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Uterotonics and Tocolytics in Medical Disorders How Safe are They?

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1 Uterotonics and Tocolytics in Medical Disorders How Safe are They?
Nuzhat Aziz Hyderabad, INDIA

2 Tocolytics are drugs used to stop Uterine contractions
Uterotonics to INDUCE / INCREASE uterine contractions

3 Why do we use them? Tocolytics Uterotonics
Stop preterm labour for 48 hours For Corticosteroid effect, in-utero transfer In utero resuscitation, ECV Uterotonics Induction of uterine contractions Augmentation of labour To prevent / treat PPH

4 Why do Obstetricians use these?
Tocolytics For in utero resuscitation For external cephalic version Difficult delivery To improve fetal survival Uterotonics Miscarriage Important - maternal survival

5 Why should we have this session?
Medical disorders complicating pregnancy Altered hemodynamics May not withstand changes Effects of smooth muscle Bronchospasm Patient safety measure Effects of uterotonics / tocolytics

6 Smooth Muscles We want to either relax or contract the uterine muscle

7 Smooth Muscles Other parts of the body
We get GI disturbances Affects heart contractility Bronchial muscles

8 Smooth Muscles Other parts of the body
Pulmonary arteries / veins Pulmonary vascular resistance Systemic circulation Systemic vascular resistance Coronary arteries Angina, Ischemia Brain Vasospasm, strokes

9 What is the recommended drug?
Beta-mimetics Ritodrine Isoxsuprine Terbutaline Magnesium sulphate Calcium channel blockers Nifedipine Prostaglandin inhibitors Indomethacin Oxytocin receptor antagonist Atosiban

10 Very Important to Remember
They are of benefit only for short time tocolysis No LONG Term Therapy Tocolytic treatment for the management of preterm labour: a systematic review. Tan et al. Singapore Med J 2006; 47(5) : 364

11 Why are we worried about using them in Medical Disorders ?

12 Beta-mimetics Drugs Terbutaline Hemodynamic Changes
Myocardial Fatigue Heart Rate Myocardial O2 demand Vascular Resistance

13 Beta-mimetics Contraindications
Cardiac disease Hyperthyroidism Chorioamnionitis Maternal tachycardia Sepsis

14 Beta-mimetics Drugs Lactic Acidosis
Glycogenolysis ↑ hyperglycemia Lactic acid production ↑ → metabolic acidosis Hypokalemia b2-Adrenergic Agents—Epinephrine, Ritodrine, Terbutaline, Salbumatol, and Dobutamine b-Agonists cause lactic acidosis in several ways. First, b2-adrenergic–mediated stimulation of muscle and hepatic phosphorylase and inhibition of glycogen synthetase stimulates glycolysis and, thereby, an increase in pyruvate production.116 In skeletal muscle, b-agonists stimulate Na1-K1-ATPase via upregulation of cyclic AMP.117 This increases generation of ADP and then phosphofructokinase, which accelerates glycolysis. 118 Then, the b-agonists inhibit PDH, which leads to decreased oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA and, thereby, increased reduction of the pyruvate to lactate.119 Lactic Acidosis: Recognition, Kinetics, and Associated Prognosis. Crit Care Clin 26 (2010) 255–283

15 Beta-mimetics Contraindications
Cardiac disease Hyperthyroidism Chorioamnionitis Maternal tachycardia Sepsis Poorly controlled diabetes

16 Pulmonary Edema, Maternal Deaths Beta-mimetics
Incidence of pulmonary edema – 4% Non cardiogenic Multiple tocolytics Fluid overload Multifactorial

17 Predisposing Risk Factors for Pulmonary Edema
Heart disease Pregnancy induced HTN Chorio-amnionitis Sepsis, Infections Betamimetics + Corticosteroids + IV fluids

18 Terbutaline Not for prolonged treatment / No Oral use

19 Oral Nifedipine Effective smooth muscle dilator
Lesser maternal effects Better tocolytic Contraindicated in Cardiac disease, aortic stenosis Hypotension

20 Sublingual Nifedipine
Increased adverse effects Systemic vasodilation Early, profound Delayed response on heart Angina, Reflex tachycardia Increased MORTALITY

21 Indomethacin Before 32 weeks Loading Dose: 50 mg
Maintenance 25 mg 4th hourly for 48 hours Contraindications: Maternal Hepatic or renal disease Acid peptic disease Oligohydramnios

22 Basic Rules for use of Tocolytics
They are used for short time – 48 hours Calcium channel blockers preferred Indomethacin before 32 weeks Do not give: Cardiac disease, hypotension, critically ill mother Fetal distress, chorioamnionitis, abruption

23 Avoid Complications Do not give tocolytics if
Maternal tachycardia - > 120 bpm Cardiac disease, infection Be careful with IV fluid infusion Do not use multiple drugs WATCH OUT for pulmonary edema

24 All contraindications have to be
How Safe are they? Absolute   Acute vaginal bleeding   Fetal distress   Lethal fetal anomaly   Chorioamnionitis   Preeclampsia or eclampsia   Sepsis   DIC Relative   Chronic hypertension   Cardiopulmonary disease   Stable placenta previa   Cervical dilation >5 cm   Placental abruption All contraindications have to be honoured


26 Uterotonics and Medical Disorders

27 Uterotonics 1. Oxytocin 2. Prostaglandins 3. Ergot Alkaloids
Misoprostol (Cytotec) 15-methyl Prostaglandin F2! 3. Ergot Alkaloids Methylergonovine (Methergine)

