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J ESUS THE L IBERATOR What can a picture tell us?.

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Presentation on theme: "J ESUS THE L IBERATOR What can a picture tell us?."— Presentation transcript:

1 J ESUS THE L IBERATOR What can a picture tell us?

2 T ITLE OF J ESUS 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material 2 Lord Messiah Way Son of God Shepherd Teacher Victor Lamb of God Healer Saviour Word No title by itself is sufficient. Over the centuries many title have been used to describe, understand and relate to Jesus.

3 J ESUS THE L IBERATOR ישוע = Yehosua the Hebrew for Jesus means ‘God saves’ ‘Saviour’ Hebrew Scriptures uses for some human s – kings, prophets. ‘ Saviour’ Christian Scriptures only used for God and Jesus. 3 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

4 J ESUS LIBERATES 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material 4 Luke 4: 6-21 Jesus announces that he fulfills the promise of Isaiah for a liberator Acts 10: 38 Peter preaching about Jesus at Cornelius’ house Jesus’ anointing links to his liberation ministry. Jesus’ power to deliver and release, to liberate

5 C ATECHISM TERMS The Catechism of the Catholic Church uses the terms redemption salvation liberation in that order of frequency. 5 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

6 Jesus liberates from unjust social structures. Mark 10:2 -12 rejection of divorce by either partner. Luke 6: 27-28 command to love one’s enemies. Mark 3: 34-35 a Christian community of equal men and women following the will of God. 6 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

7 Jesus liberates from unjust political systems. Luke 18: 9-14, 19: 9-10 extending God’s liberation to tax- collectors, who collaborated with Roman authorities. Luke 10: 30-37 (The Good Samaritan) speaking out about hatred of foreigners. Mark 3: 13-19 electing the Twelve as symbol of desire to liberate Israel. 7 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

8 Jesus liberates from unjust religious systems. Mark 2:13-17; Matthew 11:19; Luke 10:30-37 table fellowship with religious outcasts. Luke 8:1-3 welcoming women as disciples 8 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

9 J ESUS THE LIBERATOR What scripture story is presented here ? 9 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

10 A N E XAMPLE The following slides look in depth and breadth at the story of the Woman caught in adultery. 10 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material Look again at the picture and record everything that it tells you about Jesus the liberator.

11 J OHN 7:59 – 8:11 BACKGROUND 8:5 Lv 20:10 and Dt 22: 22 give the punishment for a man & woman caught in adultery as death of both. In Dt 22: 23-24 stoning is prescribed if the woman is married. The Romans had taken away the right of the Jews to put someone to death. 11 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

12 J OHN 7:59 – 8:11 BACKGROUND 8:6 Writing on the ground refers to Jer 17:13 & the shaming of those who have forsaken God. Reminder of the guilt of those who are condemning the woman. 8: 7 Dt 17:7 the first stones were to be thrown by the witnesses. 12 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

13 1. S UMMARISE THE STORY The religious leaders wish to trap Jesus so they bring a woman to him who was caught in adultery. They want Jesus to condemn her to death. Jesus leans downs and writes on the ground. He challenges the accusers to throw the first stone if they have not sinned. No-one does so he tells the woman to go and ‘sin no more’. 13 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

14 2. W HO ARE THE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY ? Jesus Teachers of the Law and Pharisee Woman caught in adultery Crowd 14 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

15 3. W HAT DID J EWISH LAW SAY ABOUT ADULTERY ? Biblical law in Lv 20:10 and Dt 22: 22 give the punishment for a man & woman caught in adultery as death of both. In Dt 22: 23-24 stoning is prescribed if the woman is married. The Romans had taken away the right of the Jews to put someone to death so they could not punish her as they thought they should Stoning should begin by the witnesses throwing the first stones. 15 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

16 4. W HAT OTHER INFORMATION HELPS UNDERSTANDING OF THE TEXT ? In Jer 17:1 the name of those who have forsaken God was written on the ground. Jesus suggests by his actions that he is recording the name of those who have forsaken God. 16 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

17 5. W HERE AND WHEN DOES THE SITUATION OCCUR ? It happens at dawn – suggesting that the woman was caught after a night with someone she was not married to. It happened at the Mount of Olives Place where Jews believed the Messaih would appear and bring the dead to life. Place of burial. Place where Jesus would plead with the Father before the crucifixion. 17 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

18 6. W HAT IS THE RESPONSE OF THE CHARACTERS TO THE MAIN EVENT ? Jesus He straightens up and ceases writing on the ground. Teachers of the Law and Pharisees and the crowd. They move away one at a time. Woman caught in adultery. She converses with Jesus and then we presume she leaves. 18 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

19 7. W HAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF J ESUS NOT CONDEMNING THE WOMAN ? - For the woman? She is not killed and her name is not tarnished – she can be a member of the society. For the Teachers of the Law Pharisees? They are embarrassed because they are not sinless. For Jesus? He has done what he was anointed to do liberated a captive. For the crowd? They are given a strong message about judgment. 19 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

20 8. W HAT MESSAGE FOR READERS TODAY DOES THIS STORY HAVE ? This is not Jesus saying that adultery is OK. It demonstrates the overwhelming love of God for even those who have sinned. (there is no suggestion that the woman is innocent of the charges against her) We are liberated from continual condemnation for our acts, we can start again and go ‘and sin no more’. 20 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

21 W HO REQUIRES LIBERATION ? The woman She is being accused without trial. Her life is at stake. Her religion condemns her. The listeners Who were trapped in religious fundamentalism. 21 13:4 'Jesus the Liberator' Supplementary Material

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