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Fahrenheit (°F) Celsius (°C) Kelvin (K) 30 330 Fill in the chart below using your Earth Science Reference Tables.Earth Science Reference Tables -1272.

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3 Fahrenheit (°F) Celsius (°C) Kelvin (K) 30 330 Fill in the chart below using your Earth Science Reference Tables.Earth Science Reference Tables -1272 86 13557 303


5 Describe the word TEMPERATURE in relation to molecular motion. Cold Hot

6 What happens to molecular motion at absolute zero? What temperature is this in all temperature scales? At absolute zero, all motion stops. 0 K0 K -273°C-459°F

7 the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1°C Please go to Page 1 of the Earth Science Reference TablesEarth Science Reference Tables.


9 Why does water heat up and cool down slower than land? it has a higher specific heat- (It requires the most heat energy)

10 If you heated equal masses of basalt and lead, which one would record a faster increase in temperature? Explain how you know. the lead because it has a lower specific heat

11 Which Earth material has the greatest specific heat?

12 solid liquid gas vaporization (+2260 J/g) condensation ( -2260 J/g) melting (+334 J/g) freezing (-334 J/g) Heat added Temperature ( o C) Heating Curve for Water 0 100 Heat lost Draw the graph of water heating. Label the following terms in their correct places: condensation, vaporization, solidification, melting.

13 Check the box which describes whether energy is gained or lost for each process. ProcessEnergy Gained Energy Lost Condensation Evaporation Melting Freezing How many Joules/gram are gained or lost by water for each of the following processes? ProcessJoules Gained Joules Lost Condensation Evaporation Melting Freezing


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