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1. George Washington -selection of a Cabinet to advise him

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1 1. George Washington -selection of a Cabinet to advise him
-set precedents for Presidents -selection of a Cabinet to advise him -Whiskey Rebellion -Hamilton’s economic policies -bank and money system

2 2. John Adams -Jay’s Treaty -XYZ Affair -Alien and Sedition Acts
-Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

3 3. Thomas Jefferson -Marbury v Madison -judicial review
-agriculture should be basis of the economy -wanted to take out Hamilton’s economic plans -Louisiana Purchase -Lewis and Clark expedition -strict interpretation of the Constitution

4 4. James Madison - “Father of the Constitution”
-War of British impressment of Amer. Sailors -Battle of New Orleans -Dolley Madison

5 5. James Monroe - “Era of Good Feeling” Missouri Compromise-1820
Monroe Doctrine

6 6. John Quincy Adams -Adams-Onis Treaty to get Florida from Spain
-defeated Andrew Jackson in 1824 in a nasty campaign -Adams-Onis Treaty to get Florida from Spain

7 7. Andrew Jackson -Spoils system -Kitchen Cabinet
-Democrat- “common man” -Spoils system -Kitchen Cabinet -Indian Removal Act-1830-Trail of Tears -Federal vs state power -more people voting -Jacksonian democracy

8 8. Martin Van Buren - Trail of Tears

9 9. William Henry Harrison
-was president for 30 days

10 10. John Tyler

11 11. James K. Polk -Mexican War- 1846-1848
-settles Oregon border with Britain -California Gold Rush 1848

12 12. Zachary Taylor

13 13. Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 -The Compromise of 1850
-Uncle Tom’s Cabin published

14 14. Franklin Pierce -Gadsden Purchase -Bleeding Kansas

15 15. James Buchanan -December southern states begin seceding from the Union- he took no action -John Brown’s Raid

16 16. Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 -Civil War -13th amendment passed
Homestead Act Morrill Act

17 17. Andrew Johnson -became Pres. with the assassination of Lincoln
-impeached by the Radical Republicans but not removed from office -presided over Reconstruction of the South

18 18. Ulysses S. Grant -1869- Transcontinental Railroad -telephone
-considered one of the worst Presidents

19 19. Rutherford B. Hayes - Given the election in the Compromise of in return he promised to end Reconstruction

20 20. James A. Garfield -assassinated in 1881

21 21. Chester A. Arthur -1882- Chinese Exclusion Act
-Standard Oil trust created

22 22. Grover Cleveland -Samuel Gompers and the Amer. Federation of Labor formed

23 23. Benjamin Harrison -1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Act -Populism
-Hull House- community org. to help immigrants- “settlement houses”

24 24. Grover Cleveland -Plessy v. Ferguson- “separate but equal”
-Pullman strike -Tammany Hall-political machine- Boss Tweed

25 25. William McKinley -1898 Spanish-American War
-Open Door Policy (China) -assassinated in 1901

26 26. Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 -Progressivism -National Park System
-”Square Deal”- domestic policy “Speak softly and carry a big stick”- foreign policy -Panama Canal Wright Brothers air flight- 1903

27 27. William Howard Taft 1909-1913 -first auto kept at the White House
-16th amendment income taxes -”Dollar Diplomacy”

28 28. Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 -U.S. joins World War I- 1918
-Treaty of Versailles- 14 Points -Women get right to vote- 1920 -Prohibition begins -1921 -”moral diplomacy”

29 29. Warren G. Harding - “Return to Normalcy” -Teapot Dome Scandal
- “Return to Normalcy” -Teapot Dome Scandal -dies in office

30 30. Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 -Jazz Age – “Roaring 20s”
-Harlem Renaissance Native Americans get right to vote

31 31. Herbert Hoover The Great Depression Dust Bowl
-Pres. when the stock market crashes in 1929 The Great Depression Dust Bowl

32 32. Franklin D. Roosevelt - The New Deal -World War II -Holocaust
-Japanese Internment

33 33. Harry S Truman -drops atomic bombs to end WWII -Marshall Plan
-Cold War -Korean War -United Nations created

34 34. Dwight D. Eisenhower -hero of WW II -McCarthyism
-Brown v. Board of Education- 1954 -interstate highway system

35 35. John F. Kennedy -elected in 1960- assassinated in 1963
“New Frontier” Berlin Wall built- 1961 Castro Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis NASA- the space race Peace Corp March on Washington

36 36. Lyndon B. Johnson -Pres. after Kennedy is assassinated
-Gulf of Tonkin Resolution -escalates the war in Vietnam -the “Great Society” “War on Poverty” Civil Rights Act-1964 Voting Rights Act

37 37. Richard M. Nixon -1968-re-elected in 1972 -visits China
-détente with the Soviet Union -Vietnamization of the War -Vietnam war ends in 1973

38 38. Gerald R. Ford -Pardons Nixon

39 39. James E. Carter -elected in 1976 -energy crisis -hostages in Iran
-Camp David Accords

40 40. Ronald Reagan -1980-1988 -Conservatism
“trickle down” theory of economics- Reganomics -supply side economics -Arms reduction talks with Soviets

41 41. George H.W. Bush -Gulf War- Operation Desert Storm- against Iraq -fall of Berlin Wall and USSR

42 42. William Jefferson Clinton (Bill)
-NAFTA -impeached -Balanced budget -good economy

43 43. George W. Bush -controversial election of 2000
- Attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 -War on Terror -Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan -PATRIOT Act -stimulus package and bank bail- out

44 44. Barack Obama -elected in 2008 -second stimulus package
-lack of confidence, political arguments continue to slow economy -conserv. –liberals unable to find compromise

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