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How far do you agree that the triumvirate made it possible for Stalin to rise to power? Triumvirate - power base / could outvote Trotsky in Politburo /

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1 How far do you agree that the triumvirate made it possible for Stalin to rise to power? Triumvirate - power base / could outvote Trotsky in Politburo / ensured that Lenin’s Political Testament remained a secret

2 Stalin’s personality and strategy Played one faction against the other, one at time Supported Lenin all the way He made use of his positions build up his power base.

3 Trotsky’s role Arrogance / Beliefs– criticized the members and Lenin’s policy / didn’t attend Lenin’s funeral / wanted permanent revolution Was the leader of the Red Army Lacked power base

4 Was forced labour the reason for the success of the Five-Year Plan? Forced Labour  Conscription  Use of fear to work  Linkage : manpower Propaganda  Propaganda  Medals and awards  Socialist competition Linkage : inspiration / motivation to work harder and produce more Motivation  Wages  Honours Linkage : Honours gave them access to closed shops and better housing Education : Training colleges build / courses / foreign aid / women Linkage : Better wages if trained so workers motivated to attend and improve skills / women increased workforce and foreign aid helped trained Russian engineers

5 How far do you agree that fear played a factor in the success of the Five-Year Plan? Fear – forced labour / conscription Propaganda – Propaganda / Medals and Awards / Socialist competition Motivation – Wages / Medals and Awards Education

6 How far do you agree that Stalin’s Five-Year Plan caused much misery to Russia?  Use of force / Use of fear / Quote the number who died  Economic Development – success in terms of production and victory in World War II  Social Development – women came out to work / increase in education

7 How far do you agree that collectivization was implemented due to economic reasons? Economic Reasons – solve the food problem / raise revenue for industrialisation Social reason – control and transform the peasantry Political reason – achieve socialism/ prove to the world / rid of political rivalry

8 Was the need for revenue the reason for collectivization? Revenue for industrialization – Need to explain why the need for industrialization – refer to 5- year plan / how collectivization will help this Social reason Political Reason

9 How far do you agree that collectivization was a success? Success from government’s point of view Famine – explain the reasons for famine / how many died Deaths – explain reasons for death ‘dekulakization’ / protests / famine

10 How far do you agree that the purges were conducted because of economic reasons? Economic Political – Internal / external Social Stalin’s personality

11 How far do you agree that Stalin’s reign brought about cultural improvement? Cultural Educational Economic

12 How far do you agree that Gorbachev faced political problems when he took over Russia? Political Problems – domestic and foreign Economic Problems Social Problems – Black market / lack of motivation to work / alcoholism

13 Did Gorbachev reform Russia through economic perestroika? Economic Perestroika Political Perestroika Glasnost – openness in society

14 How far do you agree that Gorbachev’s economic reforms caused the collapse of the Soviet Union? Economic Reforms - briefly identify the reforms and the effects Political Reforms – on the party / on the people Foreign Policy – on the Republics

15 Was the people’s disillusionment of Gorbachev’s reforms the reason for the collapse of the USSR? People disillusioned because of political perestroika / glasnost and economic perestroika Opposition from conservatives and radicals Opposition externally

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