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Implement Educate Monitor Ask Before You Act! March 2010.

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1 Implement Educate Monitor Ask Before You Act! March 2010

2  Students transferring in with an associate’s degree from an accredited two-year college will fulfill all general education requirements  Can be retroactive. Contact Admissions office for help.

3  New requirements for 2010-2011 school year 1. Prospective Student-Athletes taking non- traditional courses 2. Submission of documents for Junior College transfers 3. Amateurism questionnaire requirement for official visits and/or scholarship offers

4  Revised requirements for high school students taking nontraditional courses (e.g. online & correspondence courses)  Requirements for Eligibility Center to accept the course: 1. Course meets all requirements for a core course 2. Student & instructor have ongoing access to each other throughout the duration of the course 3. Instructor & student have regular interaction with one another for purposes of teaching, evaluating, and providing assistance(e.g. email) 4. The student’s work is available for evaluation and validation  HAVE PSA SAVE EVERYTHING 5. Evaluation of the student’s work is conducted by the appropriate academic authorities in accordance with the high school’s established academic policies 6. The course includes a defined time period for completion 7. The course is acceptable for any student and is placed on the high school transcript.  Applies to all student-athletes initially enrolling full-time after August 1, 2010

5  NCAA wants to determine Initial-Eligibility status (qualifier or non-qualifer) for all student-athletes, regardless of whether they need to be a qualifier for eligibility  Student-Athlete must send high school transcripts and test scores to Eligibility Center  Deadline: end of first regular academic term of full-time enrollment unless added to squad list in second semester  May be submitted through official or unofficial transcripts or test-score reports  Documents must still be official if qualifier status needed to determine eligibility (i.e. no associate’s degree)  If never took the ACT or SAT, there is a process to have this requirement waived.

6  Applies to prospective student-athletes (PSAs) you want to bring in on an official visit and/or offer a scholarship  New rule requires that PSA answer the amateurism questions prior to coming on an official visit or before we can offer the PSA a scholarship  Rule is an attempt to deal with potential amateurism issues earlier in the process

7  Student-Athlete Code of Conduct permits use of social networks as long as  No offensive or inappropriate pictures are posted  No offensive or inappropriate comments are posted  Any information posted on the website does not violate the ethics and intent behind the WSU code of conduct.  What do you do to monitor your team’s use of Facebook & other social networks?

8  Issue came up on a Big Sky Conference Call  Student-Athletes may attend other games in the sport if they pay all of their travel expenses  E.g. Basketball team drives to Pocatello to watch Idaho State play  Cannot be done if on a team road trip because we are paying travel expenses  Cannot be done at the direction of a coach

9  Medical hardships due April 12  Is there any student-athlete who you want to seek a medical hardship for but have not spoken to us about?

10  Please let us know as soon as there is a change to your roster  Adding to the team? Use Team Roster Form (TRF)  Taking someone off the team? Communicate to compliance. Permission to contact other institutions. Non-Renewal/Cancelation of financial aid contract.

11  Book return will run April 21-23  One coaching staff has asked us to hold all stipend checks until the student-athlete returns all of their books and register for fall.  If other coaching staffs that provide book scholarships want to do the same, please let us know.

12  Summer registration began March 29  Fall registration begins April 5  Summer financial aid contracts due April 15  Additional fall financial aid contracts due May 1 (if possible)

13  Cross Country/Track & Field  Contact Period: April 1-June 8; June 13-July 31  Football  Quiet Period: April 1-14  Evaluation Period: April 15-May 29 (excluding Sundays)  Men’s Basketball  Dead Period: April 1-April 8 at noon; April 12-15; May 20- 28; July 16-21  Quiet Period: April 22-May 19; May 29-July 5  Contact Period: April 8 at 12:01 p.m.-April 11; April 16- 21  Evaluation Period: July 6-15; July 22-31  Women’s Basketball  Dead Period: April 2-8; April 12-15  Quiet Period: April 21-July 5; July 16-21  Contact Period: April 1  Evaluation Period: April 16-20; July 6-15; July 22-31

14  Softball  Dead Period: April 12-15; June 1-10 at noon  Contact Period: April 1-11; April 16-May 31; June 10 at 12:01 p.m.-July 31  Volleyball  Contact Period: April 1-11; April 16-30; May 29-July 31  Dead Period: April 12-15  Quiet Period: May 1-28  Soccer  No restrictions  Golf, Tennis  Dead Period: April 12-15

15  Reminder: ALL COMPLIANCE LOGS ARE DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH  If you did not make any phone calls or contacts/evaluations, please indicate that on the appropriate form or via email

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