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John Williams Director QVisual Ltd. The wider Horizons for Telecare Caring technology.

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Presentation on theme: "John Williams Director QVisual Ltd. The wider Horizons for Telecare Caring technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Williams Director QVisual Ltd

2 The wider Horizons for Telecare Caring technology

3 Traditionally Alarm button, resident driven A few specialised sensors One sensor to do one job Inflexible

4 The new technology Battery flexible sensors Wide range of things can be monitored and easy install and moveable Smart software to analyse

5 Making it meaningful over the internet

6 Collecting the information Room temp OK Fridge access and door left open Motion Lights switched on Bed/chair sensors Doors windows open Enuresis sensor Heating boiler running Stove left on or being used Television on

7 Family Talk - a new dimension A closed family network Photos and images

8 Mimo Family Talk Reminders for those daily tasks

9 The Way Ahead - for Care Wrist device, fall detector and alarm button Wrist device with personal ID, staff, carer or resident Position fixing (non GPS) Predictive alerts

10 Alert threshold

11 THE WAY AHEAD - FAMILY TALK Direct connection to display on their TV Resident notices - Menus, Classes Skype interaction Carer posted contact info or messages

12 More Responsive and time Efficient A Safer living Space A Social connection New ideas with the new Technology

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