationally

4 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Drums of UOC (Uranium Ore Concentrates) Catania, 22 April 2013

5 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Shipments of Radioactive Materials Safety of Radioactive Materials in transport vested primarily in the package, using defense-in depth principles No RAM carried as bulk

6 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Regulations for the transport of Radioactive Materials

7 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Testing of Radioactive Materials Package s Package test requirements are stringent

8 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE RAM Transport Industry working together Founded in 1998 by three Founder Members AREVA, INS, FEPC 46 Members from a wide range of industry sectors: radioisotopes producers, major utilities, fuel producers, transport companies, package designers, package producers and mines...


10 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE World Nuclear Transport Institute The voice of the radioactive materials transport industry Factual information – factsheets, website www.wnti.co.uk www.wnti.co.uk Good practice guides for the industry Working groups for industry members

11 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Observer Status at major International Organisations

12 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE WNTI representation WNTI delivers many presentations and courses

13 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Shipments of Radioactive Materials Radioactive Materials (RAM) are Class 7 out of the 9 classes of dangerous goods An excellent safety record spanning over 50 years

14 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Shipments of Radioactive Materials Shipping lines accept RAM shipments but are sometimes limited by the acceptance by en-route ports Adminitrative burdens Denials of shipment WNTI available for information and advice to the Port Management and workers, on the safety features of RAM transport, to help dispel misconceptions Catania, 22 April 2013

15 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE UF6 (Uranium Hexafluoride) packaging Catania, 22 April 2013

16 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Developping good practices Very stringent and robust regulatory regime Industry good practices are shared for wider implementation All WNTI-developed standards and good practices are freely available on our website www.wnti.co.ukwww.wnti.co.uk

17 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Some WNTI publications Some of the WNTI publications freely available 1.Transport Principles (general principles, or charter) 2.Tracking of packages 3.Radiation Dose Assessment 4.Overview of Safety Regulations 5.Industry Good Practices for ISO Containers in multimodal Transport 6.Good Practices for the securing of Drums of Uranium Ore Concentrates in 20' Sea Containers 7.Glossary to disambiguate some terms and responsibilities

18 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Conclusion Used in addition to international regulations, good practice brings more safety, prevents problems and reduces costs. Recording of know-how Implementation of standards brings confidence to all parties involved, from Authorities to Service Providers to (hopefully) stakeholders. Improved Safety Improved Performance Improved Economics

19 W ORLD N UCLEAR T RANSPORT I NSTITUTE Thank you For more information: www.wnti.co.uk wnti@wnti.co.uk

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