28 Uterine Contraction causes Auto-transfusion
Uterotonics effect smooth muscle function Uterine Blood into Systemic Circulation Cardiac Output 15% in I stage 50% in II stage

29 Uterotonics have an important role in prevention and management of PPH
Medical Diseases and Uterotonic Agents Cardiac Disease Pre-eclampsia Asthma Vascular diseases

30 Oxytocin Prophylaxis & treatment of atonic PPH
IM : 10 units as prophylaxis At Cesarean : units IV bolus Hemodynamic changes IV bolus > IV infusion > IM dose

31 Hemodynamic changes OXYTOCIN
Dose dependent 3 units - 5 units – 10 units One bolus Vs 2 bolus Increases heart rate Decreases contractility Decreases SVR significantly

32 Changes with 5 U Oxytocin

33 Oxytocin Hypotension Chest pain ECG changes
Svanström. Signs of myocardial ischaemia after injection of oxytocin: a randomized double-blind comparison of oxytocin and methylergometrine during Caesarean section. Br J Anaesth 100:683–689

34 Oxytocin Take home message
IV infusion or IM use preferred IV bolus at cesarean section: 3 or 5 IU IV infusion: Dose dependent effects - TITRATE

35 Prostaglandins Endogenous prostaglandins in labour
Peak at placenta delivery Action by increasing calcium Prostaglandins E : Misoprostol F classes : Carboprost tromethamine

36 Misoprostol in Cardiac Disease
Misoprostol PGE1 Best uterotonic to use in postpartum period 800 microgram, per rectal / oral Antepartum period Dinoprostone PGE2 Lesser incidence of hyperstimulation

37 PGF 2 alpha, Carboprost For PPH Dose : 250 mcg IM
Maximum of 8 doses at 15 min interval Can be given intramyometrial Increases pulmonary vascular resistance Contraindicated in PAH, Asthma

38 Methyl ergometrine Potent uterotonic drug Increases BP
Intense vasospasm : angina, strokes Exaggerated response: pre eclampsia IV cause more hemodynamic changes.

39 Medical Disorders and Uterotonics How can we make the safe?

40 Cardiac Disease and Uterotonics
Ask yourself Is there PAH? Will this patient tolerate increased HR? Can she tolerate fall in cardiac contractility ? Does she have a tight valvular lesion ? Can she tolerate fall in systemic vascular resistance ?

41 CARPREG Score Prior cardiac events 1 Prior arrhythmia
Heart failure, TIA, stroke before pregnancy Prior arrhythmia NYHA III or IV or cyanosis Valvular and outflow tract obstruction Aortic v area < 1.5 cm2, mitral v area < 2 cm2, Lt vent outflow tract peak gradient > 30 mm Myocardial dysfunction LVEF < 40%, Cardiomyopathy

42 CARPREG Score Prior cardiac events 1 Prior arrhythmia
Heart failure, TIA, stroke before pregnancy Prior arrhythmia NYHA III or IV or cyanosis Valvular and outflow tract obstruction Aortic v area < 1.5 cm2, mitral v area < 2 cm2, Lt vent outflow tract peak gradient > 30 mm Myocardial dysfunction LVEF < 40%, Cardiomyopathy

43 Cardiac disease Severe Valvular Heart Disease
20 units in 500 ml at 125 ml/hour (4 hours) Cardiac Disease Use a syringe pump 20 units in 20 cc syringe 5 U per hour for 4 hours Prophylaxis Oxytocin – IM or infusion only Misoprostol as a second line Restrict IV fluids

44 Cardiac disease Severe Valvular Heart Disease without PAH
Life threatening hemorrhage PGF2α : watching for its effects Methyl ergometrine

45 Cardiac disease Decreased Ejection Fraction
PPCM, Cardiomyopathy Oxytocin may cause sudden hypotension IV infusion Being prepared to tackle a crisis Second drug of choice - Misoprostol IM better , or IV infusion but NEVER IV bolus. Be prepared to tackle severe hypotension. Second drug of choice would be then Prostaglandins

46 Cardiac disease Increased Pulmonary HTN
Primary / secondary Avoid PGF2 alpha Intense pulmonary vascular constriction Increases PAH Shunt reversal Methyl Ergometrine : before PGF2 alpha

47 1 2 3 Asthma Oxytocin Methergine Carboprost Prostaglandin F class
Bronchospasm Pulm vasoconstriction History Vs acute episode Tackle bronchospasm

48 Moderate to High Risk Lesions NYHA III or IV Invasive hemodynamic monitoring Aneasthetist / intensivist / cardiologist Know the effects Be prepared to tackle the effects

49 Cardiac Disease Order of use
Oxytocin 20 units infusion Titrate to effect Misoprostol 800 µg rectal / oral Life threatening PPH PGF2α Do not use in PAH, shunts Methergine Do not use in CAD, PE, aneurysms

50 Uterotonics are life saving drugs
ABC of resuscitation Uterotonics are life saving drugs Bimanual compression Uterotonics Part of PPH protocol Relative contraindications Tamponade Compression sutures Hysterectomy

51 Conclusions Tocolytics : Making them Safer
Isoxsuprine / Ritodrine : Not to be used Terbutaline for rapid action : not available Do not use multiple drugs Do not give in CARDIAC disease / infection

52 Conclusions Uterotonics : Life Saving Drugs
IV bolus Oxytocin : not to be given Tertiary care centre : multidisciplinary Carboprost increases PAH Oxytocin and cardiomyopathy Medical disorders : relative contraindications

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