From a nucleus of 12 dedicated ministry workers, Great Harvest for Jesus Christian Fellowship was born. Humbly beginning at a member’s garage, church.

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2 From a nucleus of 12 dedicated ministry workers, Great Harvest for Jesus Christian Fellowship was born. Humbly beginning at a member’s garage, church work and community service began to flourish. HiSTORY Next

3 A new and upward call compelled us to metamorphose into a new body with a fresh vision, while retaining the same Spirit and Lordship under Christ. Today, our name speaks of what we’ve become, Born in Zion Community Church. HiSTORY

4 Children  Vacation Bible School  Children’s Church Future endeavors:  Church-based school  Feeding programs  Orphanage MiNiSTRiES Next

5 Youth  Youth Services  Cellgroups  Music Lessons  Youth Revive Gatherings  Youth Camps  Mission Trips  Young Leaders of Excellence Aiming for Development Next MiNiSTRiES

6 Couples  Couples’ Dinner Elderly  Bible Studies  Visitations Families  Family Camps  Family Days Next MiNiSTRiES

7 Other Ministries  Intercessory  Bible Studies  Zion Extension Classes  Medical/Dental Outreaches  Mission Trips  Trainings/Seminars  Lunch fellowship after worship services  Lodging for visiting pastors and missionaries Next MiNiSTRiES

8 BZCC Week YOUTH LEADERS’ MONDAY NIGHT OUT Monday 7:00pm YLEAD MEETING Tuesday 7:30pm INTERCESSORY Tuesday 10:00am MERVILLE BIBLE STUDY Tuesday 8:00pm ZION EXTENSION CLASS Thursdays 7:30pm STA. ANA BIBLE STUDY Friday 8:00pm DAWN WATCH Saturday 6:00am CHILDREN’S CHURCH Saturday 2:30pm JORDAN BIBLE STUDY Saturday 4:00pm MAYWOOD BIBLE STUDY Saturday 4:00pm YOUTH REVIVE FELLOWSHIP Saturday 4:00pm WORSHIP COMMUNITY Saturday 6:00pm WORSHIP SERVICE Sunday 9:00am MiNiSTRiES

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