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1920-30’sJeopardy. Prosperit y Depression New Deal ProhibitionMisc 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "1920-30’sJeopardy. Prosperit y Depression New Deal ProhibitionMisc 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 1920-30’sJeopardy

2 Prosperit y Depression New Deal ProhibitionMisc 100 200 300 400 500

3 Prosperity 100 What was the period of Black culture? Harlem Renaissance

4 Prosperity 200 This mechanical advancement created jobs, popularized installment, promoted urban sprawl Mass production, assembly line

5 Prosperity 300 Advertising helped the economy in what way? Created a demand for goods

6 Prosperity 400 The installment plan allowed people to do what? Purchase goods over time

7 Prosperity 500 Who was the “Forgotten Man” identified by FDR People on the bottom of the economic pyramid

8 Depression 100 How did the Depression effect employment? Unemployment skyrocketed

9 Depression 200 What did they call little towns made up of shacks during the Depression? Shantytowns/Hooverville

10 Depression 300 What president believed in Rugged Individualism? Hoover

11 Depression 400 What were the personal results of the Depression Increased suicide, 25% unemployment, men abandoning families

12 Depression 500 What do we call the day the stock market crashed (Oct. 24, 1929) Black Tuesday

13 New Deal 100 What does the term “Alphabet Soup” refer to? Acronyms for the New Deal programs

14 New Deal 200 Who is the president that introduced the New Deal? FDR

15 New Deal 300 What were the goals of the New Deal? Economic recovery, financial reform, relief for needy

16 New Deal 400 What was the CCC? Civilian Conservation Corp, put men to work building roads and planting trees

17 New Deal 500 BONUS

18 Prohibition 100 What was the purpose the of Women’s Christian Temperance Union Pass prohibition

19 Prohibition 200 Why was prohibition repealed? It was unenforceable

20 Prohibition 300 What did they call a hidden saloon or nightclub? Speakeasy

21 Prohibition 400 For what crime was Al Capone arrested? Tax evasion

22 Prohibition 500 What specifically was illegal under the 18 th amendment? Selling or transporting alcohol

23 Misc 100 What was the Dust Bowl? Midwest region hit by drought

24 Misc 200 Who were the Oakies? People who moved west to escape the Dust Bowl

25 Misc 300 How did President Hoover respond to the Depression? Encouraged volunteerism, wait it out, trickle down economics, rugged individualism

26 Misc 400 What were the causes of the Great Depression? Stock market crash, bank failure, protectionist policies

27 Misc 500 How did the Depression become even worse? Economic spiral, dust bowl, bank closures, could not pay debts

28 BONUS #1 How did the power of the government expand as a result of the New Deal? Government regulated many industries, Social programs were instituted, welfare state, environment…

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