Prepared by: M P Li Functional Language Making Suggestions.

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2 Prepared by: M P Li Functional Language Making Suggestions

3 Prepared by: M P Li Discovering language Read the conversation and find four ways of making suggestions. A:Let’s order. What shall we eat? B:What about fruit salad? A:Sounds good to me. Shall we have some chicken wings as well? B:Sure! Why don’t we have some spaghetti to go with it? A: That’s fine. Waiter...

4 Prepared by: M P Li Language for making suggestions When making suggestions the following phrases can be used : Let’s + infinitive. E.g. It’s raining. Let’s take an umbrella. How/What about + gerund/noun phrase? E.g. It’s stopped raining. How about going to see a film? Why don’t we + infinitive? E.g. It’s stopped raining. Why don’t we go to see a film? Shall we + infinitive? E.g. It’s stopped raining. Shall we leave now?

5 Prepared by: M P Li Practice 1 : Mary: I am very tired. Tony: (take/rest)

6 Prepared by: M P Li Tony: 1. What/How about taking a rest? 2. Let’s take a rest. 3. Shall we take a rest? 4. Why don’t we take a rest?

7 Prepared by: M P Li Practice 2 : Amy: What’s wrong with our car? Paul: The car is broken. (call/garage)

8 Prepared by: M P Li Paul: The car is broken. 1. Let’s call the garage. 2. Why don’t we call the garage? 3. How/What about calling the garage? 4. Shall we call the garage?

9 Prepared by: M P Li Practice 3: Joan: The plane’s delayed! Bill: Yes. (go for a drink)

10 Prepared by: M P Li Bill: Yes. 1. Shall we go for a drink then? 2. Let’s go for a drink then. 3. How/What about (going for) a drink? 4. Why don’t we go for a drink?

11 Prepared by: M P Li Oral practice: Your form teacher is going to retire this year. Your class intends to hold a farewell party for him. Work with 3 to 4 students, and decide on: when and where you are going to hold it; who you are going to invite; what food you are going to prepare; whether you will buy him a present; whether you are going to play any games; any other topics that you are interested in.

12 Prepared by: M P Li Related website: For more information on functional modal verbs, visit odalchart.htm

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